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Everything posted by DanielUSA

  1. I like how it look like an oil rig.
  2. You could make rowan doors put the rowan keys inside the better storage chest then put a lock on the better storage chest. You could also craft rowan key key-chains from multiple rowan keys.
  3. You need to look for a shader that works with minecraft version 1.6.4.
  4. Anywhere I can find any more information on rednet cable? I always use energy conduits and wire due to the fact I thought those where the only two forms on carrying energy.
  5. You can pipe power out of pigs on treadmills?
  6. Try copying your save game from vanilla minecraft and pasting it inside the AOTBT save folder. There are programs such as worldedit or mcedit; one let's you save certain areas and load them into another world save.
  7. Great Sync Tutorial Video.
  8. I found the id number for the fruit tree leaves but I don't know where to add them.
  9. Hey there My name is Daniel and I have been gaming for a very long time. I have also been enjoying AOTBT for a while in single player due to bad servers. I have been given privileges in some and been kicked from others. Some I just leave due to the kind of people that migrated there. I really enjoy playing the latest builds and ever since I quit playing multiplayer and started my single player world I haven't been able to stop. I play daily and sometimes record and upload videos or live stream to twitch.tv. Other times I am discovering bugs and posting them on the tracker or relaying to other players on the forums. I have been in charge of small groups of people in the past and it isn't something that I mind doing. I can teach the basics of how to enjoy the mod pack. I have Skype (mex13bigboy) and teamspeak/ventrilo/steam. Like I said I have had problems in the past when playing on servers and that caused me to get back into my single player world which I am enjoying greatly, but you sound like me and that is why I am responding to this post. I also tried to get a group of +18 year old players but have always failed to do so. If I were to get accepted I would want to have OP controls to be able to switch into creative and survival when I wanted because that is how I am playing my single player game and it is really fun that way. I am not a builder, I am a mechanist/inventor first. My first mods were advanced genetics and minefactory reloaded. If you have read my post this far and are still interested in accepting me I am from the USA. I don't log into my Skype but I can and do if it is to get a chat going. I also don't enjoy being around drinkers or smokers so if that is going to be a thing you can go ahead and forget all that I said. I have had people on Skype who drink and smoke like it is going out of style and I don't like being in that kind of environment..... I am 27/m from the USA. My Skype is Mex13bigboy and I would like to join your NA server. Thank you for your consideration.
  10. Yes. I do. I whitelisted myself to the coconut bomb whitelist and blew up a bunch of dinosaurs.
  11. press the letter O while your viewing your inventory.
  12. I figured it was a chunk loading issue and No Problem glad it helped.
  13. That will allow me to fill giant holes really fast.
  14. Sphax Pack... At first I was like that too until someone told me.
  15. I don't know where you go to request mods be included but I would think this mod would be worth it especially since the B team had to redo the mod themselves.
  16. I changed the debug from false to true and saved the config file but I still can not figure out how to get the golden eye to fly like an eye of ender. It is fully charged by the way.
  17. The laptop does have 4 GB of ram. I launched "Era del Futuro" mod on it with no issue but launching AOTBT causes instant lag. (I tell you this because I read about AOTBT on PC Gamer and these were the top 2 mods.)
  18. I thought the Sphax pack used to tell you to donate to Sphax pack. When I launched today I didn't see it so I could be wrong. I went with my first instinct and thought that would remedy the issue. Sorry.
  19. It sounds like your going to have to edit the server files to warp your avatar somewhere else. I don't know if this will work but you could remove you "morph.dat" file and try to log into the world and see if your a Steve now. After you fix it (if it works) you can place the morph.dat file back and get all your morphs back.
  20. What do you mean by "local host"/ What is local host? An IP address? Could you type an example out? I always have problems using LAN and this sounds like it might fix my issue.
  21. You need a program like mc edit and then edit your player position to the spawn position.
  22. Ok sounds like you got a good set up there. The final step we need to cover is this: You need to create a "poppet shelf". The poppet shelf is considered a chunk loader. This will keep the chunk loaded at all times, so your items won't get unloaded when you log off. You can press F9 twice to see the size of a chunk. You may need to make more than one poppet shelf but you will need one loading the chunk your sawmill/plank chest is. If you are still having issues with items disappearing then I don't know what else to tell you. It sounds like your server might have a mod that clears items or unloads chunks. In which case; items in ducts or minefactory machines aren't considered "safe". Also, you can steal stuff from dynamos and minefactory machines even if you have worldguard on. If I were you I would make a single player creative world and test out the disappearance of items there. You could also reinstall the modpack... Honestly if the poppet shelf doesn't do it; I don't have any idea. good luck
  23. Just recreate your world with the same world name/seed and it will restart your old world. In case you want be on the safer side you could go into your attack-of-the-b-team mod folder then into your save folder. Copy all the contents of the world you are working on somewhere else. Then recreate the world you were on. You have to have the same seed number/ seed name. Then paste your old world into that. But I have recreated my old world before just by recreated my world with the same seed. For example I use my name as my seed so I just type it in and it will rebuild my world.
  24. The title basically sums it up. When I use Enhanced portals I am having mobs from one dimension show up in another. I can fix it by closing my game and reloading my save but is there anything to stop it from happening all together? For example my animals show up on the moon. Moon mobs show up in tropicraft.
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