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Everything posted by linkthegamer

  1. http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,7034.0.html Removed because he placed some code in the mod to change it for technic player instead of just say "stop using my mod technic team GOSH."
  2. Correct, 1.2.5 will come out as soon as the patch 1.2.5 to work with their newfangled custom directory layout.
  3. Kinect, Making you look like an psycho since... it came out. (Oh man... I loved the ordeal over hacking that thing)
  4. Search for the forestry patch topic, the OP list all the changes that happen when the technic launcher is detected.
  5. That how paypal scam thing makes me laugh... do people even look at the page. You know even if technic said "-bleep- this, no more simple and easy donate buttons, here are links to the OPs go their and read on where to donate" their would be this exact post "Technic's donate page uses Proxies and web tricks to take people to a mirrored copy of the OP to trick them into donating to an offshore bank account owned by the technic crew."
  6. I fine myself wanting to make an insane roller coaster with it. The start up does look boring but making a TNT cart cannon looks like a blast (hahaha Bad pun.)
  7. If we are talking CPU and memory sticks I don't think it matters but I'm not A+ certified and have not taken classes on that in a while. I will double check with Google when I can. Man I have lost my touch.
  8. Ever hear of steganography?
  9. I would snip that last bit about the rom... just in case.
  10. We need a codename for the patch then. He could require you get start using those old DOS style code cards "To play type what is in column 3 row 7". XP
  11. Technically yes. Also I am not sure about that grace period thing, that might have just been a site saying that. Roms for which you do not own the original copy of are considered illegal (in some cases even with a physical copy they might be illegal, i don't know, not a lawyer). If you can not buy the game (import restrictions, the game is super rare) consider buying something the developer can sell to you. If you dabble in the legal grey you are on your own (no one knows if it is legal or not like BS Zelda, since there is no way to ever own a physical copy of that). Those are not rule or legal advice, just suggestions from what i have picked up in my time on the internet.
  12. You download their plugins off the individual plugins wiki page and place them in the plugin folder if I remember right. You have to go to their site to get them.
  13. Haha, that was awesome. Always loved the slippery slope "piracy kills jobs and fund terrorist" argument. As far as i know the only terror acts committed by the pack has been shoving tools up a creeper's butt.
  14. I just mean the drama vortex will swirl open and spew claims that technic users are vile and cracking his "Technic killswitch" like a pirate does DRM and by you or the other mods not deleting the fix that is a clear sign that technic supports the patch. Then Cheapsatan and Beelzebubmix will rejoice as their evil pack continues to defy the wishes of the almighty sirsengir... or something like that. I lost my copy of that book. (That is my attempt at irrational thinking that will likely surface in a few people in the post-patch future.)
  15. That is correct. As long as no one blabs about this it should work and all should be right with the world.
  16. If such it would be. The technic team will not be cracking the makeshift-DRM from what I read so you will have to do it yourself.
  17. Awesome work. Pressure sensitivity is nice. I have been meaning to read that series.
  18. Nah, I more of a use what the heck you want and just shut up kind of guy. I use the unstable testing version of browsers. Currently i have Firefox UX and Aurora and Chome beta and canary. Have used Opera and even Netscape in the past. Also have IE9 for no reason other then the occasional times I need to use it for some thing.
  19. Let me know what address they send from if you get one... this is BLEEPING ridiculous. As for the pokemon rom, remember you must own a physical copy or uninstall the game within 24 hours after downloading... legal blah blah blah. Watch out for nasty stuff on your hunt for it.
  20. Aww... I was joking going to say real men use LYNX just for the hell of it.
  21. I see no problem with that, the VoxelBox (last time i checked) adds absolutely ZERO additional blocks. I was just saying, while you can use it for your world or server, the pack was designed for use by their regulars on their server. It should work fine for making stuff in your own world and what not, some of the features tied to the special plugins on their sever will not though.
  22. I don't know if that will get you onto there server though. Voxelbox is all about getting greylisted for the voxelbox server to build things to get whitelist to build more things to go onto the server. It has a few singleplayer uses but is really truly meant for their players who want to get the most out of the server and not get banned because they set their speed mod to 5 (anything over 4 is an insta-perma ban if I remember right) by accident trying to enable such and such. (This whole reply is what happens when you read their FAQ and then can never manage to get on by the way. I have no way to lose this info.)
  23. My build material depends on how far I am in the game. Usually start vanilla with the dirt hut/hole/burrow, then move on to wood (cobble if I going to be dicking with fire) box fort thing, then maybe smooth or brick, haven't been on technic log enough to surpass the wood stage and school has kept me from getting settled on the tekkit servers. Yogsbox I kinda just stole an empty millinaire building and voxelbox I use whatever looks like it will make a good enough build for grey-listing. In one of the maps I am making I am using a ton of iron block to make it look as "white room of science" as I can. The map is basically just glowstone, glass, iron blocks and doors, and these gold block airlock door things. The rest of it is natural cave systems.
  24. Oh I will have to look into that. Last controller I got required the game port that used to be on computers. 10 bucks is quite cheap. Plus I own enough games to be able to legally play a good portion of the offerings for most systems.
  25. I think PWO sign up is a game itself... do i have to sign up within 3 hours of the 5 hour send out, is the whole process a lottery, did that pure random number generator that requires you solve a math problem give birth to their registration, why do I even want to join this, and how the hell was signing up for an old MUCK easier then this? I need to start using emulators again... i also need a decent controller so i can play games that need analog input (percussion aiming with arrow keys is an arse, turn down sensitivity and I can aim but move like a snail, turn it up and i can move but AIM like i'm on crack). Also might need to get back into the abandonware scene (since that is a legal grey area that is all I will say about that).
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