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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. In the interest of fairness, i will probably download and fiddle with this for a bit, but it looks as though they've fallen for the "more=better" school of thought that brought us the H3. Half of the mods they added in are hideously mangled or redundant things like the industrial power mod.
  2. I meant joining planetside 1. Hush I've been at work all day, and am suffering from caffeine deprivation.
  3. Jay?


    You're right, using mineshafter isn't illegal. Playing without a license is though.
  4. yeah, you need to be opped on the server, as well as have it enabled in your client. I can't remember which is which, but the liine you're looking for is the "cheatmode=" line. The values are 0,1, and 2
  5. wait what? THAT is FtP? i... uh... may be joining tonight.
  6. Jay?


    Yeah, that's nice, but when you pirate a game, you shouldn't be expecting to get associated content along with it from the oficial source. It's not our responsibility to give you stuff in the form you want it, and it's easier for the dev team to make the launcher download the minecraft contents from mojang, and that requires you to have a legit account. Further discussion of piracy is against the rules, AND if it weren't, it would still be completely ineffective at changing their minds.
  7. >_> I hated CoH. it felt like a really awesome character generator, with a copy of grindquest 27 attached to it. Planetside, however looks way too awesome.
  8. Damnit you guys, stop getting me into MMOs, i have neither the time OR the money for them q_q
  9. The Launcher also needs .net framework at the least, but probably a handful of other things, but seriously guy, your test with a virtual machine is not worthwhile. All you'd be proving is that you have something on your machine that you need to remove or add, which we already know. There are literally thousands of people having absolutely no problem with the launcher at all.
  10. what's communities first? That sounds like the name of a nonprofit. Are you on a public computer?
  11. Yeah, except that by its very nature, a virtual machine is ALSO lacking a variety of other general dependencies that most machines get through general use, like .net frameworks and such. Anyone here could have warned you that your test would be useless.
  12. Wait, you think that the launcher is broken because you and thirty other people cant figure it out, despite the fact that thousands of other people have been using it without issue for months?
  13. good god guy, do i have to hold your hand navigating your computer?
  14. "You can find a logs in the "logs" folder in your .techniclauncher/logs folder. The most recent log should end in "_0". Copy and paste everything in that and go to www.pastie.org or www.pastebin.com. Paste the log in the textbox and hit submit, then include the link in your report. " From the goddamn sticky.
  15. Is he literate? the stickies are pretty straightforward.
  16. Oh right, 3.0.3 is what you should be selecting. Make sure that you delete your old tekkit folder before you select it though.
  17. Yeah, no, none of that is diagnostically relevant. Maybe you should go get an adult to read the sticky to you.
  18. Yeah, because 3.1.0 is the dev build, and not the one you should be using.
  19. Nobody knows, you haven't given enough information to even know what's wrong.
  20. Try 3.0.4, since that's the current one.
  21. No, im not going to access your computer for you. Nobody else should either. You downloaded Java, but did you also delete Java 6?
  22. It's not still updating. It updated improperly. Try going to options, selecting manual build selection, and getting the proper build.
  23. Try deleting your Tekkit folder in .techniclauncher
  24. try getting java 7. without accurate information, anything could be happening.
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