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Everything posted by DanielUSA

  1. I'm experiencing an issue with Mc Crayfish Oven and Raw Beef. If this happens to anyone else I will put it on the tracker and upload my crash log. [i'm going to go ahead and put it on the tracker] The issue is: Place a stack of raw beef in a slot. Raw Beef will cook but will stop cooking once 1 Beef has cooked. Shift-Left Click like you are trying to move a stack and Minecraft will display an internal server closing error. Drag and drop the meat into your inventory and you will not crash. I haven't figured out how to make it cook continuously. It wasn't like that before the latest build.
  2. I have made it to the moon! I will upload a video later.
  3. The new latest version feels good so far. It should fix a bunch of smaller things.
  4. modem also have firewalls that you need to turn off. there is an option in your modem settings that is called "DMZ". I always turn it off because it causes issues when Peer 2 Peer connecting.
  5. Are using any other types of mods? Are you using the latest build? Because if your not you should. If I were you I would switch to the newest version. You could do another test like this. Get a compression dynamo; I think that's what its called. Then add a block of coal and mob essence or LXP (liquid experience). Log off an see if those also erase.
  6. If you are really wondering if something is wrong get two dynamo set ups and and two energy cells. Place them on top of the dynamos and in one burn 6 planks and in another burn 1 charcoal and see how much energy the cell has after the dynamos stop.
  7. Are you talking about the gauge on the left staying in the middle? That happened to me but I never noticed a big difference.
  8. Are minecarts really supposed to go up hills? I just read it on the tracker that it is a vanilla feature. I remember trying to do this on Minecraft PS3 edition and the carts don't travel up hill.
  9. Of course pigs! Did you know you can feed a pig trail mix and it will fly? If you have a saddle you can fly on a pig. I don't know about you but I have gone for long periods of times when I can't find a bat. For example I wanted to role play that I was building a rocket in my barn and I use mine carts to haul my stuff up to the second story of my barn. I wanted to use the mine carts with chest and then burn sticks in mine carts with furnaces so they push my metal ingots upstairs where I can compress them to make parts.
  10. The minecarts are glitched right now so if you don't mind moving around your world slowly; make some wooden tracks (or normal iron rails) and build a minecart; and push forward! You don't need any kind of locomotion or energy! You can also push other carts too. I already posted to the tracker but you could check it out for yourself. It is slow but you could move a cart with a chest or maybe two carts with a chest (haven't tested two) up inclines without having powered rails or burning fuel in minecarts with furnaces.
  11. I have the same issue but it is on a laptop. The mod pack completely destroys it. I think it is due to the amount of mods that are in the mod pack. Also you probably have some overheating issues going on if you are running at 140 frames and still got lag spikes. Try cleaning the inside of you computer and/or getting more/better fans.
  12. Hey kingofflight you have to make sure that both of your firewalls are turned off.You will need to disable this on both computers so that you can connect. Go to control panel. Look for "windows firewall". Open it and disable it.
  13. If you are using Sphax pack remove your sphax pack from the resource folder and launch with normal minecraft textures.
  14. You can run a single player world and open it to lan, what you then do is get the ip address hamachi gives you then add a colon and the port number and that is your server address. For example you launch hamachi and you (the host) is given an IP number. The number is displayed above the friend list. Let's say your number is Ok now you create a room in hamachi and your friend connects to it. Now open up minecraft the normal way and launch the world you want to play in. Once inside the world hit esc and click on open to lan. This will open your game to people on hamachi. Once you click on open to lan you will be give a set of numbers. I think it will say port numbers XXXX. For example you clicked "open to lan" from the minecraft game menu and your chat box says "Port number 55698". Now to get your minecraft server address you need to mash up two numbers. The hamachi IP address and the minecraft port number. SOOOOO!! your minecraft server address would be which is the two numbers put together with a colon to distinguish both numbers. NOW! you give this number to your friend then he/she clicks on "multiplayer" inside of minecraft and types that number in and your game should now appear on their screen. Be careful though lan games can be buggy if you don't have fast internet. Cheers and GLHF
  15. Remove the entire set up and rebuild it. Also switch to planks. It is as easy as removing the furnace and installing a sawmill. You could even make a nullifier to take the sawdust if you don't want to keep it. I keep the sawdust so I can make charcoal for storing. But you get more energy from 6 planks than you do from 1 charcoal.
  16. I know that dynamos will use up all the fuel non stop. What you can do is make a lever that you flip so charcoal stops going to the dynamos and then when you log in hit the switch to start your dynamos. Another thing you can do is make an online detector that will keep the machine on while your online and then turn off when you log off. You could try making a poppit shelf to ensure that items are not getting deleted when chunks get unloaded. Your friend could be taking your charcoal. I have also run into this issue and wondered what happened so now I use a lever to control the use of planks. Well planks are more economical than charcoal so switch to a sawmill and remove your furnace. What I do now is that I have a deep storage unit that stores sawdust and one that runs from a chest that stores planks. The chest has itemducts which I turn on and off and I have one item duct that constantly feeds my deep storage unit which holds planks. I usually set the stack size to about 1 or 2 then I up it to 4, this allows my chest to stay full and feed my dynamos but at the same time keep storing planks at a reasonable rate.
  17. I think drying racks are direction sensitive. Try placing them facing a different direction.
  18. So I am trying to use a minecart with furnace but it isn't allowing me to open it's inventory to place fuel inside. The minecart is giving me a wierd name with periods in it also.
  19. That has happened to me, I don't know the exact cause but it fixed itself when I removed one of the purple pipes. I use reinforced lockers and I put two purple pipes on it and it displayed double amounts I don't know why.
  20. How exactly does a comparator work? Wouldn't it shut off the system if the chest had 1 item in it?
  21. Ok so just don't break the block first and it should be ok?
  22. How do casting channels work really? I tried to use them but I never quite understood. My thinking was that they were like fluid ducts but I could never get them to work. In the 1.0c or whatever I made lava move using the pipes but I don't remember how.
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