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Everything posted by DanielUSA

  1. You can use a reinforced tank with a comparator to turn off the XP shower also.
  2. It would be really cool if you pre-generated a map and put all the stuff in there we would need. A pre built 5x5 shelter should be good with a chest with supplies.
  3. Ok, thank you. That is much easier than making autonomous activators.
  4. If you make a base and stay put for a long while, like a few moon days you can wander around the immediate area and find fresh meteors. They seem to like to fall in the chunks that are around you quite often.
  5. First: I know the only other village is more than 100 blocks away. I didn't copy the set up exactly but I had more than 16 villagers. Second: I don't have ore berries, also they only count as a nugget. I don't mind building the Iron Golem spawner because it will make good practice for vanilla. Third: I didn't know MFR Harvestors worked on berries but I know they work on cotton. I know you can put a chip on them to make the input grid greater but can you place them behind a block? or under a floor? Do they harvest one block higher, at level height, and one block lower?
  6. Thank you, I will have to try it out in my own game.
  7. I had an infinite villager spawner and I never saw a single Iron Golem. I have no idea when they were implemented into Minecraft either. I saw an iron golem farm made by DocM that I want to duplicate.
  8. Liquid XP is great. For example: You can make mobs give exp even when they don't give exp. Like if you have a mob spawn room and they die from fall damage they will drop exp. You can use it for fuel.
  9. @HnVx Upload your pictures here: http://tinypic.com/ Then when it is done uploading you will get a few options on the left. One should say something like "for sharing" which will be hyperlink to your picture. Copy that hyperlink. Come back here and make a post. There is a square in the second tool bar of the reply post (where you type to send a message) that says "Image" click that then paste your hyperlink in there. That should work, if it doesn't then you might be able to just paste the hyperlink directly.
  10. Make sure you don't have a firewall and your internet isn't lagging. Stuff like that makes those progress bars freeze.
  11. They still spawn in vanilla biomes. That is why they must be super rare for you.
  12. Sure, not a problem. Thanks for considering it.
  13. you need to set it to items and use an item duct connected to a chest. You put the stuff in the chest and the item ducts pulls it into a tesseract. When the item got sent it would go into another item duct connected to a different chest which had a comparator next to it. When the item would arrive in the chest the comparator would send a signal to a redstone lamp that would light up and let you know you had an item.
  14. IDED can you cover the Liquid XP mod?
  15. I have a list of Dimensions to go to but Tropicraft isn't there. The only modded dimension I found was the moon. Edit: What is the Dimension number? That is what I ment to ask.
  16. Vy I know exactly what you mean. I get the "double-click syndrome" as well. It just happens whenever it wants. I am certain it is due to the way Minecraft "sees" it's blocks. The issue got really bad in a barn I made out of carpenters blocks. Every time I looked down I would place 1 or 2 blocks extra. I thought it was my mouse button being wore down due to constant use but I am beginning to rule this thought out because I play other games and I don't have that issue.
  17. Who can I ask to get this post Pinned?
  18. @Phlexor Are you using fluiducts to move the oil and the fuel between machines?
  19. Any way this post can get stickied? (Is that correct?)
  20. I'm going to try it. I want some more gun powder. I will inform when I find out if this process will work.
  21. Even God wants to smite those villagers for emeralds!! '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  22. Yea guys, OP has a cracked client.
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