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Everything posted by Neowulf

  1. Oh, so many monty python holy grail quotes to choose from... And there was much rejoicing? or Brave Sir Holburn ran away?
  2. Board has 48 ram slots, 48x32gig=1736gig=1.5TB of ram 1TB sticks may not exist, but it is possible to load a server up with that much. Untested, expensive as all getout and you'd have to pry them from Jay?'s NSFW grasp, but possible nonetheless.
  3. http://www.techpowerup.com/157593/New-Intel-Server-Board-to-Hold-1-TB-of-RAM.html
  4. Oh my god, they're bullying poor verizon CEO's? Does their evil know no bounds?!?
  5. You go right ahead. I'm quite enjoying the current topic of mod gender revelations and that lack of pure venomous hatred it entails.
  6. Oh don't get me started on those terrorists. I mean really, they each steal thousands of songs and movies from poor musicians and actors, knowing that every one they steal costs over $1,000,000 in lost money and therefor jobs. How can they live with themselves, causing that much destruction and poverty with just a couple clicks of the mouse.
  7. But, I've seen dozens of movies where computer viruses make computers explode, so I know that's bullshit and software can break hardware. Hollywood would never lie to me.
  8. Nah, it'd be hilarious to be mining down and find a pirate airship, complete with crew, embedded 30 blocks below a mountain.
  9. Would be nice to see the spawn range of ores scaled to fit as well.
  10. I present to you, at Merchant's request, my continuing adventures in IC2 modding. AKA A newbie's blind stumbling! First my downloads: A fresh copy of .minecraft through the vanilla launcher. So I had a locked in copy of 1.2.5 to make copies of. Eclipse. MCP - http://mcp.ocean-labs.de/index.php/MCP_Releases Mod loader - http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/75440-v125-risugamis-mods-everything-updated/ Forge source (which also has the modloader DL link) - http://minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,4.0.html FernFlower decompiler - link in the forge source readme. IC2 client and API - http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=5896 The api is located right below the KGB server host ad. All that download, I loaded modloader into the minecraft.jar, copied the files into MCP as directed by the readmes and hit the forge install command. First decompile, success!... I wish. First compile was a fail because I forgot to remove that damn meta-inf from the minecraft.jar Ah well, second decompile a success! Now to load the IC2 source because alblaka says that's all you need to jump right into coding an addon! Liar. Knowing all the classes is fine and dandy, but unless you've already worked with IC2 then you need examples and references. So I went back and followed this guy's instructions and after a couple pages of hunk failures past my CMD wind's buffer size, I got a decompiled IC2 source. And immediately regretted I didn't save an extra copy of the vanilla MCP decompile I did before, because I realized I might want one to make more copies from so I can work with other mods without mashing them all together... Ah well, recreate a vanilla MCP decompile and carry on. Time to code! Or actually, time to wrack my brain trying to follow var1, var2, and var3 as they go through each member function getting repurposed every 20 lines or so. But I figured it out eventually. Package? Eclipse is helpfully telling me to declare my source files as part of a package, so I follow along. Includes?!? Crap, I don't know any of the API's. I ahve no clue what to include... But wait! Eclipse is being a darling and helpfully offering the includes I'm using. Thanks eclipse, i'd be stuck if not for you... Ok, class mod_ForTheTrees is defined, general layout copied by sight from another cropcard mod that helpfully included source (all of it config loading, which I had to rewrite anyway to work with more than 2 crops), file done for now. Ahh, extend the cropcard base class, @override the member functions I will be using with direction from the example mod. Parsing slowly through the cropblock functions gave me a vague understanding of the crossbreeding rules, and a headache. So I know I just have to set all the stats to identical numbers for any crops I want to easily crossbreed. Ok, cropcards all defined, mod_ file updated to register all the crops and their (development only) seeds, all is ready to recompile! MCP: NOPE. Me: Wha? MCP: Screw off, can't recompile the IC2 client. ME: FUCK! ME: Ok, wait, if I make a copy of the base MCP, add in the IC2 API src and copy my files over, it should all be happy and kosher to recompile. MCP: NOPE. Dunno who this cropcard is you're trying to use. ME: Yes you do, it's right there in the source! MCP: Not listening. Me: Ok, wait, the actual IC2 source includes those classes from net.minecraft.src.ic2, maybe that's the problem. MCP: Yup, but I still ain't gonna compile, dunno what that random function you're using is. ME: Fuck, mod_ic2 declaration isn't part of the src so I can't use the Random member of it... Ok, reimplement myself in my own mod_ MCP: Now was that so hard? Here's your .class files. Me: Fuck yeah! Compiled mod files in hand, I toss them into a zip, toss the zip into my .technicssp\mods and start the game. It starts! But the crops don't work, never found my mod_ to load... Ok, maybe it's the package? Remove it all, try adding to ic2 package, try adding to net.minecraft.src, all no dice. An hour later (I ate dinner) I'm sitting here trying to figure out why it's throwing up a "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError" in modloader.txt and not comming up with anything until... Eureka! Dickmove.bat! I mean, reobfuscate.bat! I forgot I was going straight to my .technicssp install, so I need to prep my mod for production instead of test. Holyfuckingshitwithaheapingsideofvulgarity! It works! Client loads, I can start my crops with almost all of my defined seeds, and it doesn't throw a fit like my 4 year old! Sprites need some work, since they aren't doing transparency I have white blocks with my terrible hackjob sprites (I'm no artist), and I messed up the seed definition for shrooms. But hell I'm happy! TL;DR Download client and API. Do one mod at a time. Make one MCP decompile of the client, for coding your mod. Make one MCP decompile of vanilla then toss the API in, for recompiling. Package your stuff into net.minecraft.src unless you know what you're doing. Use Eclipse for an IDE, it makes includes nice and easy. Recompile and reobfuscate when you're ready to test in the big client.
  11. "Kakermix used Bag-O-Dicks. It's super effective! Keller Fodder has fainted. Internet sends out Obvioustroll! Do you want to switch admins?"
  12. Will do after work. So far I've gotten a set of IC2 crop cards to compile, but getting my mod to actually load seems to be a problem. Still got a couple things to try.
  13. Bingo. src=was in D3 beta
  14. It was better back when it was total annihilation.
  15. I think kaker is secretly the son of bill gates, rory john gates. He's got the crude humor of a 13 year old and it seems the deep pocket books of a billionaire's allowance.
  16. Ok, there's clueless, and there's too clueless. I'm guessing troll trying to start a flame thread, like the guy who asked about BTW and acted completely clueless as to the history with technic or who flowerchild was. Don't really understand it, all this does is bring out a tired rehash of information from previous threads. These forums aren't even old enough for anything to become tired and overused, and yet here we are...
  17. I would but every time I start typing a new thread to ask about some completely random error I'm having I get about halfway through the post before getting an idea that fixes my problem. I'm a bad newbie modder, figuring out my own problems...
  18. Ahh, ok. Pain in the arse trying to read through the crop crossing functions when there are 4 var#'s and he repurposes half of them every 20 lines of code or so.
  19. Looking through the IC2 source. Is the fact every local variable in all the member functions follows the naming convention var1, var2, var3... an artifact of the MCP decompile, or is it just Alblaka being weird/a jerk to poor newbie modders?
  20. Yeah, took about two weeks to get one to grow on the sgtekkit server. Make a 3x3 platform of dirt, stick the sapling in the middle, and stick torches around the side of the platform (not next to the sapling) so it always has light to grow with.
  21. Playing around with it myself. Unless I'm missing something, all you have to do is set the workspace in eclipse to the \eclipse directory in MCP.
  22. A prospector's mod. Group the map chunks into 9x9 groups, in a grid based off 0,0,0. Each of these chunk groups has a small chance of having a deposit or vein in it, determined randomly and created when prospector's tools are used in the area. All the chunks in a group have to be generated before prospecting will work. The deposit can spawn in one of three general depths, spawns a random distance from the center of the chunk group (stays contained in the group), and will only overwrite natural stone and dirt (not cobble, air blocks, and if possible placed stone/dirt). Maybe one possible deposit per depth? Config for the mod includes rarity, size, and depth settings for each possible ore type. Prospector's tools: crafted with a glass bottle, an ink sac, a feather, a book, a cobble pick, and a cobble shovel. 64 uses, and can be repaired with a new shovel and pick in a shapeless crafting recipe. Use invokes a cooldown period where trying to use the tools again will just report "You are still recording your previous findings, wait another minute." The first time used in a chunk group it will check only the shallow layer and report it's findings. The second use will check the middle layer, and the third the deep layer. If a vein is found in the layer it's checking, it will report a deposit is found and give a general direction. After all the depths are searched, any subsequent tool uses will just report the previous findings. I think this would be an awesome addition to both SSP and SMP. SSP gives you another reason to explore, setup outposts, and a transportation system. In SMP a person could make it big with a lucky strike, and would give people a reason to defend an area. It also would play nice with any mods that altered chunk generation.
  23. Neowulf


    That's where a case of beer (or similar) as a bribe comes in handy. I build my friend's machines, it saves them money and I know they have a decent enough rig to play the good games.
  24. Re: Esder scrolls MMO 10 year old nephew who wants to play, and my sister won't let him online without an escort. Plus I get cravings and urges occasionally, ones that a long term monogamous relationship with minecraft doesn't quite satisfy...
  25. http://games.slashdot.org/story/12/05/03/1939241/bethesda-announces-elder-scrolls-mmo Whelp, there goes my world of warcraft subscription. I've been waiting for someone to come and take it's place.
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