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  "Ziinia said:
That really cheered me up now ahaha. I am sure the lovely members here wouldn't do anything bad... On a side note someone told me: "Technically no one knows you're here. If I kill you and dump your body in the swamp no one will know. And if they ask for you I'll just tell them you went to Detroit and never came back". But seriously, they made 3 spelling errors in my surname, which is 4 letters long. And to fix that it's going to take 3 weeks. Gee thanks, apoligies accepted... wait, YOU DIDN'T APOLOGISE!>rant over<

I actually like it quite a bit. The people are nicer than in Scotland, they smile more. One thing I don't get is why my neighbour practices shooting at 2am every saturday night...

It's a terrible generalization/stereotyping, but Americans in general always seemed to have a thing for guns, which is not a good thing in my personal opinion. But I guess some people find it reasonable to consider AK-47 as self-defense weapons.

Also, here is my favorite song about US :D (Lower your volume a bit)



  "Ziinia said:
You must be tiny then!

I don't know if I want to be involved, I still have to listen to a whole lot of drama from previous countries of residence. Especially Poland :/ I did hear some things tho, like for example that some guy on the top (do you guys have mayors here?) said something along the lines "We don't need any whities here". I'm hoping I won't have to go back there anytime soon. It's just sad to see cities fall like that because of bad management and weird ideals.

I'm anything but tiny, i'm 6' 1.


The whole 'americans love guns' thing is part of our foundation. The idea that someone, either foreign or domestic, is going to try and take what is ours just never really faded away. The founding fathers were paranoid enough about our own government becoming tyrannical one day that they enshrined a right for every citizen to bear arms in our constitution just in case we needed to throw an armed uprising.

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A few other things i would do in U.S. :

Surfing, florida and california must have great surf beaches, or so I've heard.

Disneyland and Graceland, kick Mickey Mouse in the nuts and shake Goofy's hand. Visit the King's place. Breath His Majesty's sacred air.

And if you have about 1-2 months of spare time, take a car and drive the northern route from east coast to west, then back again through the southern parts (route 66)

  "freakachu said:
also, be prepared for the most ridiculous weather patterns you have ever experienced. 90 and 500% humidity one day followed by 25 and snowy the next with chance of tornadoes the following day and a high of 70. pure michigan

Tornadoes? oh i SO wanna gO to amERICA NOW!!!


  "cmwatford said:
The whole 'americans love guns' thing is part of our foundation. The idea that someone, either foreign or domestic, is going to try and take what is ours just never really faded away. The founding fathers were paranoid enough about our own government becoming tyrannical one day that they enshrined a right for every citizen to bear arms in our constitution just in case we needed to throw an armed uprising.

Hm. I see the point. But what's old isn't always gold. Guns being so accessible have more disadvantages than benefits.


Try to convince KakerMix to show you his seaside mansion with private tram into the city. Because really, anybody who runs this place must be bloody loaded.

For the rest of you, let me point out the fact that there is a song called "American Idiot"...written by Americans. So let's not have any of this nonsense about overgeneralization and stereotyping when it's really just accurate truth.


  "Xylord said:
Hm. I see the point. But what's old isn't always gold. Guns being so accessible have more disadvantages than benefits.

I'd have to say that guns being available at all, as in existing, is a bad thing, but they are available and outlawing them or otherwise restricting them only serves to harm those who follow the law. Many criminals simply are not deterred buy strict gun control and if I were ever in a situation where my life, property, or loved ones were threatened by someone I would want to be able to protect them and a firearm greatly increases my ability to do so. In short, if someone's going to possibly be pointing a gun a me then I need to be able to point one back.


The important argument to me is that gun control increases the chances a hothead will be using fists instead of a gun. Preemptive damage control, really. Gun control is more relevant when not discussing criminals.


  "jakj said:
The important argument to me is that gun control increases the chances a hothead will be using fists instead of a gun. Preemptive damage control, really. Gun control is more relevant when not discussing criminals.

I agree but as long as there is crime/corruption and guns are being made an armed citizenry is a relatively safer citizenry. There will always be people who misuse the power available to them. The best way to deal with them is to ensure everyone else has that power as well. One idiot with a gun seems like a much smaller problem when anyone within firing range can put him down if need be.


Off of the politics, I think a road trip is probably the best thing you can do to get a feel for america as a whole simply because of the variety. Go online and get a big stack of tourist destinations from all over the place, then string a good number of them together, and go.

Personally I really recommend Albuquerque, New Mexico as one destination.

It's the polar opposite of Scotland, as far as the land goes. Instead of constant rain and cool temperatures, you have desert heat and air so dry your sweat evaporates almost instantly (making the heat rather pleasant). Where Scotland has green grass and rolling hills, New Mexico has a neutral palette of reds and tans and has the best sunsets to grace my eyes. Also, they have proper South-Western food to which Taco Bell doesn't hold so much as a smoldering twig.


  "cmwatford said:
I agree but as long as there is crime/corruption and guns are being made an armed citizenry is a relatively safer citizenry. There will always be people who misuse the power available to them. The best way to deal with them is to ensure everyone else has that power as well. One idiot with a gun seems like a much smaller problem when anyone within firing range can put him down if need be.

Wrong. wrongwrongwrongwrongwrong. Wrong.

Do you seriously think that a place where you just have to knock out someone to get a gun is a safer place? Do you really want to live in a society where any person can be walking around with a murder weapon is a better society? And most of all, are you seriously thinking anyone should be in a mindset where he's ready to KILL (Did you see it?) in any situation? I am sure as hell that if I was in a bank robbery, I wouldn't kill the robber, even if I had a machine gun. If someone is that paranoid about getting caught up in a criminal incident, he should go in the army and steal a gun on his way back (SARCASM). A tool whose only use is killing should never be legal in a citizen's hands.


Enough of the thread derailment. I don't give a rat's hind end what people here think about gun control. I don't really think the OP does either. Take it somewhere else.

Posted · Hidden

  "Xylord said:
Wrong. wrongwrongwrongwrongwrong. Wrong.

Do you seriously think that a place where you just have to knock out someone to get a gun is a safer place? Do you really want to live in a society where any person can be walking around with a murder weapon is a better society? And most of all, are you seriously thinking anyone should be in a mindset where he's ready to KILL (Did you see it?) in any situation? I am sure as hell that if I was in a bank robbery, I wouldn't kill the robber, even if I had a machine gun. If someone is that paranoid about getting caught up in a criminal incident, he should go in the army and steal a gun on his way back (SARCASM). A tool whose only use is killing should never be legal in a citizen's hands.

here's the other side of that argument: if you are a dude who wants to do something criminal and violent, who are you going to target? would you not think twice about mugging a guy if you thought he may be packing heat? even if you could knock someone out and steal their weapon, what about the 3 other people nearby who also have weapons? are you going to risk your life for that? statistically, the answer is no. in places where guns are available and especially where concealed carry is legal gun violence and crime are lower than average. even a street punk doesn't want to get shot by a random guy from a crime attempt gone wrong.

I invite you to take a gander at a very interesting and fact filled page I found from a quick google search. everything is sourced, even.

as for your last statement, that's a very dangerous stance to take. do you trust the government THAT much that you have 100% faith that they would never, EVER become so corrupt that they begin committing serious crimes against the citizenry of their own country in the name of keeping order or increasing the power they have over the citizenry? I sure hope you do with that attitude.


  "Torezu said:
Enough of the thread derailment. I don't give a rat's hind end what people here think about gun control. I don't really think the OP does either. Take it somewhere else.

Erm, sorry Torezu, I'm always bad at staying on-topics on those kind of subjects.

Talking about New Mexico, I don't know if anyone's interested in this kind of old stuff, but I went three years ago over there to visit actual Aztec ruins. Yup, Aztecs in the US, it surprised me too. Bloody interesting if you ask me.


It's alright, my mum is getting married tomorrow so I was quite busy :) It still concerns the American... culture(?) so I don't mind at all. And I am always for people expressing their opinions, as long as they keep it clean ;) (but do tell them off if it does bother you too much)

I believe my mother might have gone to New Mexico sometime last year. I'll have to check the pictures on my cam.


Understood Torezu. Back to the topic at hand, if you're ever near Virginia/D.C. you should definitely check out the Smithsonian at least. That is one awesome museum. Also the capital building, Washington monument, Lincoln memorial, Arlington, etc. You could probably spend a few weeks there and not see everything worth seeing.


  "Ziinia said:
It still concerns the American... culture(?) so I don't mind at all. And I am always for people expressing their opinions, as long as they keep it clean ;) (but do tell them off if it does bother you too much)

I could see the thread devolving into a flame war. Gun control is among those topics that get people quite agitated for whatever reason, and I'm guessing it would have taken over the thread completely. I'm also guessing you're more interested in getting input on a broad range of topics/places to visit/etc, rather than going in-depth on one controversial one. I would have done the same thing if it had turned into a religious/political thread. If you're interested in discussing gun control in depth, of course, it's your thread, so you're welcome to invite discussion on the topic. :)


If you were on the west coast, i'd say take a trip through Portland. It's one of the strangest cities i've lived in (and i've been around a bit).

Every turn gives you some kind of bizarre sight to see. Accordian players on stilts, unicycling darth vader playing bagpipes, a parade of naked bicyclists, a crowd of people training their cats to ride on their shoulders, 60 person pillow fights, there's even a funny hat/croquet/bowling league. Living here is an exercise in the surreal.


  "Jay? said:
unicycling darth vader playing bagpipes

THIS almost got me packing my bags(And I had to read it a few times to comprehend). But since we got the new technic now, I'll stay home for a few... weeks.


  "Ziinia said:
THIS almost got me packing my bags(And I had to read it a few times to comprehend). But since we got the new technic now, I'll stay home for a few... weeks.

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