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who are the best hosters

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power costs for running a home network based server are nothing compared to a monthly hosting cost. The main limitation on a home network based server is generally one of two things: connection speed (up and down) as well as hardware. Hardware is mostly not the case though as these days people have decent computers. I do feel sorry for those of you running on toasters.

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power costs for running a home network based server are nothing compared to a monthly hosting cost. The main limitation on a home network based server is generally one of two things: connection speed (up and down) as well as hardware. Hardware is mostly not the case though as these days people have decent computers. I do feel sorry for those of you running on toasters.

10Mbit up. I host 2 servers and never hit that limit, even when both are full. :D

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I do get a lot of Can't keep up on DC while running tekkit.

Currently 1 year with DC hosting.

Install Lagmeter or NoLagg on your server and type /lag . If the TPS is not very good, you might want do something about it. You can also disabled that spam in bukkit.yml under warn-on-overload and set it to false.

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