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Everything posted by Sp0nge

  1. Oust Created a new top command called /tick It handles all the chunk tick rates seperately, limiting any that go over a threshold /tick <- shows the chunk speed /tick entity <- shows the blocks that take up the chunk time /tick detail <- shows the block types that take up the time All chunks that go over the limit recieve a limiter that percentually skips block updates to that chunk. A 10% limiter means that in the next 5 sec only 10% of the ticks go to that chunk There are more commands for mods and admin to control the tick distribution or see chunk times from far Charging bench Fixed redstone giving too much power bug Small improvement to tick rate by caching the redstone state for 20 ticks
  2. MC is back up again, now we need a ton of people to try take our TPS down, so we can test our latest changes!
  3. Most mods are compatible with the 1.2.5 version of Multiverse (refering to your OP). Its not about ramissues, 3gig ram should be more than enough to support Multiverse and Tekkit. However whats another issue, you can really controll what players build, leaky machines, overfilled RP pipes etc. But thats a totally other issue in this ... For EE, there is another post about that where i posted a reply.
  4. ID on client dont match the server for the GUI
  5. Multiverse aint the issue, the mods are. Update them, problem fixed!
  6. Any plugin that can be "written to" by other players/admins/owners etc are imo just crap. How is to say whats worthy of a ban? How to really check and confirm said bans? How to tell if a admin aint just an asshat and just dont like that player? Minecraft is and always will be filled with trolls, whitelist or open server. Thats just the way it is, internett
  7. Oust Added CB++ functionality to improve tickrates and possibility to now actually find chunks that are for some reason making the TPS drop so that we can suggest improvements for factorysetups that arent ideal and similar. Tickrate improved with around 10 TPS on average with this, finally getting playable speeds with everything
  8. Issue isnt with Multiverse, or any other worldplugin, the error is in EE and how it calculates certain stuff. When you throw in more worlds, due to how EE calculates those worlds, some of them get "skipped" and the result is that some worlds just wont have working tablets etc. One easy solution is to add one and one world untill your operating worlds all have working tablets, a more complex one is to change EE itselfe (thats a totally different story). Changing worldplugin etc etc wont really sort anything. Also EE have some errors in the code from transmutation, where items seems to not be able to be taken out (its a visual bug). Just click the outputslot, you should get items even if you dont see any. Most common issue with this is when there are matter inside of it, and trying to add fuel.
  9. Oust Added loaded chunk debugging functionality Added an automatic+manual chunk unloader RedPower2 Remade tube route finding completly to be based on cached tile entities Created a event handler for block changes, chunk loading and unloading to refresh tube caches Fixed assemblers to honor block breakers blacklist WeaponMod Fixed all ranged weapons to call the bukkit pvp attack event
  10. We are really working on sorting the lagissues and low TPS. If going according to plan, in half a day it should all be fixed!
  11. Server were down for a few minutes while we tested out some fixes, it should work all fine now
  12. Balkony Weaponsmod readded, issues with it making serverchrases are fixed
  13. Miningworld resetted. All LWC items have been retrived into our storage. Had items there? Just do /mail read and collect them at /storage
  14. Doublecheck modconfigs in regards of ID`s (most common reason)
  15. Do another clean install. For some reason, eighter a mod is added or you tried to change some configvalues, ID`s are conflicting.
  16. Several MobArenas have been added, custom rewards
  17. Actually a few things you can do is: Reduce the amount of items pumped into pipes/tubes Do not let machine run if you really dont have to Dont let items lay on the ground, pick it up Reduce the amount of RP used, like as few timers as you can, not use micreblocks etc, no lumar lamps. Dont use any chests from the Crystalchest mod This might sound "stupid", but these few things really increase the networkusage by alot. For a rather advcanced town/area/factory, it can pull around 0.04 mb/s, and thats when the setup is kinda based on the criterias over here. This do NOT include any normal EMC farms like cobbelgenerators, darkrooms etc, EE flowers (collectors). Alone, if you pull enough items into RP tubes (example you pull out a stack of ice pr second into tubes to cool down you reactors when all RP see that there is room for is 2 blocks of ice, and the tubesystem is long enough) that alone can generate around 0,02 mb/s. So if something in Tekkit is pulling 15 mb/s, there is something horrible wrong going on. To compare it to vanilla, when im standing still in a random place, in average im sendt 350 b/s in chunkpackages, just that of your hunger (if you arent to die etc) thats sending 1 b/s in packages to me. So those 15 mb/s ... are way off the chart. If its indeed the server sending all that to you, you should also lag like supercrazy (assumption there). If it aint the server, well, check your pc for spyware, viruses etc etc.
  18. I guess people are to busy playing, and have nothing to complain about :D
  19. Livestreaming from the server for alteast 1h, stream is found on our website!
  20. MobArena added, and several of them have been made around spawn!
  21. Seems like EE was a larger part of the Q&A, and we will take those issues/questions/suggestions into considerations in our future pathces and fixes!
  22. Ill answer question on my livestream at the top of the hour, ask whatever you want to! Livestream can be found on our website: www.tekkitcraft.com
  23. Itemspill in that magnitude will also create serverlag. If this only happends in some areas, and after X seconds of playtime its most likely overfilled RP tubes. If they are filled with to much items they woll give the client a stack.overflow error resulting in a disconnect.
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