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Everything posted by Sp0nge

  1. Updated with a complete changelog now, also including changes done to configs.
  2. Delete the mods that you arent supposed to have, or delete it all and do a fresh install
  3. Seems like you have done some install wrong, as you have double of a tons of mods in there. That will ofc conflict.
  4. The PvP seems real strong now at Warsong Gulch! The battle of the strongest "Tekkiter" seems to be in full effect!
  5. No whitelist, just to log on But please, make shure that you have read the opening post, seems like ALOT havent and are missing out of a few important stuff of the server.
  6. Just to log on, no need for any form of post :)
  7. Fixes are posted there for the porters to see what might not be ideal in theyre code etc. Its not adverticing on mcpc if you thought that. You cant see the thread, becouse its not public. Its posted in a section where porters/modcreators can see it and implement into theyre ports if they want to. Sadly, several of the ports arent updated due to 1.3.2 and as said, we wont make cope public that belongs to others in the first place. We havent posted a single file eighter there so its not like our fixes is "download this, install, and its all fine".
  8. We arent using whitelist, server is 100% open :)
  9. Its about that we changed code in EE core, distributing core code (modified) isnt something that we want to do, sorry.
  10. Finally found the reason for the large TPS drops that we have at times. Working on a fix and hopefully got it implemented soon :)
  11. Authservers are back up, and so are we!
  12. Working on yet another custom plugin, that will eliminate issues like "lying to staff" or other ways of trying to hide stuff when confronted with certain issues!
  13. Back from idling at IRC, now working on donorperks for the server (ironi much?)
  14. Running without whitelist still, just to log in and join :)
  15. Its prob loaded with a alcchest or enderchest? Containers inside a moving frame is usually the issue.
  16. We arent using whitelist, its just to log on. Also todays addon, our own plugin, that allows mayors to remove LWC from players thats left town, gone inactive etc with just one command. No fuzz, execute the command, and voila, ur town is clear of all those locks made by that player. All those items are moved to a central storage automaticly so whenever that player returns, he can pick it back up and continue to play! :)
  17. Changelog is now avalible at our website: www.tekkitcraft.com This log will explain alot of things we have changed, nerfed and/or fixed in regards of several of the mods/plugins we are using.
  18. Well, we dont have the bug, but then again, we keep all our mods up to date as much as we possible can.
  19. The 3.1.2 NEI shoould have 0 issues
  20. the most common issue that we have had with "server lockups" are HUGE Worldedit commands. If large enough, everything will "lag to death", even console.
  21. Sp0nge

    Negative EMC

    And i wonder why ppl call EE "gamemode 1" ....
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