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Everything posted by Kalbintion

  1. Use the issue tracker to report this problem. See the quote below (of Loader's signature) for the necessary information.
  2. That actually isn't two separate ones to install, but rather getting the base pack, and then modifying it with the additional files before attempting to use it. those instructions need to be followed otherwise it will fail to work and can cause the game to crash.
  3. Please note that the link provided contains additional steps to installing it outside of just downloading the files. Make sure to read the "How to install" section on that thread.
  4. When you're in your modpacks folder, its under the config folder with the name "InfernalMobs.cfg"
  5. In order to get rid of that issue, you would have to remove the mod responsible for showing it. (I think it is Armor GUI? But not entirely sure)
  6. That type of power set-up can cause chunks to go away (ie: anything in that chunk will be lost) due to chunk corruption.
  7. I've used spawnpoint myself in aotb so i know the command works, whether or not it works with the command block in that fashion is unknown to me. it could use @r instead of @a but it wouldn't be for sure that it gets every single user.
  8. That video doesnt seem to show any problems at all. If you're having an issue, post on the tracker. and please make sure you follow the tracker guidelines found at '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  9. Could attempt to use the command "/spawnpoint" via a command block on a timer with something like "spawnpoint @a ~ ~1 ~" to set spawn to one block above the command block (should be sitting on top of the block) the ~ ~1 ~ can be replaced with the x y z coordinate.
  10. I had mentioned in my response to your PM to me to make a post on the tracker, this isn't the tracker. However, this issue seems to be stemming from an item that does not exist nor is it properly supported. It seems to be attempting to add an incorrect energy cell item to your inventory. Use a NBT editor (like NBTExplorer) to remove the item from your inventory.
  11. This is an issue with MCPC, it was fixed in its latest version. Technic actually released news about this (under a very peculiar name too)
  12. Servers related to AotB should be posted in the appropriate section at here
  13. Running the launcher twice won't always show this issue however, as long as you don't close the second launcher you opened (as that will contain the newest info for the session)
  14. Personally, I don't recommend any changes to the configs, the defaults are designed for a reason and honestly it works as-is as long as you know about current quirks and issues. The main thing I've noticed that servers do however is disable the crayfish oven from being allowed due to the potential crashing of it.
  15. It is possible that an antivirus program is causing a delay as it is attempting to check the traffic to make sure it is legitimate and not potentially hazardous, causing it to be longer in time for it to send the info or receive info, making the ping appear to be higher. And since you say you're having this issue with multiple servers, I would have to guess this.
  16. Been playing a lot of AotB lately, trying to get my witchery house done.

  17. For issues related to the modpack, please post it on the tracker after reading the >guidelines
  18. Sounds like a bad connection to the server you're attempting to connect to.
  19. Attack of the B-Team was designed to get away from a massive amount of power related mods (this was noted in one of generikb's videos) and adding additional mods that use power would really have to be thought carefully about.
  20. Setting the ID of any block or item you wish to disable to the value "0" should effectively disable that item/block. You will need to edit the appropriate config file. For the oven, it should be in the cfm.cfg file.
  21. For those of you having issues with 1.0.10a crashing, please post on the tracker, after reading the guidelines >here
  22. AotB tracker has so many badly titled issues.

  23. @cubeguy - as mentioned by Loader in the post above, the logs will be of help. Refer to Loader's signature to learn how to get the reports necessary (its the link that says "Getting a Crash Report")
  24. Agree'd that this needs to be updated. First one to add to the updated list: The oven.... (which i reported then ended up finding tons of other reports a bit later... http://forums.technicpack.net/tracker/issue-797-mrcrayfish-oven/ is my report with a list of all of the other reports and a proposed fix posting)
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