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Everything posted by Sp0nge

  1. Have you change any settings at all? Are you using the latest serverbuild? Please alteast post your serverlogfile of the startup, so we can see if even the mods are loading correctly. And its just these items? Do you have any plugins installed aswell? As said, we dont know anything about the basics of your server, we need to know kinda almost all to atleast to be able to start to help out on what the issue might be.
  2. If you are using twitter, add Mollstam to it, When authservers are down, just check his twitter, thats ur man that you REALLY wanna follow :)
  3. Just remember to sign up those that wants to play. Ill allow teams that aint related to servers, since we can support 4 teams!
  4. As you refer to it as infinite water glitch, ur just sad to loose the "infinte power"? Sorry if its just a trollpost in ur eyes, but arent you able to create powers in whats "the norm"?
  5. For a 5 slot server u tbh wont need much, a 2 GHZ CPU, with aprox 4 gig ram SHOULD make you able to have a server going and restart it every 24h.
  6. Ur welcome, if you are using LWC, please also check my LWC post, u might want that build aswell :)
  7. We just had Hindendra, creator of LWC on our server, to sort the pipes on LWC items on our server. And that build WORKS!
  8. Plugin Name: LWC BukkitDev Link: http://ci.griefcraft.com/job/LWC/734/ http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/lwc-for-tekkit-3-1-2.19647/#post-146245 Description: Prevents pipes to bypass any LWC protected items Tekkit Compatibility: Not full, but ill say DAMN close!
  9. As with all addings of mods, adding whatever towards the serverside of mods, will make your server NOT be a Tekkitserver anymore. Sengir have lifted his "Tekkitcrashing" on his latest releases (as far as ive tested, but then again, we dont use the Tekkit serverprovided build ...). I still dont see why ppl are doing "howto" with Forestry. Imo, Tekkit is the client, not the serverbuild. People can only remove from the serverbuild and call themselfe a "Tekkitserver", adding mods, sorry man, its not Tekkit anymore then ...
  10. Buildcraft dont release for Bukkit, so, in your words, it will never go SMP Edit: My bad, they do. But whats the different about allowed porters and BC themselfe?
  11. TekkitCraft will put togheter a team to compete with! We will also supply whatever is needed, in regards of judges (i know that might sound unfair), pluginsupport and what not to make it work, just let us know :)
  12. So what version does it say is missing? 100% accurate description will prob sort the issue straight away (help us to sort).
  13. Its your server? Are you using the latest recommended build of the client? If you are a server owner, be aware of that Tekkit has updated ...
  14. Torezu, remember some ppl call a repairshop saying theyre car "is broken" and want a diagnostic over the phone. Its pretty common, ofc you know what the issue is, ur working with the stuff right? (yeah im a mechanic )
  15. Sorry to OT, but that statement is false, im right now playing with BC3 on a SMP server for bukkit
  16. Tekkit isnt "a mod" per say, its a build, that uses ported mods from that link provided. There is nothing called "a Tekkit mod", Tekkit is a compiled pack, client and server. Add a mod to the server, it HAS to be added to the client, and if doing so, its not Tekkit anymore.
  17. Any servercrash is due to strange modusage, changing from CB to CB++ should not create any other forms of crashes that CB cant have. Your server will infact create a more accurate crashreport using CB++ of what made it crash. Our server can run for 12++h without restarts using CB++ Be aware of that situations created by the mods in Tekkit could feel as lagspikes. A "downside" by using CB++, is that some clients wont be able to handle certain areas, those areas is mostly where RP pipes are filled to the brim with several K items. In the logfile/console you will prob see players getting disconnected due to "overflow". If you spot that, teleport to that location and have a look around. Possibility that you will find something that with CB made lag is rather large, in CB++ it will feel like spikes due to the fact that the client loading the chunk will disconnect, and the server will unload it, and spike will be gone.
  18. What kind of errors? It should really not give any errors at all. Make shure that the file you download is called craftbukkit-1.2.5-FML-R4.1-SNAPSHOT-75.jar I havent tried the latest build, as said, we are using CB++ build 75. If on download, the file isnt called that, its not CB++.
  19. This might not be that related (i defo hope it will be in the future): I made a server WITH BC3 and Logisicpipes for SMP. More info can be found ingame at the spawn ;)
  20. We arent using whitelist, so no need to post any sort of whitelistapps
  21. Remember eco in Tekkit is divided into 2 parts. There is the part that itselfe manage the eco, then there is plugins that interact with the basic ecoplugin. The 2 ecoplugins we have used is iConomy and BOSEconomy. Both works as the eco fundation as it does with all MC servers. Then its just a matter of what other plugins you want to add after that to start the moneyflow around ur server.
  22. That might have been you And im REALLY gratefull that you told it to me, it have saved us for alot of issues
  23. Just a few items in EE is dissabled, items like EE tools, condensors, furnaces, heck, even destructioncatalyst is enabled. Ofc we wont fully enable EE, you thing we are dumb? Items like watch of time etc will ONLY create lag. If you dont like that, we ofc arent the server for you. We did sort the dupebugs like listed over here. RM furnaces, bag + blackholeband, bypasses like EE tools and destructioncatalyst, and more. If thats not enough, go find other shortlived servers please. We take pride in that our server is just about to hit the 1 year mark since creating, and ofc, that would have been impossible with "all enabled"
  24. So, Tekkit provides the core set of mods that the server can run. Most mods comes with errors, bugs, issues and what not. Mostly, the porter for the mods do fix the bugs, update theyre builds and make them avalible for the public. I totally understand that Tekkit cant throw out a update for every singel modupdate, so all serverowners SHOULD know howto update theyre own mods that Tekkit provides for them in the first place. Lets first off start with the link for where the SMP Bukkitports are listed: http://mcportcentral.co.za/wiki/index.php?title=Ports_for_1.2.5 From here on and out, its actually pretty simple and basic download/upload thats needed to be done. Just remember ONE thing: You CANT change the version of whatever mod you want to update, you will HAVE to use the correct version compared to what Tekkit is supplying. What you can do, is change revision of the mod. Lets look at RedPower. When writing this, latest revision of the mod is r16, Tekkit provides r15. To update RedPower first off check the modfolder of the server, check what modversion thats in there, goto the portpage, download updated revisions, and simply upload that into the modfolder. Remember to delete the old mod before starting up the server (this can all be done as the server is running, preventing unwanted downtime). It is ofc recommended to back up the server before doing this, especially for those that arent familiar with updating.
  25. Tekkit serverpack is delivered with CB from mcpc. Its nice and all, but in some cases (this tbh mostly goes to larger servers) CB isnt really cutting it in regards of lag etc. Some servers install the plugin NoLagg, but this plugin will in the long run actually generate more issues than it solves. The more permanent solution is to replace Tekkit.jar with CB++. CB++ can be found here: https://github.com/Doridian/CraftBukkitPlusPlus/downloads Build 76 seems to not work, please try build 75 instead! Our server is atm running on CB++ build 75. Be aware of that using CB++ instead of CB will in the beginning look strange, and feel strange. Stuff like itemstacking is auto, moblimits are generated pr world, etc etc etc. Please have a look at the configfiles at root to gain more info. Howto install: Download desired build from the link (sadly the builds dont tell what Bukkitversion they are made for) Stop Server Backup you ENTIRE SERVER Rename the CB++ file to Tekkit.jar Upload and replace Tekkit.jar Start server
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