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Everything posted by greedseed

  1. i agree EE is completely our the line of "tekkit". The only 2 things that are nice are the dust to repair items and the huge alch bags when you go mining. Al the rest of EE is complete garbidge and sould never see daylight ever again! Not realy! you need massive amounts of power and goods to even get started to build something close to a masfab diamond factory! Or diamond from coal? Yeah this is at least balanced! 64 coal = 1 diamond IF EE ever gets balanced it MIGHT have a chance. But it will never be balanced with all the rings tnt like crap and the transmution. Its like you trade water for whine and copper for gold! just to compare. A player on a EE server will stop playing that server withing a month ! A player on a NON EE will be playing longer then 2 months. This is what we have seen on our servers and this is the truth
  2. hmm awsome that this is fixt ! Are there any more things that actualy easly crash a server with CC ? Sould make a list of what can crash a server and add the fix below. This way we will finely get more SAFE CC servers !
  3. nice zeepal il take alook at that ! add in to do list SQL support plox !
  4. all caps = you need to relax windows vista = you are not allowed to run tekkit !
  5. the post looks awsome mate dont wurry you will get more postups soon Just bumped it
  6. Thanks for the support guys I added some more info on moving blocks and on the wrench bug on the main post !!
  7. i think this one is better and more complete ? http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/lwc-adding-mod-items-95-complete.18703/ Edit: Woops seen that a tick to late Thanks RebelNode ! # Current and custom protections are defined here by their block name or id # If you use the Id, you MUST encase it in quotes, for example (chest): # '54': # enabled: true # The custom protection must also have enabled: true under it for it to function in the world blocks: chest: enabled: true autoRegister: Private furnace: enabled: true autoRegister: Private dispenser: enabled: true autoRegister: Private sign: enabled: true wooden_door: enabled: true iron_door: enabled: true trap_door: enabled: true fence_gate: enabled: true #RM Furnace '126:4': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Alchemical chest '128': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Energy Condenser '128:1': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Transmutation Tablet '130': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Monitor '134': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Central Processing Unit '134:1': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Disk Drive '134:2': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Alloy Furnace '137': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Blulectric Furnace '137:1': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Buffer '137:2': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Project Table '137:3': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Blulectric Alloy Furnace '137:4': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Timer '138': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Deployer '150': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Transposer '150:2': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Filter '150:3': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Item Detector '150:4': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Sorting Machine '150:5': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Battery Box '150:6': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Retriever '150:8': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Regulator '150:10': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Assambler '150:13': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #ejector '150:14': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Relay '150:15': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Solar Panel '151': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Quarry '153': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Filter '155': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Builder '157': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Steam engine '161:1': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Combustion Engine '161:2': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Automatic Crafting Table '169': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Mining Well '174': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Iron Chest '181': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Gold Chest '181:1': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Diamond Chest '181:2': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Copper Chest '181:3': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Silver Chest '181:4': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Crystal Chest '181:5': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Low Voltage Solar array '183': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Medium Voltage Solar array '183:1': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #High Voltage Solar array '183:2': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Charging Bench Mk1 '187': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Charging Bench Mk2 '187:1': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Charging Bench Mk3 '187:2': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Rotary Macerator '188': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Singularity Compressor '188:1': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Centrifuge Extractor '188:2': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Energy Link '190:4': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Buffer '194': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Black Hole Chest '194:2': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Retrievulaor '194:5': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Computer '207': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Disk Drive '208': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Monitor '208:2': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Teleporter '223': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #BatBox '227': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #MFE '227:1': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #MFSU '227:2': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Personal Safe '225': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Reactor Chamber '233': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Generator '246': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Geothermal Generator '246:1': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Water Mill '246:2': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Solar Panel '246:3': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Wind Mill '246:4': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Nuclear Reactor '246:5': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Iron Furnace '250:1': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Electric Furnace '250:2': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Macerator '250:3': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Extractor '250:4': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Compressor '250:5': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Canning Machine '250:6': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Miner '250:7': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Electrollyzer '250:10': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Recycler '250:11': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Induction Furnace '250:13': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Mass Fabricator '250:14': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Terraformer '250:15': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Forcefield Core '253': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #MFFS area Projector '253:1': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Directional Forcefield Projector '253:2': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #MFFS Deflector '253:3': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Tube Forcefield Projector '253:4': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #MFFS Directional Extender '253:5': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Forcefield EU Injecor '253:6': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Reactor Containment Field Projector '253:7': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #MFFS Reactor Heat Control '253:8': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #MFFS Reactor Heat Monitor Server '253:9': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #MFFS Reactor Heat Monitor Client '254': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Forcefield Underwater Upgrade '254:1': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Frocefield Dome Upgrade '254:2': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Forcefield Block Cutter Upgrade '254:3': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Forcefield Core storage Upgrade '254:4': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Forcefield Core Range Upgrade '254:5': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Forcefield Zapper Upgrade '254:6': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Forcefield Camouflage Upgrade '254:7': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #MFFS Reactor Connector '254:8': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Chest Cart '342': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Furnace Cart '343': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Item Teleport Pipe '4303': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Waterproof Teleport Pipe '4304': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Power Teleport Pipe '4305': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Diamond Transport Pipe '4311': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Tunnel Bore '7310': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #MFE Cart '7307': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #MFSU Cart '7256': enabled: true autoRegister: Private #Reinforced Door '30185': enabled: true
  8. you need to set the suffix i think "&e&f" so motd=&0&0&1&2&e&f
  9. half? Hmm i count Equivalent Exchange ComputerCraft and tekkit has about 18 mods ? wait lets do the math! 18 - 2 = 16 2 = 16 ? Trollface.jpg EE is a sucker mod thats only good for fast gameplay in Single player! it ruwens iconomy and just gets you bored of playing withing 1 weak since you have everything by then Computercraft Is a thing you need to be carefull with since you cannot limit what players do. You can script or you cant. So you cant prevent players from writing a viris, infenet loop ... and et the end damage the server and make you have to wait untill the server is up again...
  10. oh oke cool ill add it to the main post :)
  11. Hey guys. You have probebly seen me lurking and posting around here in the Op swap section and the deluxe server section on my server post. Now school is back a lot of people probebly dont have time. This is the same in our team! Some of our helpers are gooing back to collage and so dont have a lot of time anymore for the server! I do most of the work myself bit since i have a job and a house and family to take care of i cannot spend every single hour working on the server. So we are looking for some good people to help out the server to grow even more and become better! What are we looking for? We are looking for a in game moderator who can handle himself and deal with most of the problems that come up in game. As a moderator you will need to be able to come on teamspeak and talk with me and the others of the R66MT Team. This way everyone will stay up to date over what is happening in the server! Also we are looking for some help on our website. S17billsp and Maarten200 start collage again and Maarten200 is also putting most of his time into R66Hardware. So we need some fresh meat to help out in the buidling of the website. So if you want this job HTML is a must! Most of the big implementations are already done but still a lot of work is to be done. We are looking for anyone who can help us out with giving some more aesthetics to the website. As wel as shooting and editing some movies of the upcomming events in game! If you are can do any of these 3 or all of these 3 things from above pls fill out a application below! application How old are you? Where do you live? Do you speak good english? Can you come on teamspeak and talk with a decent headset? Whats your experiance? What value will you add to R66? Why do you think we will pick you? Do you like pie!? More info. Disclaimer! We will only pick the best! We are a professional server and we are looking for professional people. Only good applications will be considered and others will get rejected! So put some effort into this if you want to be part of the Awsome R66MT Team!
  12. i will take a look at this for you later today on my test server and see what i can do
  13. hmm try putting x in front of it like #Item Teleport Pipe 'x4303': enabled: true autoRegister: Private Tell me if that fixt it
  14. xD yeah we have same issue with players making flying ships and then fly around with it to find out next day there chests are empty
  15. again a turtle wont work with LWC! a turtle is a moving entity witch means it will go to other locations LWC works by savind LWC Locked by : Player LWC Entity locked : Item ID LWC Entity Location : Item X, Y, Z We have tested this and it is like it is. From the moment the turtle or any other protected blocks for that matter, move there position the LWC is gone!
  16. never it will never be i think there will always be some items that some one wants in there so its more metaphorical
  17. that is the exact reason why i dont want to be on the tekkit server list :P
  18. nono you could not do that before mate thats new!
  19. it depends on a lot of factors it can even be a player pumping 5K of items threw BC pipes that makes there come up. Or it can be mods running wild. That has already happend so give is some more info about what mods you got running and or if anything is banned that can couse lags
  20. oh cewl then they changed there way of working did thay :)
  21. that sould not make any difference. I do agree with the fact Xmx must be lower then Xms In our case we use Xmx5G and Xms25G we never even hit 7G but oke still its strange you can get AOM crashes take a look if you use immibs dimansional anchors Those have bin sturring a lot of dust. If you do delete the log it makes in the tekkit server root file. This will probebly be huge. And then in the config file of this mod disable all logging
  22. no none yet. Ofc we dont regen pipes or anything, since they crap out anyway but just land regeneration. Biome change. block placement "Marble, ..." and zone deletion thats what we do about all day long with WE and we dind have any problem so far. We did notice that WE will not work with any Redpower stuff. or most of it.
  23. Have the same issue with noitem the problem is if you set a number like "214" Noitem will take use it as214.* And since a anchor is 214 and concrete is 214.1 you cant solve this. You might be if you can cancel out a noitemperm but i dind get this to work YET like noitem.noplace.214 -noitem.noplace.214.1
  24. I think that is possible yes. Just use a plugin like NoItem to block any crafting, placing and holding of EE items in your NON EE world then use multiinv ( Bukkit plugin) to split inventory's between the Non EE and the EE world so players wont go to EE world to coppy 200 diamonds and then go back to the Non EE
  25. uhh clanforge . Thats mutliplay.co.uk right i dont think they support custom server files do they ? They have there own set of Vanila tekkit and there own sed of plugins. You can upload or install any plugins that are not in there list. Wel that is how they worked about 8 months ago so i still think they do I had to set up a server for a guy i know then
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