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Everything posted by linkthegamer

  1. You make sure to grab a new copy of the server zip to reinstall from? The configuration files you need to change are in the config folder, but I seem to have got it to set up right on my computer from just a new server zip.
  2. 1. Abbreviation for a more profane way of saying mad. Also could mean Post Office if followed by the word box. 2. Not on this website. Can also mean not in a specific area in the real world.
  3. The EE Pedastal and the Buildcraft Legacy Block are trying to occupy the same spot. Sounds like one of the config files got messed up and is using the default block placements, might want to back up your server world (if any) and try a reinstall, if that doesn't work you are going to have to manually go in and reallocate block IDs.
  4. Depending on if he got POed at Technic or not he might keep up his blog since it is mainly offsite now a days anyway (he seemed to have only posted that there were updates here since it came back from hiatus). I was actually planing on telling him I was thinking of trying something like his blog myself as a writing experiment in my free time.
  5. The only time I will ever PM a moderator is to apologize for my extremely stupid behavior or if there was like some critical security hole on the server or something that is actually "Important". Other then that I would not touch a non-black/pink named user's email, PM, or IM (if they had them) buttons with a 10 ft pole.
  6. I know, you have no idea how hard it was to find the words for a report comment. There where just so many gems to choose from.
  7. Re: Message to the creators of tpl! "Working Hack Here" Bug report for your "Hack": 1. Try contacting Mojang? They seems nice, I'm sure they would help people give them money via a wire or something. If they can afford the game just get a job. 2. They don't have to they have full rights? 3. They would not have listen, they do not support the pirated versions. 4. The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement? Really... you quote a piece of legislation with the main goal of stopping piracy to prove your point? Well I guess Kakermix is the "Big ACTA daddy" now. I hope i don't get in trouble for this part but: Stop Whining Stop Whining Stop Whining Stop Whining Stop Whining And whine the heck did the Technic team lead a mass genocide and doctor up the documentation? In that case: Cheap Shot: WHERE ARE THE BODIES? Kakermix: Is that what your kakes are made of? Agelian: So the launcher is made from the melted hope and dreams of cracked users? IceWolf: I don't know enough to pose a question to you.
  8. Don't think you can manually toggle it on and off. It will come on if you have logged in once for the modpack you select. So basically if you want to play offline you will have to boot the launcher up while offline.
  9. Well obviously his immense love of water strainers, turntables, AND tees has obviously proved too much for him and broke his mind into tiny bite sized pieces.
  10. Yeah Notch kinda just seemed like a guy who made a game based on an idea he like and then was in it for the fun, he never struck me as being into serious development and more just doing what he thought was cool or fun. Mojang as been good with most bugfixes... they try to only leave the ones that have been used in cool builds. Bug fixing is a rather boring task to do, I mean it is just finding where in the code something go all messed up, not as rewarding as adding something new.
  11. Also check for the existence of the Program Files (x86) folder (which stores 32-bit programs on 64-bit Windows), if you have that you need the 64-bit java 7. If not you need the 32-bit.
  12. Yeah, Smooth lighting was by MrMessiah and McRegion world format was by Scaevolus. I don't know if they got paid though. Also interestingly Scaevolus got credit in game, every time a file from before beta 1.3 was converted it would say "Converting to Scaevolus's McRegion".
  13. I can see them, check for other ad blockers and stuff and clear your caches Lingerie and Baby items, combine that with the stock and progressive ads i have right now. I think the ad agency wants everyone here to make some babies and start a family. Also saw some odd ad for the GIMP through some 3rd party site XP. I tend to get my software from the main site since those versions tend to package with junk I do not want, link an app to install over 500+ hideous facebook themes (man... I remember the days of puke worthy myspace layouts). But yeah I think i will actually go ahead an leave my ad block off here, the loss of space is not that much. On topic stuff: Yeah my main thing on ad.fly was when i had the adblocker off so they would get the view most of what i got where those hideous Complete this survey before proceeding ones or the fake mediafire download page ones. If modder didn't worship it like it was the neatest thing since sliced bread and they actually did what they said and SCANNED the ads it would not be that bad. But is it more or less just a crappy service that cause people to whine over pennies and maybe try to manipulate the system with tricks and optimizing mod updates to get more views (don't know of any that do that but there is likely on person who figures more updates, more views, more money)
  14. Anonymous seems to be a few good hackers with a legion of script kiddies. Most the power they have is the fact everyone who follows them can install a program on a computer that lets packet flow be directed via an IRC channel. They do still exist, currently an FBI mole has managed to bust a few of them. (I did some study of them and the /i/sergancy in my freetime on day) It is sad that the other forums are pretty badly decayed. The major problem I had with MCF (and kinda now Yogcast forums) is no one seems to read and thinks they no one else has ever had their problems and can't bother to read at least the last two pages before making a post, I hate having to type the same thing over and over. Of course then the help get buried and then someone whines "Why is no one helping us?". Just kinda feels like most forums run on sort of a chaos where as long as you curse or say anything too offensive you get free reign to do whatever. Plus this place has no real e-peen measuring system (like account levels or post counts) so I can actually post fixes without worrying about looking like one of those lowly people that tricks noobs into downloading stuff to steal information. (Oh how I hate jerks like that.) I actually do find myself liking the strictness here. It feels like you can actually have intelligent discussions and provide decent tech support for the pack rather then just being the chaos of other places. Plus it's not no fun, stick up your bum strict here, as long as you obey the rules and all. Plus as long as you do nothing majorly rule breaking you just get a pink name, the title hellen keller, and some witty comment from the mod dealing out the punishment.
  15. Got a link to those? I doubt Mojang has another Minecraft in them, it is kind of a one time thing. They will go on to make fun games but I doubt they will make another game that makes everyone go "DUDE, check out this game." Kinda of like any popular game, only one of them was usually a breakout success, the other did very well but that one game is still the one everyone remembers them for. Mojang seems to still be indie at heart so as long as they feel indie they will likely remain like they are and not become an evil corporation for a while yet. So I might as well ask a question that other people can answer: What do you think of Mojang as a company? Would you want to work for them or do you think they have too much fun and that is why progress on minecraft is so slow sometimes and if they just toned down the playing around minecraft would already have things like the mod API and such? (i will answer after someone else does.)
  16. From how simpleguy explained it in a PM this is okay: "Hey dude, please read <rules link> you just broke a couple of them." This is not: "You are a Doofus, you are going to get kellered so fast your head will spin." Basically it is acting like your name is in blue (or red or green) and you are in charge of dishing out the punishment. Likely just mention the infractions not the punishment, for example, i got kellered for it for saying "You will get a pink name because..." which sounds like I am going to give then punishment.
  17. I guess I am one of the last vanilla players here. XP I think it could defiantly aid in better looking vanilla buildings. Since people already have been using blocks in ways notch and jeb would never thing of, like stairs for roofs and such. The new lamps are nice as well (Useless for technic due to redpower lights) are nice as well and it looks like we might get a desert structure next update as hieroglyphs have been found hiding in the terrain and that strange desert well is still around. Vanilla does get boring sometimes but then i have SMP servers i can visit, I could fire up AC or ZC, install a mod like the aether, Grab an adventure map, or, of course, play technic/tekkit/yogbox. I still try and replay vanilla every so often, after you have been away for a while some of the fun can return (plus the challenge when you have been playing modes that make stuff easier). PS: Kaker, Mods in general make most minecraft updates pointless since 99% of the time if the people want it then it gets added in some mod, and usually a vastly superior version of it to (redpower allows a lot more size options and placements, the piston mod let pistons launch entities).
  18. Very true. I think this would have been worse when BTW was new but now you can get most the functions you would want from it with other mods that actually attempt to be compatible with each other. Should probably get back to talking about BuildCraft instead of BTW.
  19. I agree that he might have his own API to run BTW on, but I don't think he is going to release it and say, "Use this if you want to have your mod work with mine". He seems to just like to keep BTW's stuff to himself from what i have heard and read.
  20. You should have edited in to your previous post, you can simply scroll down from the post reply screen and select another post to quote. Double posting is bad, but at least it was new info and not an edit. I agree that I don't get that Block ID argument FC made. Also as someone mentioned from the choice quotes in the blog, not open sourcing the code does not mean you plan to profit from it, just like open source the Doom3 code (but not the other parts) did not mean Doom3 was now free. Also it would be highly hypocritical of FC to make his own API that other have to use to function with BTW as he got on Shockah for the Aether requiring ShockahPI basically saying "it was a move to make it where mods that wanted to support the aether had to be built on ShockahPI so his API would become the norm." If FC really seems to have said Fudge All to worrying about his compatibility and thinks BTW is best played as a standalone or with BC. But I really don't know, i think i messed with BTW once briefly and haven't been following up on development.
  21. I don't seem to last time I checked, I will clear my cache and try again just to make sure, It might just be an error, also you might yourselves want to clear your cache as if you visited that page when it was up and then they fixed it your browser can do this immensely stupid thing where it keeps grabbing the page from the cache (it happens after one IDs their computer on my university's network, if you boot the browser to google.com then go through the ID process the "Please Register" screen remains until the cache is cleaned). If you don't know how to clear the cache just Google it.
  22. You should mention the Sphax PureBDCraft that has the technic textures is only the x128 version. Depending on the OPs computer that can be very taxing. There is currently a project in the works to port the x32 Tronic to technic but it literally just started. There are not that many that cover the whole pack but I think each mod has support in a few if you don't mind certain things looking a little funky or fugly. You COULD also mesh texture packs together if you know how to. But that still might look kinda fugly.
  23. From what i heard they got permission from the modder to add pistons then rewrote the code themselves. They did not out and out steal it (unless i have been misinformed). That nasty little bit of text in the ToS is likely a loophole cover mechanism then some type of active mod stealing weapon. A lot of stuff uses wording just like that, mainly so they if something comes to light that needs an immediate addendum they to do not have to send notice to everyone with a Minecraft.net account and any thing created prior or right at conception is able to sneak past. From my base understanding of the legal system most vague wording or overpower statements tend to be what i deem the "cover our arse" text and is simply so that people have a harder time doing undesired actions with your code. As far as I can tell Mojang AB is not going to kill mods, that would be just stupid. Mojang AB has so far been a benevolent company and has not neither Jeb_ nor Notch seem like backstabbing dickbags. Also that ToS is, I believe, the same ToS I signed up under and really I don't think they planned for modding then anyhow. They once mentioned alphas would get free all the future updates and addons, now addons is vague and just mean any code that wasn't an update of existed code or they might have figured they would be making the mods themselves (this is just speculation on my part). Ever read the ELUA or ToS for other things, they have lots of fun lines, like "Not to be used for exhibition or pay to play" and "Illegal uses include reverse engineering" (which if you don't know is figuring out how something works in order to remake it). If i remember right there are even some nasty things on software like, by opening this box or proceeding past this screen you agree to this ELUA and all future version regardless of prior notification. I will be honest, I only read those things when I get bored and don't really remember and likely some of that is hearsay. The point is I don't thing the minecraft ToS is that odd... other then it is easy to read and doesn't use a ton of big law words. Which brings up a few questions, does Mojang even have a Legal department of any kind and do modders only use those "Copyright" things that curse (or some user... can't remember) provides?
  24. 1. Cube 2 is not qouted as an insperation actually but it is sorta similar... I occasionally play it. Been trying to get into DF. 2. That is true since Forge and Spout are a bit more open source then bukkit I believe (i think you have to get picked to be on the bukkit devteam while just help Forge or spout to get on their teams, i may be wrong though,) 3. Think it might have been... ask PuddingHuxtable, he would know better. Also NOW is not dead, it is the Yogsbox. Technic will likely not die out like that because the admins don't seem to give a damn and it's not as easy to make enough drama to kill the project off. 4. Cobalt is just a venture into publishing and is developed by Oxeye Game Studios, so Oxeye would be left to hire more people. Scrolls is what most of Mojang who aren't helping oxeye are working on now I believe. Notch likely wants to keep that small indie feel of just you and a bunch of geeky pals making the games you want instead of feeling like a corporate machine cranking out games. I really dunno... but currently it looks awesome there, they have bacon slapping fights! (look it up on youtube, it is from the MOJAM)
  25. From some interview I watched while probated from here I believe FC is a he. I think he is just kind of a control freak (the person behind millinare used to be) and wants everyone to go right through his MCF post. Also he seems to be strongly opinionated about stuff and likely doesn't want a Modpack "dictating" what mods he has to work in combination with (he seems to just like to add whatever he wants). Plus he has openly admitted he is a hothead telling the user who told him turntables were too powerful that "They didn't know what they were talking about" or something because he was so infatuated with the possibilities that after he cooled down he realized the user was right and ended up apologizing. Also BTW is pretty much now known as the incompatible with most everything (except buildcraft) mod.
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