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Everything posted by CanVox

  1. -Xmx3G -Xms2G means start with 2 gigs of memory and let it go as high as 3 gigs as memory. If you don't have 3 gigs of memory, you'll not be able to use these parameters. You can reduce these numbers to get your server running but if you do, please don't come in here being all like "oh my server's randomly crashing, it's saying out of memory, it's laggy, etc."
  2. Did this just start happening with 1.2.2?
  3. What server are you trying to connect to? It sounds like they have custom config modifications.
  4. Both Galacticraft and Business Elite have less than 20 mods, and they will be the #1 and #2 modpack after Big Dig is removed.
  5. I guess I'll activate the recipes next version, but for the record, I think multiblock structures are cooler. :-O
  6. This is some weird behavior I've never seen before. Does this happen when you do the same thing in a fresh SSP world?
  7. There's a few different 1.4.7 versions, and some of them don't work very well.
  8. Hi, aldrigviking, The problem is that you're not really just stating an opinion, the problem is that you have a really poorly-thought-out opinion, people have pointed out issues with it, and rather than address their concerns or think things through, you keep just restating that opinion over and over again without incorporating new information or having a conversation with anyone. That's really annoying, and also boring, and also you were already warned about this shit earlier by a different mod. That's why this essay assignment is so great- you will have to think through your opinions and hopefully find at least one interesting thing to say in 1,000 words. Or you can be banned.
  9. Hello, aldrigviking. Please write a 1,000 word essay on the following topic. This is not optional. If you fail to complete this challenge in 5 days, you will be banned. Your topic: Explain in detail how exactly you could use toggleable creative mode to create a play style in which someone mines some but not as much as in tekkit. Please explain how this would be more enjoyable for people than just playing a modpack that has more frequent ores. Again, this is not optional, and I do expect that you will put some level of effort into it, since if your essay isn't very good, you will be kellered. Please remember essay-writing guidelines. Have an introduction that introduces your assertions and a conclusion that wraps things up. Give each paragraph a strong assertion with supporting evidence statements. Your future on these forums are in the hands of your writing skills now!
  10. I think each modpack should generally try and support a single style of play relatively well. If you don't understand the appeal another modpack, it MIGHT mean it's a badly-designed pack, but it also might mean that it's designed around a style of play you aren't interested in. So obviously, there's a lot of tech mod overlap between Big Dig and Tekkit, but if you've played both, it's hard to argue that they're similar. The actual way the two mods play is very, very different. But even though those two mods cover a lot of tech mod bases, there's probably room for even more tech packs- An IC2-centric pack that prominently features gregtech and is centered around tedium difficulty could be a lot of fun, although I don't think I'd play it myself. There's a lot more to a modpack than just the mod selection, is my point. Modpacks can be differentiated entirely by their configurations. Also, a large mod selection evokes a particular play style (individual or small team projects, lots of experimentation with different mods), and a small mod selection evokes a particular play style more akin to a vanilla server (focused megaprojects, PVP). Voltz's playstyle is interesting- it has very few automation mods, no automining at all, and even automatic ore processing and autocrafting takes a large time investment. This makes it good for a more vanilla-feeling minecraft experience, since everything has to be built by hand. Fun for new players, with some great projects to work toward, that don't just turn into waiting on quarries. This is just one game you can play with minecraft, though. When you make modpacks, you're pretty much trying to make a new, coherent game out of minecraft and some mods. I don't know that we always succeed, but I think it's myopic to see Voltz's game as the only game possible.
  11. What exactly are you basing this off of?
  12. Tekkit isn't running on forge 644+, so....?
  13. Hey, you asked. Regardless, a lot of machines are showing vast framerate improvements with forge 644+, and a lot of great mods features are already running only in 1.5.1.
  14. emit a redstone signal
  15. There are a couple reasons we did a 0.6.2 update: - The next update relies on a couple mods that haven't updated yet. Omni Tools and Power Converters, to give a couple examples. They haven't updated, which makes it tough for us to update. - We're making some kind of extreme changes in our 1.5 version, and so some players are probably going to want to stick with 1.4.7 for a bit. It's important to make sure that they're seeing the best of 1.4.7. - Some mods (Dimensional Doors comes to mind) had some really stunning changes since 0.6.1 came out that make them a lot more playable. For folks that are active playing now, these improvements will be a big deal. I understand you guys are chomping at the bit, and 1.5 updates will come fast and furious soon, I promise.
  16. A note about strange matter, since I was in that code recently: now strange matter has a 10% chance of being generated, but can only be generated when the particle was at 50% velocity prior to explosion. It seems like generating strange matter will be very expensive in terms of electromagnets :(
  17. You know, I REALLY didn't think you could just plug a gold waterproof pipe into an aqueous accumulator. Maybe I'm crazy, but I REALLY think that a wooden waterproof pipe + a redstone engine to pump it is the right solution.
  18. See, this is why me and WYSIWYG editors don't get along. This is fixed and thanks for telling me. This was the case for like 45 minute after the update, over a day ago, but my tests over here show everything working fine. Can you tell me what's wrong?
  19. Forestry doesn't have Bee NPCs that fly around. EDIT: You get bee items by using the scoop tool on a hive.
  20. Sorry, what? You see the hives, that sounds like it's working to me. Please do a better job of explaining the issue.
  21. From your log: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space I told you to check the box to increase permgen size, and I'm very frustrated to have gone through this with you only to discover that you did not do as instructed.
  22. No reason to triple post. :-O You can find it in your .technic\bigdig folder. It's called ForgeModLoader-client-0.log. Run the game until it starts flipping out then close it and put the log up on pastebin.
  23. Hi, Big Dig doesn't have "members"? I agree that infosoft is being a rude dude, if that helps. I don't know what downloading to get a vote for cakes means, but I'm always pro-cakes, download or no download.
  24. Not much else can be done without a forge log, then.
  25. This sounds like you're not allocating enough memory to Big Dig- you can change the memory allocation from the cogwheel in the top right hand corner of the launcher. Be sure to check the box for increased permgen size.
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