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Everything posted by Sp0nge

  1. Yeah. Its usually plugins thats stopping mobspawns.
  2. Sp0nge

    Negative EMC

    It is a bug with EE, and without altering the core of the mod (serverside), you cant do much. Its kinda like u have to consider that u lost alot of EMC, and as Fire say, destroy and replace it.
  3. Ah no, there aint any info on howto make money. There has been going on so much lately, that i havent managed to keep up with all the changes our dev have done to our server eighter. But in basics, vote on minestatus to get money. Not shure if you also read the different /einfo ingame?
  4. What errors did you get with cb++? We havent had any so far at all. I guess its the "normal issues" that u might have, no builds can help you in that regard :P
  5. Fixed tablet not working in all worlds (there was some code that wasnt ideal) and fixed the repair/creating almost broken items in the transtablet (used for exploits)
  6. Ofc We just moved servers. And as i can see, next weekend should be suited for several to play on
  7. Please use while the DNS for the server updates! After thats done, the normal IP`s will work, well, just as normal
  8. Downtime started. More info will follow asap that more can be provided!
  9. While transfering the server, trimming the SQL etc, there will be some downtime. We are really sorry for that!
  10. Nerf for buckets removed, changes done directly to EE to remove the oil and milk EMC farms.
  11. What Diablooz is saying. Dont use Nolagg, use CB++ isntead. Ive made a post about that in this section, u just gotta search for it. And just install LagMeter instead. That only logs the TPS and not altering anything in regards of gameplay like Nolagg does. Beside that, when its getting real laggy, one option is to remove all mobs from the server, as those has some pretty bad code.
  12. Right now, just awaiting accesscredentials. At the time of update, players might have a feel of lagging (copying) and some cant connect (DNS changing), beside that, it should be painless!
  13. A new host is ordered, this 2.4 GHZ 4core thingy just aint doing anything, time to up to 8 core (8threads) and alot stronger CPU
  14. There are deplyoersettings in RP that can remove said machines. Blazerod, you will need to alter EE2 urselfe to sort. Also, mobs, are a real lagthingy, if u have real lagissues, i would consider trying to dissable them and see if it gets better. We are using LagMeter ingame to monitor current TPS (as of now, its been pretty accurate for us atleast).
  15. You can dissable those messages (cant recal in what config right now). Our server aswell runs up towards 100% CPU, and its been doing that for a long long time. Beside that, if you dont lag, whats the issue?
  16. Oh .. ur refering to the "Feed the beast" by slowpoke? FTB is a "consept", nothing else ... I think ur kinda confused about what this is all about. Sorry for that.
  17. Uhm ... no? We tried a FTB map, that was faulty, used the housing of it, redid the entire thing. I wont really consider that "stealing a map" (and creds are also given towards the one that made that map even if it didnt work at all). If u want to test out urselfe, the "original" is here on the forums somewhere, not working at all. EDIT: The spawnarea we made ourselfe, so with the spectatorarea. The nether wasnt even in that map, so thats 100% selfmade (in regards of how u can consider a few block to be called a creation)
  18. Download the version thats marked to woork with MC 1.2.5. This one: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/towny-advanced/files/17-towny-0-80-1-0/
  19. Fixed TP pipe bug that crashed the server last night. Was some error in the code of the mod, sorted now :)
  20. I btw just googled the error to find this fix If that helps
  21. To upgrade it should be real easy. Grab the correct file (u cant change version of whatever you want to update), replace the file in the modfolder of your server, and you should be good to go. In most cases, wrong files are downloaded and uploaded. Make shure that your grabbing TubeStuff Server (CraftBukkit) Release 1.2.5
  22. As some noticed, LogBlock was dissabled for a short period of time, its reenabled again now. Reason was even more SQL errors, thats fixed now :)
  23. Did you make shure to remove the old file? And remember to grab the Bukkitversion of what you need.
  24. We are ONLY on whitelist till we get our SQL sorted. Sorry for that! Noone is on that whitelist, aka noone can atm log on.
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