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Everything posted by linkthegamer

  1. But what if they fap so much they can't grief... actually that is a good idea.
  2. We here at Technic Forums are pretty bad, but in a kind of fun way. MCF is just kinda stupid and whiny, not everyone but most the players seem to be. From the hearsay here it sounds like a few of the more knowledgeable members, the modders, are drama queens. I have brake down of the MC community: MCF = Drama Queens~ (I SUE YOU, PikachuLover25!) Yogscast Forums = Goons? (I haven't been on SA since they mentioned my green balls so I don't know how today's goons are.) and yognaughts (Yogscast quote here). Technic Forums = Asshats!!! (You know you are. ) MPGH/OLGH MC subforums = Griefers D8 ($5 for my greifing client with free porn.)
  3. And lo was it said on the rules "Question not the date of the release for none may know but the Technic team and they shareith not". ~Technic, Book of Rules 8:18
  4. Why? Also still not likely to get any help, their is no way to tell you are telling the truth.
  5. But it is technically not infinite. Unlimited internet on some services is defined as more then what the average user uses which feels unlimited but it still has a limit. I hear the new Bioshock is Infinite too.
  6. The link from above seems to just be a link to the launcher and would work on 32-bit or 64-bit.
  7. I agree, otherwise you would have to switch them out for each mod or uses another 3rd party program to do it. I like this way of handling it a lot better personally.
  8. Testing... this was all I could get before the game freaked out: SEEMZ 2 B NO ABVERSE SIBE AFFECTS GUIS.
  9. Oh man... how does one PIPA? We need to know to unlock the secrets of Minecraft. This might go deeper then any of us thought.
  10. Really? I really want to kill him. (I know you were being sarcastic) Those clients have there own forums for that stuff, he should go there. See one of the services that site offers is what made me dislike lazy pirates, it's a simple Google search.
  11. Find anything for PIPA? So far when have decoded part of the Illuminati's secret message: SOUP RECORD 0_0 Oh Meh Gawd... someone put mushroom SOUP into the jukebox (which plays RECORDS). Then we just do whatever a PIPA is. Edit: The Illuminati does not exist.
  12. Yeah I believe Notch said that they were accidentally removed when the new terrain for 1.8 was added. There is a Farlands or Bust series you can watch to see just how long it takes (i don't think he is anywhere close even now). But yeah it was because the formula used to generate terrain would glitch in around the... was it 3 billion range? Cheating is the fastest way to get there and was the reason it was never on Notch's to-fix list. You can still go there to say you reached the end of minecraft's "Infinite Map".
  13. You mean Kakermix is the "Big SOUP daddy"!?!
  14. Of course that didn't work, it downloads the current version from minecraft.net when you run any of the modpacks for their first time. Can't help with the error though.
  15. Maybe he is a drama-eater, they create drama and feed off its essence.
  16. It doesn't matter what version MC is for the launcher to launch, it does for when you run a game since if say minecraft is 1.3 and the patcher is to patch 1.2.3 to 1.1 then it will not work. But the launcher should still launch and would just say download failed when you tried and run a mod.
  17. Congrats, here is your reward: http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,2074.msg12619.html#msg12619
  18. Because he still hasn't returned those playboys I loan him.
  19. I fix the OPs solution (read it is before you report): Hello all, the secret to installing the Technic Laucncher has been "cracked", so to speak. Instead of using some shitty pirate service named "mineshafter squared" it uses Minecraft's offical verification server. Instructions: 1. Go to http://www.minecraft.net and make an account 2. Pay approximately $25 USD and get it upgraded to premium status 3. go to http://www.technicpack.net and pick corresponding launcher for your OS, run, and enjoy!
  20. Actually no, it downloads the 1.2.3 version and backdates it to 1.1.
  21. This http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,2797.0.html Be sure to read rules and stickies, it doesn't matter if you don't know a rule, if you break it you get punished. (stickies in red at the top)
  22. Use the proper report format then I will help you. I know what the problem is but you still need to use the format.
  23. Stables are for 1.1, Technic Dev builds and vanilla are 1.2.3. The launcher downloads a new version and does nothing with the one in .minecraft.
  24. I believe it is a primitive form of sending emotions over the internet. They are an evolution of the textual emotes using images that are activated by keywords and... oh you were being sarcastic. *replaces batteries in sarcasm detector* There we go. I like the new keyword system so they don't pop up every time I a : and a ) came together unless I ticked the "don't use smileys" button.
  25. Yeah. I mean how can we provide support if we don't know what JCM (Java coffee machine) they use.
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