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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. I do that too. It's usually because i can already see what the response is going to be and typing out my response the the stupid response would be too much work to be worth it.
  2. Jay?

    Aether for Techic

    Yeah, except you have to dick around a bunch in the overworld first. And then when you get to the aether, all your old tools are useless.
  3. Isn't that mostly because anything that can be charged has to use multiple meta values?
  4. Jay?

    Aether for Techic

    There's also the part where it's compatible with nothing, and has a really bizarrely jarring segmented feel to it, that forces you to not mix it with other things. I would actually like it a lot more if it just replaced the overworld.
  5. Oh sweet christ, guy. That post right there is exactly why you can't find a girl to play with.
  6. Jay?

    Aether for Techic

    HA. HA hahaha. no, they wont.
  7. Re: Tekkify - [Tekkit] [Protections, EE/CC Disabled & More!] Yum. Also, boy am i glad i took down all my machines and kept them in my inventory.
  8. No, see that's not how it works. If we're mean to you for not reading the rules, your options then become "read the rules or go away forever" We have no interest in being nice to people who don't read the rules. In fact, we WANT those people to leave, they make everything way harder for everyone involved. I'm not sure why this concept is so difficult for people.
  9. we support forestry just as much as we support minefactory. That is to say not at all. We may answer your bug reports if there's a glaring thing that we understand, but we generally don't provide support for any mods that aren't in the pack... because they aren't in the pack.
  10. That's because you're set to use recommended builds, and 3.0.3/4 is NOT recommended yet.
  11. The point of view is very common, but i'd just like to point out that the fact that so many women on the internet try not to let people know that they're women is a pretty telling sign of rampant sexism. (for a great example of this, see my username) However, to the person who asked for it to be stopped, this thread int really so offensive as to convince me to close it. If it gets bad i will, but till then, just point out how stupid the stupid people are, and you'll probably get on fine here.
  12. Just to be fair. That statement is pretty much the definition of sexism. Here, have a cartoon! http://xkcd.com/322/
  13. Dudewhat. I was trying to give you some VERY obvious hints about what you should be doing, but apparently you are too dense to include more information when people make fun of you for not including information. Alas, it is now too late.
  14. Oh man, watch out everyone, this guy is on a roll. how does that much information even exist?
  15. Aw jeez, that's just so much information, I'm drowning in it! How could i ever possibly sort through it all!?
  16. Jay?

    HUGE problem

    Uh... only if you try to open the world in regular minecraft. If you just use MCedit, it wont delete anything but what you tell it to. Besides, can't you select a specific path for MCedit? you used to be able to.
  17. People who say shit like that are the reason so many girls avoid the internet. You have to be either masochistic, or love being angry to want to put up with "lol no girls on the internet" every ten minutes.
  18. You can't hate me because I am equal parts Beautiful, Intelligent, and Malevolent, and hating me would be foolish.
  19. Uhhh... no? Are you new here?
  20. Stop asking for feedback. We will give you feedback when we feel like it, and whether you want it or not. Welcome to the real world.
  21. This is a pebkac error. quite common. You can look it up over your three day vacation 8D
  22. Jay?

    Tekkit error

    What the hell dude, this was deleted less than ten minutes ago. Did you seriously not even consider why it was deleted before reposting it?
  23. It's ugly. It's kinda buggy. A lot of things don't work as intended, particularly conveyor belts. Shit falls off of them and gets stuck between the tiles constantly. I don't know for sure, but those all sound like excellent reasons not to include it.
  24. Jay?

    Bore Miners

    Use the search feature damnit. This was answered less than an hour ago.
  25. Thaumcraft is single player only, and as such is only in technic, not tekkit.
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