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Everything posted by hoho

  1. Tiny nitpicking but it's actually a zip container. If you rename it to have .zip extension even windows explorer can open it. But yeah, file associations seem to be a bit wonky for you. Try to download the .jar somehow and run it in terminal (an example on how to do it is here: http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,8902.msg61606.html#msg61606) and paste us any messages you get.
  2. As long as you configure the block ID's right it will work.
  3. Only way for the "glitch" to happen is to write multi-threaded code and do it wrong. If he isn't writing multi-threaded stuff then he simply seems to be clueless and possibly ignoring side effects on the conditionals.
  4. That flamethrower is not using napalm but seemingly good-old regular fuel. Also, vaginas are nice but I for one prefer having the whole thing, not just one tiny part of the body. Makes for far more fun for both participants as well.
  5. Pretty sure it was a bug as all three NPCs had speech options that all seemed to indicate them joining me but as I said only one actually did. As for human-error, I kind of doubt it. Over the years I've pulled off some rather crazy stuff in other MMOs when soloing things I shouldn't be able to and nothing seemed to work there. Perhaps it was my profession that simply lacked the "punch" but I wouldn't count on it (throwing 3 "copies" of myself in as tanks I was able to tickle one mob to around 60% HP before I got gibbed, each copy survived about 2-3 seconds). It wasn't possible to kite them either as they were leashed to relatively tiny spot and when they reached it's border they just turned around, healed to full and ran back.
  6. Well, there was that one quest where I got down-scaled to level 6, had 3 friendly NPC's and two of them just didn't help me at all. The third one ran in the middle of 7 mobs and dropped dead. Whenever I tried to pick off one of those 7 mobs they all agrod me and proceeded to blow me to pieces and that third and only active NPC was just dead and there was no way to either keep her alive or resurrect her. It was some Norn story quest where I was supposed to save the minotaur spirit. I'm not sure if those NPCs were supposed to help me or not. If not then that quest was horribly out of balance and I couldn't even give any feedback on it as I was unable to finish it.
  7. Level 10 was the best I could push myself in the beta before I set it aside due to boredom. Guess I'm getting old or something. I do have it bought so I'll likely do all the content eventually but I highly doubt I'd be playing it all that much.
  8. I know it doesn't, I just meant that if it did have one I wouldn't play it.
  9. Clean graffiti is any different from picking up objets how, exactly? I think there wasn't even a different animation used. Haven't seen any portals yet and only one big worm so far. Nothing spectacular that would make me go "wow, haven't seen this before/done so well" I said I'm just at L7 and in starter area, probably not much interesting there but to be honest starter areas should be interesting so that people in the upcoming demo version could get good enough impression of the game and buy the full version. Hiding everything to later stages isn't a particularly good business idea. According to the little I've seen so far I'd say I had more fun running through the goblin starter area in cataclysm than nord's in GW2.
  10. So I finally got around to trying the beta some hours ago. I had preloaded it and logging in went nicely. I got to around L7 with my mesmer with a couple of disconnects and crashes and now it seems that servers have been down for quite a while. As for the game I'd say it's nothing too special, at least not in the beginner-area. Sure, you have options for quests but basically it boils down to either killing N mobs or picking up N items. There were also the regular escort and "go there" quests. So far I've yet to see anything I've not seen done ad nauseam in other MMOs. Combat is still the regular buttonmashing, just that you can melee without being in range and thus miss everything. For the 40€ I paid it's a nice thing to have but I highly doubt I'd pay a monthly fee for it unless end-game gets that much better. Then again considering they have been saying that entire game is "like end-game" I'm not holding my breath.
  11. Copying a good idea isn't too bad when it's done right. I mean Blizzard has been doing that since day one with every single game they have and seems to be doing quite well. But yeah, if you don't improve on the stuff you copy then you ae doomed.
  12. I won't be of much use for you as I haven't dealt with Java-based security stuff much but I just wanted to clarify that what you try to achieve is preventing mods from doing bad stuff, right? Might also be a good idea to somehow figure out what server is the client connected to and somehow filter/block all network access to other things or block it completely for SSP.
  13. Saddest part about this is that not even DX11 has yet caught up with tons of latest OpenGL features and it's architecture is done in such a way that it's impossible to have d3d be as efficient as OpenGL is. Basically you can have around 2x more draw calls per second in "vanilla" OpenGL and ~10x more with vendor-specific extensions (that should be incorporated into the ARB stuff soonish).
  14. I'm quite sure it's happening but I'm not sure if everything, not just OS'es, getting dumbed down is cause or effect.
  15. There is a suggestions thread in SSP subforum and many of the SSP mods get into SMP as well.
  16. We shall see. Blizzard learnt their lesson from WG and applied it quite well on the Cata open-world battleground (3 different equally-valuable targets), I'm sure GW2 has similar map mechanics to prevent people from bunching up too often. If not then they are either waaaay better at network programming than Blizzard, having vastly superior HW or simply overconfident in both of those :)
  17. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=redpower+2+frames&oq=redpower+2+frames prepare to be amazed
  18. So those 750 people are spread around that area (around the size of a couple of Northerend zones) fighting different targets? If so then I'd say there WILL be smaller groups of people in close vicinity than there were in Wintergrasp and the whole scaling/lag issue is moot.
  19. I know and I'm one of the very few who is constantly correct about anything!
  20. I bet if you'd ask from anyone about their job pretty much all of them would claim the same about themselves :)
  21. They do know about the bugs and they have given a perfectly good reason why they are not going to provide bugfix releases (hint: it makes life harder for everyone in reality) I'd say it's mostly your reading comprehension and missing out the reasoning behind the teams actions.
  22. Will that keep be the only target to be attacked during a battle or will there be side areas as well? E.g Blizz added towers you could destroy to make life easier for the attackers and spread people around to attack/defend them instead of bunching up behind the wall and it did help quite a bit. As long as there is something similar in GW I can't see that much of a problem in it.
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