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Everything posted by greedseed

  1. You need to remove the hash tags "#" like so ### Mod block support ### # Enable Industrial Craft 2 block rendering support (core, Advanced Machines, Charging Bench, Power Converters, Compact Solars, Nuclear Control) ic2-support: true ic2-advancesmachines-support: true ic2-chargingbench-support: true ic2-powerconverters-support: true ic2-compactsolars-support: true ic2-nuclearcontrol-support: true # Enable BuildCraft block rendering support buildcraft-support: true # Enable RedPower2 block rendering support redpower2-support: true # Enable NetherOres block rendering support netherores-support: true # Enable RailCraft block rendering support railcraft-support: true # Enable Kaevator's Superslopes block rendering support superslopes-support: true # Enabled ComputerCraft block rendering support computercraft-support: true # Enabled LC Trees++ block rendering support lctrees-support: true # Enable Forestry block rending support forestry-support: true # Enable IronCheck block rendering support ironchest-support: true # Enable TubeCraft block rendering support tubecraft-support: true # Enable Ender Storage block rendering support enderstorage-support: true
  2. you can just get WorldEdit and go to the place and regen area. It will fix it on the spot and you dont need downtime we use it and we had a prity big damaged area so we used this rool to regen a 50 chunk area. This was about 12million blocks but it took the server about 2 seconds to complete The only downside is that players get a small latency of about 2seconds We are using a prity hefty server ( 32Gigs of ram 2CPU's) so pls be carefull with how many chunks you sellect
  3. oi cranky boy pipe dont and freaking go home oke ? if you want to get us to help you out here and if you think you can play the smart server bash here just go check the server deluxe list will ya ! And go fix your dam posts. You come in here screeming " ahhh my shit aint working" and you expect everyone to just get it and fix it and then you start talking to yourself in your post
  4. you need to set up your hamachi and log in so do your freands then you need to invite them into your hamaci "local" network then they need your "hamachi local ip" You dont need to forward any ports in your router ( normaly) sincec hamachi is abasicly a reroute. It will make all ports you run threw hamachi use the "Hamachi port" so your router will only need to open that port. And normaly hamachi just shoots that into your route like skype and other appliations do.
  5. what the hell are you on about!
  6. Yeah turtles are disabled on most servers anyhow and yes i do think it will mess with LWC Since LWC uses "location(X,Y,Z), Block ID, And owner" for its protection. So your protection will NOT move with your block
  7. i had some idea's today that i want to try out. The dimensional acnhors are a great way to controle anchor use but to bad the mod is so buggy
  8. yea its not the log i fixt that there still is the problem of the anchors still being there after you delete the block itself
  9. Oke we had some crashes before and we found out why this was happening (we think) The mod "Dimensional Anchors" create log files in the "root" folder of your Tekkit server Now we had this file grow up to 13,5G.. With 2 anchors in game We deleted the file and deleted the logging option and the server dropped CPU stress by 30%! so thats a tip right there But now a second problem we have. Players can use them and the chunck limits works. But the problem is if a player (or even OP) deletes the anchor, the block is gone but the anchor is still there if you press F9 Also the limit of the player will stay up and will not go down anyone got any clue on that
  10. yeah but we cant seem to find out what it is. And its so strange the 2 cases we have found who they where have nothing in common.
  11. nope its completely random no banned items and even if its a banned item they will only crash there client and not freeze the server! Also balkons mod is completely disabled in our server
  12. Oke we seems to be having this issue. This is the first problem i cant seem to find any solution to so this is my last resort We have bin having the issue that sometimes a player his /tekkitserver/world/player/[Playername].dat file gets corrupted for some reason this happens rarely but we had 2 cases now in the past weak. That we know of. Now there is no error or anything. The last thing we see on console is the player join of that corrupted player. Oke there is a easy fix. Just deleting the Dat file but still this will not solve the couse. Anyone got any clue what its corrupting some players file or any one else had any issues with this ?
  13. Yet again this is op for op and not promto my server. So please edit the post in stead of using this cheap ass oppertunity to just go promoting again and dont sign you posts ....!
  14. We are running CentOS 6.3 and VisualVM . It works without any hitch. I will take a look at how i can help you out with this when i get home :)
  15. Use Noitem to take care of the holding. So they cant bypass it. Do keep disablecraft so they cant make items like Anchor in the new craft benches and palce it Redpower items As for the MySQL. Try phpMyadmin! its a great interface and easy to use and works great. You can set it up to get acces from internet as wel and do a lot with it. The Webbased GUI is wunderfull to start out with
  16. dont close launch.bat ! that is your console !!! The luanch.bat is a startup config line that boots the Tekkit.jar into console - CMD like screen -
  17. Running your server to make money on is a hard task. Let me explain why. Just donations wil work for the first month or so since most players wil donate and then they have donated thats it. They dont donate again since they already have. A way to get them to donate again is to have "membership". But then again this is a bitch to balance! Since you dont want a server where a donator "membership" is to OP over normal members since then normal players will leave and your server will die! It is possible to have a member system! but you need to think long and hard about it! Give normal players a way to enjoy the game as much as the donators and give the donators a bit more so they have a reason to donate but do this without killing "non donating" rank. If you get where i am gooing at. We get this by giving Normal user: 1 set home Teleport cooldown 2.400$ for Bronze kit Donator : 2 set homes Free /Kit every 30 days No teleport cooldown Supporter ( This is a free rank but a hard one to get since its picked by hand by the Server team): 3 Set homes Free /kit every 30 days No teleport kooldown Extra server slots for this group You kan add this more the way you like and tune this. We will change out and add a extra rank soon so look at this and see what keeps your server happy
  18. Its a nice post but this is a prity dammed way of promoting you server just another way in another thread that is not ment for pormoting. This is op swap, Not hey this is my server! you like ? If everyone is gone start dooing this there wont be anymore room for real op swap threads
  19. yes you can but you need to do the command about 15 times with all the pipe numbers if you use the central command for BC //removenear 166 [radius] but keep in mind that will damage other BC as well
  20. wel you can edit your towny config so if creeper blows up and takes pipes. Towny will not regen pipes ! IF you set them in the exclude line in towny
  21. Nolagg is a huge problem plugin. Is has more problems than it solves. If this has to do with tekkit or some mods. No clue but we removed nolagg a while back and the server is a lot smoother. Like sed above look into Spigot. Its more light wait then Craftbukkit++. It has a bit less functions but then again you probably dont need all of those but yeah.
  22. Me and soul will be working on the main post later today . Its easy to ban a complete mod by just taking the Zip file out of the "Mod" Folder Banning items on there own is easly dont threw Permissions and a plugin i use. "Noitem"
  23. i think you need to read the dam post a bit better first mate ! we are talking about server's not tekkit in a whole ! agree EE is a nice thing but its more Single player then Multiplayer oriented. Now yes this can be solved by banning the distructive items witch we have try'd but did not work since the energy condenser just makes everything to easy ! i do agree on the alch bags those are freeking handy but i rather drop those and lose the condenser as well. Since these are a fuckover if you want to build a iconomy system. Ofc the point of EE is not a discution here! this post is about how Soulgriever and myself set up our server and share what we have learnd with you. And our oppinion is NOT to use EE but that is not stopping anyone to not use it. This is just have we run our server and any can do his own liking. indeed i did
  24. there is no difference on removing or disabling ? only its a lot easyer to just remove what you dont need then if you have to block craft/hold/place of every item of the mod, this will make your permissions file/database even more complex when its not even needed. And rule [1] To building database or even flatfile's. Make them easy and dont make them hard to edit! So less items = more freedom to work and make everything work smoother also if somewone hacks your server and is able to /op he can still bypass the blockt items and still use them, if removed he cant thats why remove is better then block Like in my server Removed: EE WeaponsMod Enderchests Additional pipes Ender ores Bloacked: Computercraft (since admins use and soon supporters as well )
  25. cool start there Soul You can already add my LWC config in there if you like http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/lwc-adding-mod-items-95-complete.18703/
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