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There are some weird gamerskids here at my school. They're also the worst. Whenever it's the lunchbreak, they come running to claim a computer, log in and start playing games. The others just go wander and yell OMG (literally that <---). My foot desires to kick off and crash on their asses.

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Yeah, kind of like Dodger out of TGS, the way she abbreviates EVERYTHING. "Whatevs", "natch", "for reals", ugh. She manages to be -just- charming enough that I don't want to gouge out my ear canals, but only barely.


Yeah, kind of like Dodger out of TGS, the way she abbreviates EVERYTHING. "Whatevs", "natch", "for reals", ugh. She manages to be -just- charming enough that I don't want to gouge out my ear canals, but only barely.

I can survive Dodger doing that, because she is friggin ADORABLE. She's just barely hot enough for me to resist my inner grammar nazi.


there was a time when I got up in arms about people spelling things wrong, or using improper grammar all over the place. that time has passed. I've got way more important things to worry about than whether or not some dude just used the wrong there/their/they're, too/two/to, your/you're, or whatever else. I'll still laugh at those people, but it's not worth getting bent out of shape over to me anymore.


My concern is that people just can't be bothered to put any effort into posts or messages anymore.

I took up a job over last summer for HR at British Telecom.

The number of emails I personally recieved from people asking for jobs, with numerous spelling mistakes,

will make anyone who says they aren't bothered cringe.


Wait, wait, wait. So you're saying that people are too lazy to write correct in a JOB-APPLICATION? What?

That's just idiotic, how can they expect to even be answered when they do that? Whenever I write an application, I will at least go through it to make it seem professional.


Wait, wait, wait. So you're saying that people are too lazy to write *correct in a *JOB-APPLICATION? What?

That's just idiotic*, how can they expect to even be answered when they do that? Whenever I write an application, I will at least go through it to make it seem professional.


*no hyphen




My concern is that people just can't be bothered to put any effort into posts or messages anymore.

I took up a job over last summer for HR at British Telecom.

The number of emails I personally recieved from people asking for jobs, with numerous spelling mistakes,

will make anyone who says they aren't bothered cringe.

don't get me wrong, I'm not saying proper english isn't important. were I in your position, I would most certainly disqualify people based on their ability to communicate effectively (i.e. spell and use grammar). it's a critical job skill in almost any field.

what I'm saying is, it isn't worth being angry or upset about. you're never gonna solve the problem of people being pants on head retarded, so don't bother being upset by it.


pants on head retarded

Oi, that's mine.

Anywho, it is something to be angry about.

This is mostly a tech support forum.

Not taking the time to put out a well thought out post is downright disrespectful for those who you expect to help you.

That's what upsets me.


Oi, that's mine.

Anywho, it is something to be angry about.

This is mostly a tech support forum.

Not taking the time to put out a well thought out post is downright disrespectful for those who you expect to help you.

That's what upsets me.

Actually that's (the pants on head retarded) something from Yahtzee. Or at least that's where I heard it from.


you have probably already seen this, but here it is anyway.

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!


These people are the next generation, the ones running the planet when I'm too old to do more than fart all day. Why in the hell should I not be upset?


normally i dont think grammar is much of a big deal, like when i just said dont and not don't, but when people have so bad grammar you cant understand them, its just annoying



If English ain't your second language, then I'll let you off.

But it takes just as much time to get in the habit of putting effort and thought into posts than it does just to drill out super speedy, uncapitalised, unpunctuated sentences.


In other news, public schools are phasing out classes in cursive handwriting, prompting some universities to consider creating elective courses for those who wish to be able to read "historic" documents.


Oi, that's mine.

Anywho, it is something to be angry about.

This is mostly a tech support forum.

Not taking the time to put out a well thought out post is downright disrespectful for those who you expect to help you.

That's what upsets me.

this is why you laugh at them instead of getting mad about it. getting upset is only going to raise your blood pressure, it's not going to make the idiot start typing like a real person or even close to one. ridicule not only makes you feel better, but also has a small chance of making them try to type more like a real person, if they're capable of it. most of them aren't capable of it of course, but there's always the slim hope that they are.

I look at it like this: when a mentally handicapped child says something offensive or rude, do you get upset at them for their lack of manners? of course not, you either ignore it or perhaps chuckle at their silly blunder. I consider these kinds of people to be in that same category.

edit: I should add that I'm referring to internet forums, chats, and what have you for the most part here.


It's important to note, all you people talking about how grammar isnt that important, that the reading of legal documents, particularly contracts and pieces of legislation is highly dependent on using grammar to create accurate sentences. This is necessary to ensure that there aren't loopholes that people (or organizations (or governments)) can use to skirt their responsibilities, or manipulate to their own benefit, despite the intent of the document.

It's important for average people to understand these things because everyone ends up signing contracts eventually, and you're responsible for reading that crap. Also, our education system is tailored to the people doing the worst, so more people doing badly in grammar results in schools teaching less grammar.


In other news, public schools are phasing out classes in cursive handwriting, prompting some universities to consider creating elective courses for those who wish to be able to read "historic" documents.

And thus was created the elegant language of the smart people and the chicken scrabble that is the language of the... idiots.


In other news, public schools are phasing out classes in cursive handwriting, prompting some universities to consider creating elective courses for those who wish to be able to read "historic" documents.

Hmmm, time to start writing nearly everything in cursive, and teaching my kids to do the same. It'll be like a secret language!

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