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extra little inimini mod?

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You can add mods. Just remember to add anything that's supposed to be in minecraft.jar to modpack.jar.

With Tekkit though, the server might need it too, but I'm not entirely sure since I've never actually used the Mine Little Pony mod.

If it's just for aesthetic purposes it should work fine.

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i download modloader, put it in my minecraft.jar . start minecraft and quite minecraft. put the mod i downloaded in the minecraft.jar and maybe in resources. start minecraft and play. i dont know why you nedded to know this... but i tried to instal the mine little pony mod (without modloader becoase its alrady installed i guess) but it didnt work, i also tried other things without succes.

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Tekkit uses forge mod loader, which should be backwards compatible with modloader mods.

So just have the launcher download a clean install of tekkit, download the modloader version of mine little pony, and place the MineLittlePony1_2_3_for_ModLoader.zip file in your %appdata%\.techniclauncher\tekkit\mods\ folder.

That should be it.

I'm going to give it a try myself tonight. To be honest this little mod is what introduced me to technic in the first place, but I gave up on it when it didn't update for a couple months.

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Whenever I try to use the mod, my copper ore appears as gold ore in my hands same with a lot of the other items turning into helmets in my hands. Despite all this the mod works fine but it just bugs me to see things like this, how do I fix this?

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Ok, what?

This mod just changes the rendering client side, I don't see any serverside code and I don't see why there would be any.

Server doesn't care if you're client is displaying a human or pony model, it just tells your client where to look for the other person's skin and what animation to play.

And yeah, after testing it seems the modloader version conflicts with modloader rendering, despite what the author claims. Dropping the normal install files in the modpack.jar works just fine.

No rendering errors from what I've seen, and armors display fine.

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The latest incarnation of MLP was written to entertain, not just sell toys to little girls.

Many of the jokes and references go way over the heads of little kids, and some of the situations are actually more adult than some parents wish their children to watch (pinkie's mental breakdown, twilight's multiple mental breakdowns).

Barnie would never zipline, and even if he did they wouldn't have the rope snap halfway down and show him and 3 children screaming in terror as they plummet to the ground.

And the teletubbies are a bad acid trip, not a show.

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Barnie would never zipline, and even if he did they wouldn't have the rope snap halfway down and show him and 3 children screaming in terror as they plummet to the ground.

And the teletubbies are a bad acid trip, not a show.

No, but it would be hilarious if they did. I vaguely remember the earliest flash games involving machine-gunning Barney down.

And yes, the teletubbies are...kind of scary.

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Maybe the fallacy of a dinosaur not killing everyone in sight finally breaches kids heads when they learn what a T-Rex really was like?

What we were sold as children isn't exactly living up to my expectations in neither blood-lust nor bodycount.

I wasn't much for either as I was stuck with Beavis and Butthead/Ren and Stimpy, but the Teletubbies always reminded me of human/mosquito/acid hybrids and were a thing to be feared.

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