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Everything posted by theprolo

  1. No, sorry. Teleport pipes are single dimension, or at least as far as I know they are.
  2. Ender Chests work in multi dimensions. Pipe it in in the nether, and pipe it out in the overworld. Remember to use chunkloaders.
  3. Go to the Tekkit bugs forum. It's there for bugs, not to be stared at blankly.
  4. Try the Bugs forum, that's where this belongs.
  5. It's in the Technic Launcher. Just switch to manual selection in the Options.
  6. You need to give it more memory, it can't actually save anything because you're not giving it enough memory to store it in. Try boosting it by editing the Launch file. Oh yeah, and Mike? Go to the Small Scale Recruitment Thread sticky for that.
  7. You just generally shove them into the .jar, they don't go into anything unless they specifically say so. Or that's how most mods work anyway. Read installation instructions?
  8. Erm... are you sure that you've actually bought Minecraft? Technic/Tekkit won't work without a full acount - you can't cheat and have a demo account or a cracked one.
  9. it might be the spawn problem. Doesn't really matter now, since I moved my building.
  10. It works in certain places, certain others it won't. I have no idea why.
  11. No, it doesn't need power. It just needs redstone(Supplied by the button)
  12. I've been trying to make some stuff, but for some reason my RP2 deployer won't actually deploy anything. I've tried putting it in different places and it works, but it seems to hate where it is(Especially the tower it's on). Here's a picture of where it is. Yes, it has stuff in, when i press the button the front opens, but nothing actually happens:
  13. Try the bugs forum, most people who know what this means and how to install it will be there. Also, it's the place that errors go ;P
  14. What do you mean it went down? That reactor's heating up.
  15. Try High Speed Rails - a neat railcraft track that makes you go amazingly fast(Be careful to read the wiki though, you need to slow them down afterwards otherwise you'll explode. The Sphax texture is probably because Sphax is compatible with a mod that adds more sizes of paintings and has them built in - you're probably not getting them because they're built for a currently non-existent picture size. Also, redstone current will fade after about 16 blocks, but not in Redpower2 Red Alloy Wires.
  16. Wrong forum mate - look here: http://forums.technicpack.net/forums/open-servers.28/
  17. Erm... to me it just looks like you've installed an incompatible mod.
  18. More trollish for greifers if they spend ages making a nuke, then find that it does absolutely zilch.
  19. Deathchest: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/deathchest/ TP to deathpoint: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/tp-simpleback-go-back-to-your-death-point-1-2-3-r-0-1.67336/ Hope these were what you're looking for - My server uses them.
  20. Are your crossbreeding crops doubled? You need to put to crop sticks on crossbreeding crops, otherwise it just functions as a normal one.
  21. To get item IDs, go into your inventory, press options in the bottom left, and switch ItemID's to either Auto or Shown. Then just hover over any item in NEI or your inventory and next to the name the block ID will be shown. Also, the two types of emerald are probably Emerald and Uranium - both green ores but different mods and completely different uses.
  22. Nether Ores produce more when Macerated - usually around twice as much as usual. That's your problem.
  23. We have the 4000 block ID fix now, I highly doubt it takes up more than 4000 block IDs.
  24. I never play on public servers really. There's just a horde of trolls going round from server to server greifing then going on to another. Luckily, a friend of mine runs a dedicated server so we just do a small friends only one. To be honest, it's more fun, less annoying and you can go a lot further. There's enough of us for events like PVP maps but not so many that we end up with hoards of random people, I guess it's just at that level, and it's at a level that non public servers can never reach because of all the haters, trolls and general idiots whose only idea of fun is trying to get banned from every server ever made.
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