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Everything posted by Nixsy

  1. This is a known error with ig4dev32.dll (Intel Graphics 4 Developers Windows 32 Dynamic Link Library) If you can find a better graphic driver this problem will go away. If not well I do not know how to help further.
  2. I am honestly sitting here trying to work out if this is a serious post or if you have just tried to throw a giant troll face into this thread?
  3. There is a lot of guides around for Hamachi, Just Google for "Hamachi Minecraft". I would recommend learning how to direct the traffic on port 25565 from your router to your pc. Then you could use a free dynamic dns solution. Google is your friend dude.
  4. Are you using hamachi or do you have your router port forwarded?
  5. where it says server-ip= can you remove you server ip and then try starting the server.
  6. Sorry my bad, What I meant by Anti-Xray was http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/anti-x-ray/. It limits the amount of ores a player can mine over time. I guess you would have to tinker with the settings to fit your server, But I think it could do the job.
  7. I answered to the exact same problem over here. It has nothing to do with updating java.
  8. You can glitch through a force-field with a boat, It is a simple way of entering and exiting a force-field without leaving a trace.
  9. can you right click and edit your launch.bat file, add this --nojline with 1 space straight after tekkit.jar nogui so it looks like java -Xmx512M -Xms 512M -jar Tekkit.jar nogui --nojline pause Let me know if this works.
  10. Simplest way would be not to let them on your server in the first place. But if that fails use vanish no packet to keep an eye on new players or suspect players. Also add something like anti xray (don't know if this works well).
  11. You would have to use something like "RemoteToolkit" I do not know of any sort of compatibility issues as I have never used it for Tekkit.
  12. Nixsy

    I found this and thought it might cheer you up after this post http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/unpleasant-news-for-the-future-of-tekkit.29736/


  13. That was my only idea dude :/ Sorry I could not help more.
  14. On your ubuntu installation can your use filezilla or something similar and chmod all the files to 777.
  15. I genuinely feel for your pain dude and although it must seem unbearable now it will ease a little with time. You had something so special and from your words that was true love, That is a lot dude and I think that some people spend a whole lifetime searching for the same thing. Try to let her live on in your memories and always hold those memories dear and close to your heart. Let them lift you when your feeling like this. I wish you all my warmest sympathies in your time of loss.
  16. I was not going to be the one to recommend "Tekkit Customizer", But can confirm that it does work at removing blocks. Just prepare for an incoming 'shitstorm' from your players about it though.
  17. I think I must need to remove the matchsticks from my eyes and sleep a little more. But just goes to show double check everything.
  18. Go into your .techniclauncher folder and delete a file called "lastlogin" this should remove any player data from your launcher.
  19. I think you need to update your version of java. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre-7u1-download-513652.html
  20. I can honestly say, If anyone has downloaded and run this file they may be in trouble. https://www.virustotal.com/file/d92245dd8268e2ac61402dd7ee74cdeeac0ab01114ff22e5c2df220ddd30f68b/analysis/1348795140/ http://anubis.iseclab.org/?action=result&task_id=10e9b0834e6ec2a64e1d52b379bed1f79 The anubis scan was just uploaded so has more than likely not finished yet.
  21. I have found for smaller area's worldedit //regen does a nice job. I have used this up to 64x64x40 to cover some of the quarry.
  22. Chopnix has moved over to Tekkit lite. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/0-5-7-chopnix-20-slots-8gb-ram-modpack-we-make-tekkit-lite-fun.37842/#post-312458 Hi guys/girls Thank you for taking the time to read my thread about ChopNix. Server ip : ChopNix.com Forum address: ChopNix.info Online: 24/7 Now 80 slots 12 gb ram 8 core The server has recently gained a new rank. 'Newb-Player' this is the rank that you will go into when you first join. To move from this rank all you need to do is register on our forum and make 1 post. A picture of the market. This is a now hosted on a 12gb dedicated server and I feel that it can run 80 slots very well. Our server is now hosted in the united kingdom. We have quite a nice community and a strict no 'griefing' policy. A view of spawn with PvP Right and Spleef left We have a number of plugin to enhance, entertain and secure players at chopnix. Censorship - This is to help filter profanity and make some genuine funny mistakes. Comfort - This lets you sit on stairs as if they were chairs. CommunityBridge - fantastic plugin to link a forum and server. CoreProtect - This helps to rollback changes either accidental or intentional. DeathTPPlus - Allows you to tp back to your death point for a fee. DynamicBan - Simple ban system. DynMap - I think this has to be one of the greatest plugins period, Oh and it shows a map. essentials - Basic commands rules ect in game. Griefprevention - A great self serve area protection system. HungerBarGames - A nice hunger Games Plugin iConomy - An economy plugin :/ Lwc - [thanks greedseed] Chest, Door and block locking. Minequery - Allows the server to relay stats back to the forum. Mobarena - Fight waves of mobs and win prizes. MobBountyReloaded - This pays you for killing mob's. Stargate - [i love this plugin] Portals with custom destinations. TekkitCustomizer - Block and item restriction/removal. TekkitRestrict - Good item limiter. VanishNoPacket - Shhh player's do not know about this one. Votifier - Rewards for your votes. WorldBorder - Making sure there is an edge to the map. WorldEdit - Helps with area selection. Worldguard - Area protection. There is also a 5 plugins security and server cleaning related that I am not willing to Release the names of. ******** We are looking for players of all age's and experience levels to come and play at ChopNix. The only players that will be turned away are rule breakers and griefers. ******** The rules are pretty basic and mostly common sense yet are here to keep chopnix nice: 1. Griefing is an instant ban. 2. Respect all players. 3. No spamming the chat. 4. Respect the buildings of others. 5. Any attempts to drive out members from our server will not be treated lightly. 6. Do Not misuse the protection system. 7. Do not steal. 8. Falsely claiming to be part of staff, and/or impersonating a staff member will result in a permanent ban. 9. Do not exploit the server/plugins. If you find a plugin exploit, you are expected to report it immediately. If you take advantage of that exploit, you will be permanently banned. 10. Do not play with multiple accounts/names. 11. If Staff suspects the use of x-ray to obtain items by a member, or other means of cheating, the Staff has the right to empty that member's chest and/or inventory. 12. Do not share items if you are creative. Violation of this rule will result in a ban. 13. No Surface mining. 14. Administrators/Owners may remove a players rank without disclosing the reason. 15. Foul language will not be tolerated this is a family server. 16. No Trolling (at all) 17. The Owners/Admins word is final. ************ This is the part that lost me a few players and may deter some player from signing up. But I feel that with these items un-banned the balance, security and end game of the server is completely destroyed. The banned item list was recently revised and changed. Banned item list
  23. [edit] I have found a fix for it and it does not give any error's (so far). I removed multiverse then deleted the new world folders. and swapped out "EE2ServerV1.4.6.5-bukkit-mcpc-1.2.5-r5.zip" with an older build "EE2ServerV1.4.6.5-bukkit-mcpc-1.2.5-r3.zip" The reasoning for this was "r4 has an experimental new TransmutationTablet behaviour allowing teaming of transmutation tablets. r5 fixes some multiworld behaviours. Damage works correctly and items consume correctly in multiworld!" I am too suffering a bug from a previous usage of multiverse on my server:/ But I do have a way to still charge Klein stars using the tablet. 1. Add emc to the tablet as normal. 2. come out of the tablet gui and re-enter 3. Add your star to the left side of the tablet. 4. Take one item out of the right hand side. This works to move emc to star's in my server I hope that it works in yours also.
  24. I saw that after I had posted this but thanks for the explanation. I was wondering why it would not lock.
  25. To say thank you I have added in the turtles for cc 1.4.1 and added a name for each entry to help people with different id configurations Thank you again this has helped me a lot. #Further down the yml there is 2 sections one for computercraft 1.3 and one for computercraft 1.4.1 # choose which applys to you and comment out the other protections: denyRedstone: false autoRegister: false ignoreBlockDestruction: false ignoreLeftClick: false ignoreRightClick: false ignoreExplosions: false allowEntityBreakDoor: false quiet: false blocks: chest: enabled: true autoRegister: private furnace: enabled: true autoRegister: private dispenser: enabled: true autoRegister: private sign: enabled: true autoRegister: private wooden_door: enabled: true autoRegister: private iron_door: enabled: true autoRegister: private trap_door: enabled: true autoRegister: private fence_gate: enabled: true autoRegister: private #Energy collector '126': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Energy collector MK2 '126:1': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Energy collector MK3 '126:2': enabled: true autoRegister: private #DM Furnace '126:3': enabled: true autoRegister: private #RM Furnace '126:4': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Antimatter Relay '126:5': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Relay MK2 '126:6': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Relay MK3 '126:7': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Alchemicle Chest '128': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Energy Condensor '128:1': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Monitor not CC '134': enabled: true autoRegister: private #CPU '134:1': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Disk Drive '134:2': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Alloy Furnace '137': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Blue electric furnace '137:1': enabled: true autoRegister: private #buffer '137:2': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Project table '137:3': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Blue electric alloy furnace '137:4': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Deployer '150': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Filter '150:3': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Item detector '150:4': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Sorting machine '150:5': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Battery Box '150:6': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Retriever '150:8': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Regulator '150:10': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Assembler '150:13': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Ejector '150:14': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Relay '150:15': enabled: true autoRegister: private #filler '155': enabled: true autoRegister: private #builder '157': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Template Drawing Table '158': enabled: true autoRegister: private #steam engine '161:1': enabled: true autoRegister: private #combustion engine '161:2': enabled: true autoRegister: private #automatic crafting table '169': enabled: true autoRegister: private #enderchest '178': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Iron chest '181': enabled: true autoRegister: private #gold chest '181:1': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Diamond chest '181:2': enabled: true autoRegister: private #copper chest '181:3': enabled: true autoRegister: private #silver chest '181:4': enabled: true autoRegister: private #crystal chest '181:5': enabled: true autoRegister: private #lv solar '183': enabled: true autoRegister: private #mv solar '183:1': enabled: true autoRegister: private #hv solar '183:2': enabled: true autoRegister: private #computercraft 1.4.1 turtles #mining turtle '185': enabled: true autoregister: private #mining turtle '185:1': enabled: true autoregister: private #wireless turtle '185:2': enabled: true autoregister: private #wireless mining turtle '185:3': enabled: true autoregister: private #melee turtle '186:3': enabled: true autoregister: private #digging turtle '186:4': enabled: true autoregister: private #felling turtle '186:6': enabled: true autoregister: private #farming turtle '186:7': enabled: true autoregister: private #wireless melee turtle '186:259': enabled: true autoregister: private #wireless digging turtle '186:260': enabled: true autoregister: private #wireless felling turtle '186:262': enabled: true autoregister: private #wireless farming turtle '186:263': enabled: true autoregister: private #crafty turtle '186:512': enabled: true autoregister: private #crafty melee turtle '186:515': enabled: true autoregister: private #crafty digging turtle '186:516': enabled: true autoregister: private #carfty mining turtle '186:517': enabled: true autoregister: private #crafty felling turtle '186:518': enabled: true autoregister: private #crafty farming turtle '186:519': enabled: true autoregister: private #end of computercraft turtles 1.4.1 #charging bench '187': enabled: true autoRegister: private #charging bench mk2 '187:1': enabled: true autoRegister: private #charging bench mk3 '187:2': enabled: true autoRegister: private #rotary macerator '188': enabled: true autoregister: private #singularity compressor '188:1': enabled: true autoregister: private #buffer '194': enabled: true autoRegister: private #automatic crafting table mk2 '194:1': enabled: true autoRegister: private #black hole chest '194:2': enabled: true autoRegister: private #computer '207': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Disk drive '208': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Monitor '208:2': enabled: true autoRegister: private # Item loader '213': enabled: true autoRegister: private # Item loader '213:1': enabled: true autoRegister: private #adv item loader '213:2': enabled: true autoRegister: private #liquid unloader '213:4': enabled: true autoRegister: private #adv item unloader '213:5': enabled: true autoRegister: private #cart dispensor '213:6': enabled: true autoRegister: private #rolling machine '213:8': enabled: true autoRegister: private #Energy loader '213:9': enabled: true autoRegister: private #energy unloader '213:10': enabled: true autoRegister: private #feed station '213:11': enabled: true autoRegister: private #train dispensor '213:13': enabled: true autoRegister: private ### UNcomment this section for computercraft 1.3 ## # '216':#Turtle################################## # enabled: true # autoRegister: private # '216:1':#mining turtle ######################## # enabled: true # autoRegister: private # '216:2':#wireless turtle####################### # enabled: true # autoRegister: private # '216:3':#wireless mining turtle################ # enabled: true # autoRegister: private # '225':######################################### # enabled: true # autoRegister: private # '225:1':####################################### # enabled: true # autoRegister: private #Batbox '227': enabled: true autoRegister: private #MFE '227:1': enabled: true autoRegister: private #MFSU '227:2': enabled: true autoRegister: private #LV transformer '227:3': enabled: true autoRegister: private #mv transformer '227:4': enabled: true autoRegister: private #hv transformer '227:5': enabled: true autoRegister: private #reactor chamber '233': enabled: true autoRegister: private #generator '246': enabled: true autoRegister: private #gethermal generator '246:1': enabled: true autoRegister: private #water mill '246:2': enabled: true autoRegister: private #solar panel '246:3': enabled: true autoRegister: private #windmill '246:4': enabled: true autoRegister: private #nuclear reactor '246:5': enabled: true autoRegister: private #iron furnace '250:1': enabled: true autoRegister: private #electric furnace '250:2': enabled: true autoRegister: private #macerator '250:3': enabled: true autoRegister: private #extractor '250:4': enabled: true autoRegister: private #compressor '250:5': enabled: true autoRegister: private #canning machine '250:6': enabled: true autoRegister: private #miner '250:7': enabled: true autoRegister: private #pump '250:8': enabled: true autoRegister: private #electrolyzer '250:10': enabled: true autoRegister: private #recycler '250:11': enabled: true autoRegister: private #induction furnace '250:13': enabled: true autoRegister: private #mass fabricator '250:14': enabled: true autoRegister: private #terraformer '250:15': enabled: true autoRegister: private #advance wooden transport pipe '4301': enabled: true autoRegister: private #distrubution transport pipe '4302': enabled: true autoRegister: private #item teleport pipe '4303': enabled: true autoRegister: private #waterproof teleport pipe '4304': enabled: true autoRegister: private #power teleport pipe '4305': enabled: true autoRegister: private #item transport pipe '4309': enabled: true autoRegister: private #diamond transport pipe '4311': enabled: true autoRegister: private #iron waterproof pipe '4316': enabled: true autoRegister: private allowEntityInteract: false core: locale: en flushInterval: 10 cacheSize: 10000 precache: -1 showNotices: true showMyNotices: false opIsLWCAdmin: true disableHistory: false townyBorders: false groupPrefix: group. updater: branch: STABLE method: AUTOMATIC optional: onlyProtectWhenOwnerIsOnline: false onlyProtectWhenOwnerIsOffline: false exemptBlocks: [] optOut: false blockTransportPipes: true database: adapter: sqlite path: plugins/LWC/lwc.db host: localhost database: lwc username: '' password: '' prefix: lwc_ modes: droptransfer: enabled: true persist: enabled: true
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