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Everything posted by Neowulf

  1. I believe the USB tethering is done via the virtual serial interface, not sure. I know my old semi-smartphone used the virtual serial to tether. I did find a petition on some android forum asking for a USB sound bridge to be added into android 4.0, so other people want it. It's just not possible currently.
  2. Pretty sure it's not possible over anything but bluetooth. I'm pretty sure the USB port on a smartphone can only do a virtual serial port and flash memory access. Why do you have to force all your sound in/out through your phone?
  3. Neowulf


    "ASSHATS!" repeated 315 times... This means something. Possibly a future date? End of the world prediction perhaps?
  4. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that.....(doesn't ask him to log in) Turkeys are the real bastards. Wind turkeys are big evil bastards that hunt poor little 4 year olds playing on their backyard swings. Thanksgiving is sweet sweet vengeance...
  5. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that.....(doesn't ask him to log in) http://phobialist.com/ Big list of phobias. Not that it's even a fraction complete. A phobia is an irrational fear, so while general classification of similar phobias is possible, the actual list is infinite in size and includes itself. It's the rule 34 of the mental health world. If it exists (or not), there is a phobia of it.
  6. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that.....(doesn't ask him to log in) Actually it's Murphy's Thread Law: Any title that can be wrong, will be wrong. Schrodinger's Thread Principle is invoked whenever you enter this thread, the subject could be anything until you observe the latest posts and collapse the threadform.
  7. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that.....(doesn't ask him to log in) I love spicy stuff but unfortunately the same stomach problem that keeps me from drinking booze also reacts badly to most peppers. Luckily I can still eat salsa as long as I strain out the chunks. A friend of mine made jalapeno wine last year. It had an interesting taste...
  8. Fun fact, people attending Disney theme parks are Guests, not Customers. It's something Walt did to hammer into employees that disneyland patrons are there to have fun, not to be treated like walking wallets. Employees are called cast members. Customer is actually a code word used to alert cast to shoplifters and troublemakers. If you ever go to a disney park and hear an employee tell another to "Can you please go service that customer over there?", that's code for "Go hound that person so they can't try to steal anything else, and keep track of them for when security gets here." It's kinda like the hellen keller thing on here, they both translate to "Stupid fucker who needs to shape up and start following the rules if they plan to still be here 15 minutes from now."
  9. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that..... I don't either, which is what makes my family reunions the most fun. Ref.: Cement Mixer Incident
  10. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that..... You want terrifying, check with a university's organic chemistry seniors. I guarantee you one of them has abused their knowledge to make Froshkiller, a perfectly blended concoction of various alcohols, sodas, and fruit juices that is easy to drink, doesn't hit you right away, and leaves you with the worst hangover you will ever experience. Just in time for freshmen midterms.
  11. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that..... I'll just say it's a drink you need to look up.
  12. Not really. There was still the problem of the losing side shedding players due to them not wanting to lose all the time. Wintersgrasp is a battlefield that ran every two hours, and required the current owners to defend a set of walls from the attacking team's siege weapons. Also included were towers the defenders could destroy to decrease the time limit, and siege workshops the attackers had to hold so they could actually use siege weapons. The siege weapons were the only things that could hurt the defender's walls, and they did not benefit from tenacity. So it would usually go down with the horde side having 30-40 people while the alliance had 5-10. Atleast 2 alliance were needed just to hold a single siege workshop, so you have 3-8 left to man a couple wet tissue vehicles and hope to get one shot off at one of the 3 layers of wall (which required something like 25-30 each shots to take down). Then walk your way back through a ton of crowd control spam and try to get another shot off. And this all assumes the alliance side plays smart, instead of the usual 10 complete idiots all running around trying to get as many kills in as possible before losing. Oh, and did I mention your side had to have control of wintersgrasp in order for you to progress through PvE gear upgrades? All in all, until they implemented team size caps, all WG did was unbalance server populations. So badly that the effect is still easily felt a year after WG became something to ignore, and will sadly probably still continue well into the next expansion.
  13. Ugh, tenacity was a horrible attempt to fix team size differences. Making one side physically stronger does not counterbalance problems such as force projection and crowd control efficacy. All it does is encourage the smaller team to ignore the still impossible objectives and instead go rack up big kill counts.
  14. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that..... No one trusts shots since the Cement Mixer Incident. And big mugs are reserved for the birthday boy/girl.
  15. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that..... Nah, just too many of us. Anything harder than vodka+coke and someone starts to get ideas of having fun away from the normal gathering, which means a small group of 15 or 16 splitting away from the main party and getting into some kind of trouble. Easier to just keep everyone on beer, wine, and rum/whiskey/vodka mixers so everyone stays together singing and dancing.
  16. WG was always held by horde on my server. New area is just as bad. Though pvp has gotten a LOT better since vanilla. I remember being one of the few people who would stay in a warsong match if the horde side had more than 1 superman (shaman) on their team. It was both hilarious and frustrating watching horde players justify the uberness of shamans back then. Apparently having an exclusive class that is designed to counter 4 other classes and solo atleast 2 enemy players at once is perfectly balanced and didn't need a counter of it's own.
  17. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that..... Beer makes my family happydrunks, too much of the hard stuff makes them either passedoutdrunks or dostupidshitdrunks. Cousins wedding was a little hard to do after some of them had a night of punching large dents in the cars with stupid/uberconservative bumperstickers on the way back from the bar.
  18. Been playing about as long. I've had my share of shit groups and really good groups. Most of the shit groups were deadmines, long before LFD. PvP tends to give me shit groups though. Freaking hate solo defending a flag/point while the rest of the team goes "But the kills are over here!" or "Hold the roads! It totally worked once!" or "Don't concentrate on one gate, it totally works to send split up and send half the siegers away so they chase them!" or my personal favorite "Everyone to docks! Hangar, Workshop, and everything else are useless!" which is usually said 4-5 lost games in a row...
  19. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that..... Grandma build a beercan pyramid the size of herself during one of my aunt's 40th birthday partys. 5 foot nothing and she not only drank that much, but she still had the coordination to stack em.
  20. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that..... When a family reunion requires hourly booze runs, you know it's a good time.
  21. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that..... The earliest a member of my dad's side came over to america was the mayflower, the latest was in 1900 from norway (also where our made-up last name came from, 300 years of direct paternal Smith lineage overwritten by a guy named after a farm). In between we can trace our lineage to Europe, as in ALL of it. Plus we're pretty sure there's some russian in there as well. 100% Purebred American, AKA Mutt. We mainly emphasize the irish, norwegian, and german parts. Drunken viking leprechauns!
  22. Neowulf

    Scary noises

    Translation: Can't decide whether to hit on OP or not.
  23. PC doesn't require an encrypted loader module to actually start a program, so microsoft have no control whatsoever over what can run. Hard to extract license fees when you can't stop someone's code from running. Though they're looking to correct that with windows 8 and its built in app store. Plus there is an extra incentive to sell games, the console itself is sold at a loss. If I remember right they have to sell an average of 3.5 games per console to make up the difference between sell price and hardware cost (though this was at launch, no clue what economics of scale has done with that since). Pulling dick moves like this helps keep the console price down.
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