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Everything posted by linkthegamer

  1. Re: Well that was mature... (silly bans) Oh you are now famous there again, they are talking about you being a possible sociopath due to a lack of empathy I believe. XD That place is a total echo box by the way.
  2. There is a downgrader that seems to get old servers and I am not sure if the server should count as distributing. I mean it's sending someone a dedicated server program, there is no way to derive the game from it that I know of and the worse you can do is make it offline mode or run it online with your friends while talking as the console. Plus things like bukkit work as a server with no need for the original server and they are not illegal. But I'm no lawyer.
  3. Re: Well that was mature... (silly bans) Remember, don't cause any problems over there, just letting you know about a silly ban... that and I needed to vent because the goody-two shoes part of me feels bad for going and getting banned. XP I have to admit, feel nice to have someone know who I am.
  4. The mod seems pretty fun if not a tad bit unstable (hey it's alpha). It makes Minecraft into a Hack and Slash RPG by the way.
  5. Re: Well that was mature... (silly bans) Hehe. I like that one of the rules is "don't piss me off". Apparently doesn't take much to do so. What a silly ban it was.
  6. Well I have said for a while I was going to post some of my random workings here and now I am going to. This OP will likely get updated a lot. I will kick this off from the a rough excerpt from day one of my wrting experiment inspired by Hindos "Metropolis Blog" before he went and got banned. ===Technic playlog=== I came to my senses in a forest. I sat up and rubbed my head. I could see a nearby town a few meters away. As I approached the town and looked about I happened upon a town hall. I was informed by a bulletin-board that much wood was need, so I took off to the forest and cut down a mighty tree with olny my bare hands forming an axe from the remains to chop down more when i had enough i went to the village and sold them gaining 16 denier, 15 of which I used to by scrolls to enhance my knowledge of the strange local culture before returning to the forest to get wood. My chopping lasted well into the night and i rushed to get started on my house, killing a tiger that had decided to take my plot, I was unable to finish it though and had to hole myself in an unfinished section till day, I had fought off some giant spider during the night and was relieved when the sun shone again, i headed back to the forest to kill some deer for dinner and get more wood to sell, after selling the wood i return to the site of my completed home to find to bears with i promptly defeat them and get the salmon they carried. unfortunately I was so hungry I had to eat my food raw. As I went to gather saplings, and extract rubber with my newly made tap when I ran across a chicken and an egg collecting the resources of both for later and came across a new house in the growing Norman village I lived on the outskirts of... (to be enhanced and continued). Next is some info on a map I am working on, it will be posted in map when it is ready for release ===Aperture Mining and Aperture Mining+ Map Projects=== (done in the voice of STEVE, the game's AI antagonist) Greetings and welcome. I would like to inform you about an upcoming project we have going one. Oh yeah, where are my manners, I'm STEVE. What does that stand for, well... I can't tell you, you have to consent to the Aperture Mining temporary hire applications/liability wavier before you have the clearance to know. Anyways, We are getting ready to open our doors soon (well after we do some house cleaning) for a new project in using untrained civilians for mining expeditions. Once it is ready all one has to do is plug in the Apeture Mining's "Mining Atherazation Protocol" or MAP into the "Mining Intellagance Nerual Electric Comunicator with Redunt Asyncrounus Fault Tolerance" or MINECRAFT (All names are subject to change and have been copyrighted, trademarked, servicemarked, and patented by Aperture Mining. That includes ever single spelling and anything that remotely looks like the names). I will be sure to keep you, <Reader's name here>, informed with updates and pictures in the official release channels once we get things started. People with the TECHNIC addon will be able to access a special area. The ASHPD plugin is also recommended as just having it installed can enhance the science (I hid a bonus for using it). Have a nice day and happy mining. That is it for now. More updates will be coming when I have new content to post.
  7. Poster Edit: My original post is causing way to much shit and I really don't want to be responosible for making us look bad. It was a vent post and not meant to be a challenge. I also chose the worlds worst language when I typed it. I DID NOT JOIN THEIR AS A "GAME" I JUST FIGURED SOMEONE MIGHT GOOGLE ME AND SEE I POST HERE... A LOT. It's like me joining a board that does not like furries but likes a game I like. I am not going to say "Oh look I like cartoon animals" but as simple search shows I have several furry accounts. I humbly apologize to the mods and admins and even FC and BTWF for the shit this damn post caused. That was not my intention. The original post is only here so context of the comments following it make sense. Please only reply to the part that is not struck out. If this continues to cause any more shit I humbly request someone box or recycle this. I am not important so stop acting like the OP is some kind of command. Thank you. The following is an vent post, not a challenge, technic users are above such things as trolling and this is not a challenge to troll them. We can be the bigger people. Help make Technic look better. We are not trolls using a thief pack, don't act like it. Lastly it is my personal opinion that the only people who should try to act as pack ambassadors should be those with red names. Cheapshot and Kakermix are way better at remaining calm and level headed them most us technicians and you will likely just make things worse. This is NOT an order, just a recommendation. Got bored and decided to see how long I could last on the BTW Forums without making a single post connecting me to Technic (well i kind of figured it would end as that, was not originally intended as such), managed to get perma-banned in less then 24 hours because I post here. Oh well, it was a fun experiment. Don't worry I didn't start any trouble for us there, I just wanted to see how long I would last before they decided to Google my name/recognized my avatar. I'm officially known as one of the most active users on here and this post got a link back. http://www.sargunster.com/btwforum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3818&p=61087#p61087 Official ban reason was "Technic Sympathizer" XP In other news any regrets I may have had about FC jokes without knowing him are now gone, hurray. Now to make this into a topic: What is the silliest (in your opinion) reason you have ever felt the ban hammer?
  8. Does it support a 1 Yottabyte hard disk?
  9. GLaDOS and/or STEVE (The name of the AI in my map... even made a backronym for him.) would likely one to do experiments with magic. If for no other reason then that it makes the subject die painfully. Also because magic should not be possible and thus they must figure out the scientific reason why. I think it is mostly the painful death thing though, some rampant AIs enjoy that that kind of stuff.
  10. That's the way it is for most OSes. Most the crap about Linux and Mac is "Oh crap this is unfamiliar, this shit is inferior and I going back to my old setup." All 3 OSes work just fine it you are willing to learn. Yeah once had synaptic go into dependance hell and another time something I installed made it decide EVERYTHING was in conflict with it and need to be remove and I accidentally OKed that. Hooray for separate /home partitions!
  11. I was just trying to show just how many arena shooters I knew of for Linux. Actually played it and almost beat "storyline" (It is a fetish game, the story line is just something along the line of "You get a power and must use that power to stop an evil that plans to use said power for evil.") mode. Darn second to last chapter bots cheat though. They can damage you faster then you can break free and they can break free faster then you can damage, not going into detail on how exactly that works though. Also found the Dev Room in the bonus map, Which is in a church with a few pictures, a bunch of scripted entities, and some hidden buttons, one of the enties in the dev room promote the use of open source. ...Don't judge me, it was a free game and a friend pointed it out to me. Their were also a few maps for Nexiuz with the same theme floating around a while back. After some time in that weird part of the internet none of this will even phase you anymore. Even that one game with <Redacted for sanity's sake> where you get <Redacted again for sanity's sake> and you lose by <Redact the 3rd>. (You are welcome. XP) I am now officially the forum Weirdo aren't I? I wasn't dissing them. There are just OH SO MANY of them for Linux (and basically everything else). I enjoy them quiet a bit but be nice to see a few more genres. I mean read the above... There are so many that even a furry vore variant on the genre exist. Which brings up a point... asides from the zap and grapple gun, how do you classify that game? Arena nommer?
  12. You know those zombies and skeletons? They were once people you know. Till I flooded their village with Vis. A lot of science got done that day. (I am likely going to add that bit to my "Aperture Mining+" Adventure map.)
  13. it was kinda funny... but not worth reviving an old thread.
  14. Funny thing, I actually say the creativity rapist reference on MCF not BTWF. It is a small world though.
  15. It was buildcraft's April Fool's day joke. Just a post that says it is a joke at the top with some links to the infamous Rick Roll. I doubt a mod will like casting "Raise undead" to post a joke.
  16. So true. Also so very, very exploitible.
  17. You are either illiterate or an ass. I can't tell, we get both here. Your 13 days to late if you were trying to be funny.
  18. I agree with you their.
  19. Actually learned about them from a post on here (the one where i said i had a greifing client on sale w/ porn for only 5 bucks, to be exact). Not a fan of that kind of greifing (or most any). Might enjoy classy griefing (the kind that take a lot of effort to pull off) but don't know as I just haven't bothered to look it up. Agreed. Most griefing is just people being asshats to other people for no good reason.
  20. Better yet, if that tech level monitor is their understanding of tech... HOW ARE THEY AT 2? Wait... what if the problem is that they are going to just use that beast of a rig for Minecraft, Youtube and Facebook.
  21. Breaking through the on-line security systems of a 5-sided polygon shaped government building in a certain part of North America seems easier then getting a PWO account.
  22. Hmm... maybe it is a creepypasta in itself. It was a dead friend playing D3 7 years ago, the friend having died 3 years prior to that. If that is wrong I hope it is one of the Crappypastas, I find how horridly bad they are quite entertaining.
  23. Any game where you run around a small map shooting bots/people (Alien arena, Sauerbraten/Cube 2 (despite the building aspect), Assault Cube, Cube, Nexiuz (and the furry voraphile derivative Vore Tournament), World Of Padman, warsow... you get the point). Tremulous is kind of a different beast. It is an arena shooter but it also has a nifty bit of RTS in it as well, I would still count it as such. Interestingly I have played the entire list and Tremulous. Plus several (arena shooter and none) variants of sauerbraten like PremiumArts Sandbox, Eisenstern, and Red Eclipse. Thank heavens for package managers and software repositories.
  24. Really? All I ever managed to find was Anon win7. XP How much memory can 128bit handle?
  25. Re: so sick of youtube f-....arts. <3 Why the heck would it up and edit the host file? Also, a reading of my favorite lines from the services file: doom 666/tcp #Doom Id Software doom 666/udp #Doom Id Software
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