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Everything posted by Viktor_Berg

  1. TE has a proper wiki, and is much more intuitive to use. Perhaps the most complex mechanic is the configuration tab - but even that's color coded so clearly that it's pretty damn easy to understand.
  2. That is not entirely true. There are actual antiquarks, denoted by a bar above their symbol. Every single of the six existing (or known) quarks has an antiquark. Quarks have the electric charges of +2/3 electronvolt or -1/3 electronvolt. All the antiquarks have inverse charges: -2/3 electronvolt or +1/3 electronvolt. However, these are not the only differences. For instance, the antiquarks have opposite color charges to their respective quarks.
  3. So wait, I am not sure I get it. 1. Place down the 3 types of carriages in desired pattern. 2. Activate the anchor. 3. What next? When do you determine which blocks are where? What exactly is the process here?
  4. So it's still a 2-step process, right? First you lay out the template using the different Carriage types (a good idea would be to make them very distinct colors, such as green for Foo, yellow for Bar and red for Baz, which would make them very visible even in ghost form), and after creating the ghost images, you lay out the blocks and activate the anchor again, right? Are the Carriages going to be destroyed upon this act, or will they be stored inside an internal inventory in the anchor, or will they simply drop on the ground? Finally, what could you name these Carriages? Foo, Bar and Baz are obviously placeholder names. I was thinking along the lines of X Template Carriage, where X is an adjective describing its functionality. * Foo = Accepting, indiscriminate, flexible, forgetful (as in, it forgets which blocks it carried). Something to do with it being the least restrictive type of template carriage. * Bar = Ignoring/ignorant. Something to signify its ability to completely ignore any blocks that are not there when the template is created. * Baz = Restrictive, fixed. Should describe this type's complete rigidity when it comes to handling abnormalities in structure. Also, I feel that with these complex rules, a comprehensive ingame documentation of sorts is almost a necessity. Either a book like Tinker's Construct ones, or an equivalent of Thaumcraft's Thaumonomicon.
  5. Discuss the possibility of including Thaumcraft 3 into Tekkit with its creator, Azanor (hint: you will be ignored). Frames are the only thing left that has no equivalents. Yet. On these very forums, in Mod Maker's Emporium, jakj is working on carriages, which will be more functional and multi-faceted than frames. And what do you mean by "great entry" - that IC2 has more early game machinery? That's not really a compelling argument to include it back. In any case, neither RP2 nor IC2 are 1.5.x yet, so there's no point discussing their inclusion, at the very least until they get official updates.
  6. I personally think that's a positive thing. It allows for easy repair and modification of the prefab. Then again, there might be some cases where that's not desirable. I dunno, have 2 types of carriages? This is quickly becoming overcomplicated. How about a simple GUI or wrench toggle for different modes on the anchor block?
  7. How about making it simple and stopping at Carriage Pattern? As in, you skip the second step, but keep the first one. What this would mean would be that the carriage does not differentiate between blockID and metadata, but just moves whatever block or entity there is in the proper X/Y/Z offset. That'd eliminate a whole bunch of trouble. The ghost shape would be toggleable using whatever version of a wrench/tool your mod will have, just so that you don't have to deal with translucent shapes if the template is not completely filled.
  8. The style of shading, the resolution and the shape. It is obviously stylized with the cartoony style of Sphax. Now, don't get me wrong, I absolutely hate the default textures in Minecraft (I prefer Soartex), but that particle doesn't fit in the default artstyle. The general idea of the particle is nice, though - a purple sprite with a creeper-esque face on it.
  9. I was thinking far simpler, with template drawing like in BC, but I like your idea much better. It would help you remember exactly how the carriage looked like, and maybe it'd be possible to record templates and patterns on paper so that they can be reused. Also, I am not exactly sure on the metadata. Wouldn't it cause problems transporting Redstone Energy Cells, as those change the metadata as they charge/discharge?
  10. You know what would be nice? A sort of a "prefab" carriage. Basically, the idea is the same as with BC architect tables and builders. You record a set number of blocks using some kind of landmarks, and later on the carriage with that recording will ONLY move those blocks, no matter what other blocks there are around. If there are other blocks inside the volume of the template, they are ignored. If they are bumped into, they stop the carriage, naturally, but they do not stick to the prefab blocks. If some blocks are removed from the prefab shape after it starts moving around, the carriage ignores the empty space, and moves the rest of the blocks as normal. The carriage has a max limitation on either size of the prefab, or the number of blocks in it. Why bother? Well, this would allow for some extremely tight builds. Complex airlocks, sliding platforms (that move in different directions indoors or underground), there are lots of uses for such a carriage.
  11. I just void pipe all excess wood and saplings. My Tekkit is slightly modified with FZ, so I use regular barrels to store some of the stuff - which is 64 stacks of each logs and saplings. Once I switch to DSUs, I will not have to void them until MUCH later.
  12. This doesn't really fit vanilla Minecraft. I see you're using Sphax, but not everybody else does. If anything, this particle effect of yours could be included in one of the Sphax releases after jakj's mod comes out.
  13. As I understand, the platform is more for carrying large amounts of blocks, kinda like block transport. Having it pick up all sorts of formations would make it simply superior to the original configuration in every way.
  14. Make it only pick up the blocks above it, like a true platform.
  15. You mean anti-quarks, right?
  16. A giant piston that thumps menacingly downwards into an enormous Redstone energy cell under it, creating a tremor (a post-processing effect) and huge dust clouds. Man, I'd love to see that.
  17. But the problem is normal laws of physics do not necessarily apply inside the event horizon. The space-time warps so much that the photons might not be able to maintain spherical orbits, and will inevitably decay into the singularity. Sadly, I do not have the expertise to say anything more concrete on this matter.
  18. KingLemming did say he's working on early game conduits. Perhaps he will consider early-game storage, too.
  19. It's not entirely balanced yet. The mod is still very heavily in development, and balance changes all the time. However, all those handy but non-essential things are what makes the beauty of it. MPS is not just armor. It's also a tool of CONVENIENCE. Sure, jumping 1 block high slopes is not hard, but it's inconvenient, especially when travelling long distances. Sure, you can make potions of nightvision, but how many of them will you need for an average duration of a world? Parachutes and gliders do not become obsolete, they conserve your suit's energy, and jetpack is a much more lategame module. Plus they provide an additional level of aerial control. Oh yes, paxels, they exist, yes. But what makes you say it makes the power tool obsolete? If anything, it's the other way around - why would you want to use a finite durability relatively slow tool that only replaces 3 of your tools, instead of a rechargeable, very fast multitool that combines those 3 tools as well as all the other vanilla tools (except the fishing rod), as well as adds melee and ranged weapons? In any case, you deconstruct the MPS so thoroughly, but ultimately, WHAT makes the quantum alternative any better? All it is, is armor that makes you invincible, makes you breathe underwater and improves your sprint/jump. What exactly can it do that MPS can't (other than the invincibility)?
  20. Light can't be still, but it can be gone. In everyday life, photons get absorbed into the electrons of the atoms that they hit, elevating their energy status. Now, another thing is that eventually, this energy is released, often as another photon with a different energy level, but the point is, photons are not eternal.
  21. Modular Powersuits are pretty well-balanced, I have no idea what you are talking about. While some of the parts are pretty expensive (ion thrusters and field emitters), it is still very useable even without those upgrades. And no, it is not as heavy on resources as you imply it to be, I get an MPS to my desirable condition about as fast as I did with quantum suit in IC2. Finally, the question of energy. Kinetic, thermal and solar generators are there for a reason. Many people say that the kinetic generates too much heat to be useful, but I disagree. Ever since I crafted my MPS, I did not have to recharge it once, and the overheat problem only appears when I travel more than 300-400 blocks in a few seconds using max power jetpack and/or glider (which is much, much faster than IC2 quantum armor sprinting, because you slow down to walk speed if you jump in quantum, while propelling yourself 200 blocks if you jump in MPS). In general, the MPS has many more functions, both essential and handy. Nightvision, water breathing, parachute/glider, flight control, step assist, walk speed increase without having to sprint, hell, there's even invisibility. And then we have the Power Gauntlet, which is essentially every single tool combined into one, plus a few really powerful and fun to use weapons. I rocketjump with my Railgun, did you know you could do that?
  22. I assume you use the predetermined planter pattern to plant different plants in different sectors of the planter? I think that was added in one of the newer MFR versions, and might not be available in Tekkit yet (DW20's spotlight shows the functionality).
  23. If the singularity does indeed absorb light into itself, then the light is most likely gone. Converted into something else, maybe, I dunno. Point being, whatever emits from a dissolved singularity will not be the same light that was captured in it to begin with.
  24. Are you sure that you're not talking about the photon sphere around the black hole, which is an unstable orbit which can either release the photons, or absorb them into the event horizon? I am pretty sure that once light crosses the event horizon, it is inevitable to be absorbed into the singularity at its center.
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