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Everything posted by GreenWolf13

  1. I've always disliked that that code exists. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure it's part of vanilla Minecraft (and LexManos and cpw would never remove it from Forge).
  3. No, no I'm not. At least, not until later today/earlier tommorrow. Go ahead and release the pack, it'll be easy to add MageCraft in later as there isn't any world gen, and the default item ids (26200 - 26210) don't conflict with any major mods.
  4. So yeah, squashing bugs and trying to get things working. Hopefully I'll have a new beta build for you guys soon. And this one will have textures.
  5. And this, ladies, gentlemen, and hellen kellers, is how to NOT make a bug report.
  6. I'm GreenWolf13, and I approve this platform!
  7. C-c-c-combo breaker! (That's okay in this thread, right?)
  8. Making judgement on a mod that isn't complete is a very silly thing to do. I haven't even revealed half of my plans for MageCraft. If you knew what I had planned, your butt would spin. New power generation sources, an in game guide npc, a complete overhaul to the way the basic essence system works, new dungeons, a liquid essence based advanced alchemy system, a new system for automated mining, new methods for storing items and liquids. All of these things, and more, are going to be in MageCraft. If you don't want to play my mod, that's fine, your loss, but I'd like to ask you to reserve judgement for when it's finished
  9. That would be correct. There are indeed 2 essences. Oh, also, if you want a copy of the latest source, I'll see what I can do about getting you a copy. I really need to get a GitHub working.
  10. Right now it' just an idea. It'll probably go in after I finish perfecting the basic alchemy system (since this would be advanced alchemy) and the basics of the spell casting system. It might be the foundation for a bunch of different machines, like an essence cooled/powered engine (for making MJs) or an essence powered teleportation system. Hmm, yes, I have ideas for this.
  11. Are you physic? Because I've been mulling over the idea of liquid essence. Basically, you'd have a block that can turn items into liquid essence, or essence into liquid essence. This cold then be pumped into another block that can make items using that essence. Of course, this is all hypothetical. I'd also have to find a way to balance it while still making it worth building and using if you have an alchemist catalyst already...
  12. I have textures for most of the items. I'm currently waiting on textures for Mithril and Adamant, and High Essence. Also need a texture for the Alchemist Charge. Here's a link to the Low Essence texture for anyone who wants to see what it looks like: http://puu.sh/25bsj
  13. I made a (very) low effort post in an attempt to make a joke. Looking back, I should have worded it differently.
  14. Yes, the Alchemist Charge will stack. I'm debating between stacks of 16 and stacks of 64.
  15. Okay, so I'm considering a major change to the alchemy system. Instead of putting essence into a pattern to create items, you have to combine it with the item you want to make to make more of it. So combining 2 high essence with a diamond will give you two diamonds. So you'd have to already have the item to be able to make it. I'm also considering adding a single use Alchemist Catalyst called an Alchemist Charge that is made with a gold nugget and a piece of redstone.
  16. It shouldn't, but just to be safe, make a copy of your .techniclauncher folder.
  17. So wait, you necroed a four month old thread only to remove what you posted? Not cool.
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