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Everything posted by Sp0nge

  1. Tekkit dont have Forestry, so its impossible for them to spawn. It might not be the first server that you have, but Tekkit is pretty demanding in regards of awareness. Our server is almost 1 year old, and we are still working on sorting issues etc. Ofc all the "basic" issues we sorted long time ago, now its more about custom, plugins etc to prevent the last stuff, so that we can infact run "without" rules totally and have 0 stuff that bypasses protections etc.
  2. Reinstall the server completely? Just back up ur map and see if the map still works. Oh ... and another thing, what version of the serverside are you using? And whats the clientside? And what javaversion do you have? Make shure you have Java 7.
  3. The first basic "rule" for any Tekkit serverowners should be that you have to learn what almost all parts of Tekkit does, with that i mean not the basic usage of the items, but the more creative usage, combos of machines/blocks. Thats pretty important to always be aware of, since its usually not the singel blocks/machines thats the issue, its mostly in combination with other. As in regards of world generation, you wont need to really think much over it. Tekkit allready provides those settings adjusted for you. In regards of "banned" items etc, before you start to add plugins to restrict stuff like that check all the configfiles of the modds, and read them good. Most configs are found in the Configfolder, but not BuildCraft and RedPower, those have its own folder. Also EE configs is at the root of the server, called mod_EE.props. Get NotePad++ since all of the config is written in YAML (you also need to learn that, but should not be that hard). Then you atleast should be ready to start the server for the first time. Now the pluginpart starts. And this part is the "tricky" part. Ask 5 serverowners, and ull get 11 suggestions for plugins to use. As long as you are focused on what you want to do with the plugins, you should find plugins for almost all your needs. I would say the most basic plugins that servers are using is PermissionEX, Essentials, Worldguard and Worldedit. All of these are basicly for "server protection". Again, reading the configfiles of the plugins is really important, so is the wikis of the plugins, especially PEX if choosing to use that. Then I see you want to adress the lagissues, thats pretty hard to really ever sort. There are tons of stuff within Tekkit that generate lag like large Collectorsetups from EE, BC pipes leading items into a full chest and causing items to drop on the ground (I prefer to refer to it as a leaky machine), and variouse other things (sorry im not listing them all, there are so many). For plugins and regarding lag, I really dont recommend using any plugins for that tbh. Some are using NoLagg, but that plugin really never have sorted anything in the long run. I would instead recommend switching over to CB++ (check the server swap section of these forums) and installing something that actually monitor the ingame TPS, like e.g. LagMeter. About setting max amount of items placed its prob doable, but we really havent had any reason to add a feature that restricts that. I guess you could modify PresiouseStones (spelling prob wrong) for that purpose. Then, i recommend checking the server swap section. As said, there is x2 amount of solution that there are serverowners. You need to try out plugins/settings that will suit your server. What i can guarantee you is this: You will atleast at 1 point figure out something is really bad, and allready exploited, you have to go over that learningcurve regardless of how much help you get to prevent issues etc. Its also pretty usefull for yourselfe, so you learn more about how mods in general works since most issues is infact usually the same, nomatter what mod it is (like fakeplayer or the lack of fakeplayer in some cases). Good luck with your server, dont expect to get it all right the first time :)
  4. Seems like CC is atleast not acting as it should. Try and remove the CC jarfile from the modfolder and start the server up again. U dont need to delete the jarfile, just take and move it to a temp folder (we just created a folder called _Dissabled inside the modfolder where we drag in mods we dont want to use).
  5. What about plugins? I see its refering to: Caused by: while parsing a block mapping in "<string>", line 323, column 25: -' Usage: /res subzone <residenc ... ^ expected <block end>, but found BlockEntry in "<string>", line 324, column 25: - 'If residence name is left off ... ^ Wild guess Residence is being used? If so, try and reinstall it completely?
  6. 1: Make a local server 2: Change this: world { generate { volcano=1 } 3: Start server with new map 4: Log in Win?
  7. xtrassyn, as far as i can think off for the 1.3 version, I hope we get BC3 and Logistic Pipes. Thats all I would need to be happy with atleast (since both are actually ported now)
  8. Minecraft authservers were just down, i guess you can connect now right?
  9. Might be a stupid Q: They are deleting ALL before they are reinstalling Tekkit serverside right? So its impossible for old setting/files to still stick around when installing?
  10. Cant we get a pinned 503 errorpost? Really ... on login it say what the issue is, but yet its so hard to read that, and do 1+1=5?
  11. LWC should be all fine, i recommend that you actually update LWC if you allready havent done that: http://ci.griefcraft.com/job/LWC/737/ Monster im really not shure of, as i dont know the plugin at all. But as long as the plugin is for MC 1.2.5 R4.1, it should work. Just make shure that you download the CORRECT CB++ build, i cant stress how important that is. Also follow the steps for installing 100%, even if theyre few and seems simple, you have to do it like explained. If you starting a server from scratch, start it up with the normal Tekkit.jar before you replace it with the CB++ one. And please add an errorlog, kind hard to know why something isnt working without it.
  12. It should be 167, or CB++ 75. the R should be 4.1 as i havent seen a recomended R5.0 CB build yet. Edit: Use this site: http://www.mcportcentral.co.za/ (when its back up as it down at the time of the edit)
  13. Using latest build of LWC thats preventing several bypasses! IC2 wrenches and wooden pipes. Made by the LWC creator himselfe on our server!
  14. Well, its basicly a serverbuild, thats made to reduce lagissues. It alters alot of the normal stuff, like it makes trees grow slower, to prevent CPU strain. It changes how how the server is sending chunks to a client, so that it wont send anything more than it needs, if you drop 2 pieces of dirt, it gets piled into the same stack, etc etc. In basic, it cuts corners, to reduce serverload.
  15. All items thats possible to LWC, and all items that possible to bypass. Hidendra is made a ware of most (not all yet as some is really related to some mods) ways to bypass LWC and all those should be sorted in the future. Ofc, i wont tell what ppl can do to bypass LWC, but i guess most serverowners allready have had issues with what is fixed in this build. Some might know of more issues, but still, there is NO reason for me to post in public howto bypass it. If you want me to show you the current LWC build on our server, im more than happy to show it to you, eighter find our server on the open server list, or PM me, ill be around for aprox an hour.
  16. Ive been testing out some LWC build, thats related to Tekkit, and i can say that so far, theyre working just as intended. The first build were for fixing the wooden pipes, the second one was in regards of the IC2 wrenches. Most serverowners know what im talking about, and here is the build that has both inside of it: http://ci.griefcraft.com/job/LWC/737/ This latest build was made right now, and tested. Its safe to use! There are ofc still some bypasses around, and ive told Hidendra what most of them are (well all that he can actually fix) so expect even more LWC updates in the future. Ill make a pluginpost under suggested plugins later, but since this plugin directly aims for Tekkit, I wanted to put this out there as a own topic, since these fixes and builds are made for, well, Tekkit!
  17. Not that im aware of at all. And people are reporting every downtime to me that i check up when i get back from work etc.
  18. As stated here, Tekkit is as safe as you make it. Tekkit itselfe has "no exploits" where people can be able to bypass anything "normal Tekkit" cant do. Most commong bypasses is in regards of landmanagement: Miningturtles, OP`ed RedPower and BuildCraft, EE tools with AOE (area of effect) damage. In regards of EE, we have filed a "ticket" at the modporter with some direct fixes to almost all of the bypassing and bugs. Hopefully he will pick them up, and make another rev of the current EE build for 1.2.5 that will work with Tekkit. We have also done the same in regards of IC2 and the MFFS mod. They wont need to "work and sort the issue", we allready have created the code for them, all they really needs to do is to add it to theyre port and most bypasses is gone. Also most plugins are starting to work with protectionfixes for mods, like the latest LWC build from Hidendra (it really stops woodenpipebypass). Ive also seen Towny start to add code that relates to some of the mods in Tekkit, so i guess more and more plugindevs will start to do the same. And with support i dont mean the "add blockID into a configfile", im refering to real Tekkitsupport.
  19. Ah im following. We made our server without using the downloadable server from Tekkit. So its highly doable You will need to adress MCPC (as linked to higher up here). Almost all the 1.2.5 ports will work with the Tekkit.jar (if im not mistaken Tekkit.jar = MCPC CB build 166)
  20. Im aware of that regen can corrupt chunks, issue is that this area havent been regenned before, I did it as a test to see if i were capable of sorting it. Yeah, the area consist of 5 chunks atm, and we will monitor if it spreads. What im wondering most about, is how it happend, what caused the corruption. On those chunks, i cant find any trace of any Tekkitrelated items, so it kinda seems its all vanillarelated. It could be Multiverse ofc but so far, i cant see any links whatsoever, or recreate those bad chunks.
  21. Hmm, i would have tried to delete the playerfiles (does this happend to all players?) and reinstall EE. There are also some "use options" in Essentials, see if you cant find taht in there, and see if those items are for some reason added there on usage restriction.
  22. Might be ... but we have allready been using that plugin for a long time so i didnt look into that at all. I guess the 3.1.2 serverbuilds just contain that plugin inside the pluginfolder? And yeah, just replace the file and you have CB++ install.
  23. Isnt this really what you should ocnsider fixed? In the earlier version the "bug" was that fuel wasnt used, and now it actually works? Seems pluginrelated. Please list that aswell. And a wildshot, have you tried this only directly near spawn or further away aswell?
  24. We have had the same issue, and for some odd reason i cant related to any hard crashes. We also get some "random" chunks that when entered totally lags out the player entering it. All chunks on the 4 sides are totally fine, its just that random chunk. Ive tried to regen the chunk, and using WE to remove everything on it (beside bedrock), with 0 affect. I know its possible to delete the regionfile in the savedata, but we only have 4 chunks affected, and a regionfile is 16x16 chunks so i hoped to used that as a last resort only.
  25. What version did you install? You have to go with build build 75, any other builds (atleast newer builds will break your map. You will have to restore the backup you made (if no backup, you will have issues ...) and try build 75.
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