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Everything posted by Viktor_Berg

  1. Did you post this thread to try and get people banned according to the new rule?
  2. In the newer versions of TE, the loss is 20% in tesseracts and 0% in conduits. I think 1.1.5 RC has that version of TE.
  3. Please be more comprehensive in your problem description. Post a screenshot of the error, or even better, an error log of some description (Forge logs are pretty good). Does it crash when you start up the program itself, or when you try to launch/download a pack?
  4. A series of tests should probably be set up. Several carriages, each carrying a number of computers increasing by 1. Find out at how many computers they start failing, and their failing percentage. Then find out of any stationary computers are affected by this. Etc. Also, I wanted to ask you, masterzh, what kind of mod adds the slanted blocks?
  5. Oh, sorry, then. I've just been recently watching some of Corridor Digital (great videos, by the way), and they did a few collabs with Freddie Wong. Further, watched a few TF2 mix-ups with him playing as sniper, so the name "freddiew" is strongly associated with him for me.
  6. That's not a big deal, really. You shouldn't be so starving for power that a 20% loss is a huge thing.
  7. Don't use phased pipes, they don't work. Use Tesseracts instead.
  8. Did you just steal Freddie Wong's skype name? Also, that font hurts my eyes. But in all honesty, I'd probably consider joining if it wasn't for the inactivity rule.
  9. How long until the Anti-Mass Spectrometer is recreated using carriages?
  10. That's what I am thinking. Screw making simple elevators and shit, let's make multi-stage airlocks, reconfigurable geometry train tracks and other shit. All these carriage types certainly allow us.
  11. Are you sure? Last I checked, Minecraft had to constantly save and retrieve chunks from the HDD.
  12. I suggest you post this thread in Platform Pagoda, this is the wrong subforum. Also, you need to be more descriptive about your problem. What happens, how, are there any crash logs, etc.
  13. Spiral Knights is on Steam, and it runs on Java.
  14. I have a question. Is this mod compatible with Immibis Microblocks? I'd love to be able to cut up your delicious basalt and marble.
  15. I presume this would be replicable with vanilla pistols, too. As for better player movement, did you actually manage to figure out a way to bypass the issue of moving entities on top of moving carriages? Could you enlighten us?
  16. Watched DW20's latest spotlight of ExtraUtils, and holy fuck, why did I bother reading comments? The bias and ignorance of 99.9% of the posters is amazing. Furthermore, why did I even reply to one of them? I bet my inbox will be spammed by FTB fanbois. The community and some of the more malicious mod authors (such as CJ or greg, for instance).
  17. It would have been valid had he updated more often than once every few months.
  18. PC should have used more traditional terminology, i.e. "output" and "input". MJ input would input into the bridge, EU output would output from it.
  19. An old build of mine, back when TC2 was a thing.
  20. I am on mDiyo's side on this one. Greg fucking with vanilla balance, when so MANY mods rely on it, is going way too far.
  21. I feel out of the loop. Can you guys enlighten me as to what's been happening with Greg, mDiyo and Azanor as of lately? What's the drama?
  22. The links are broken, could you fix them? I am talking about the links in item/block descriptions, specifically.
  23. That slime exploit has been fixed in the later versions of MFR - the killed slimes do not spawn child slimes.
  24. The "private only in name" bullshit is what gets me the most, to be honest. They even specify that any private modpack terms for any mods that include those DO NOT APPLY.
  25. That's an amazing avatar right there. But no, Technic is terrible and this site should be shut down by the name of DMCA. And you, sir, should be arrested for even making an account on this foul forum.
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