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[3.1.2] The Big Trio Tekkit [PvP] [30 Slots] [Open] [Factions] [EE Mostly Enabled] [No Lag]


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Skype: Jakob.motrensen


How long have i playd on BTT: i have playd on the server for about 2 months.

My reputation:my reputation isent that good i have a mod/donater friend (Lucas60) and 1 donater(Marcus60) friend and thats it.

a player is excessively swearing/spamming what would i do:I would just ask why he is swearing and try to calm him down and try to help him,but if that that dosent work i would have given him a 5 min mute and if he'd use the faction description i would first give him a warning second i would kick him and last ban him for about 1 day.

How i would handle a bug user:1. I would first ask him to stop 2.would give him one more warning 3.i would ban him for about 1 day.

If someone raided/griefed my base: Nothing just move on and make a new one.

An admin is banning people for no apparent reason, how do i respond: I would send a message to the owner(s) and let him(them) judge him .And unban the people

A moderator is being abusive with powers, how do you respond: I would try to get him to stop if not i would report him to an Admin

Timezone: 13:00 (+1 hour from British time)

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Skype: johannes-kul


How long have i playd on BTT: i have playd on the server for about 3,5 months.

My reputation:my reputation isent that good i have a mod/donater friend (Lucas60)

a player is excessively swearing/spamming what would i do:I would just try to calm him down,but if that that dosent work i would have given him a 5 min mute and if and if he is doing it again i give him a second warning and if not would i kick him and last ban him for about 1 day.

How i would handle a bug user: First i would give him one warning and if not i would ban him for about 1 day.

If someone raided/griefed my base: I wil make a new base then

An admin is banning people for no apparent reason, how do i respond: I would send a message to the owner, And unban the player

A moderator is being abusive with powers, how do you respond: I would try to get him to stop if not i would report him to an Admin

Timezone: 13:00 (+3 hour from British time)

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Moderator Application:

Ingame Name: tayleana

Age: 13 in May

Skype(If you have one, if not N/A this): taystar2000

Name(Can be messaged later if you prefer it stays private): Tayla

How long have you been playing BTT(Big Trio Tekkit)?: Started in June last year and stopped until November when I was playing full time with the IGN AwsomeCheese99. But I have been playing with my new user since late December.

What would you rate your Reputation on the server: Most people know and respect me so 8 or 9/10

*Scenario Testing*

A player is excessively swearing, and Spamming, you would?: 1. Warning of mute/ban. 2. 5-20 min mute. 3.1 day ban.

How would you handle a bug abuser?: Notify the owner/admins and ask them to stop.

Would you ban a player if he griefed your base/Raided you?: Its a PVP/grief server.... Pretty self explanatory xD

Timezone: Sydney, Australia time. Eastern Standard time - GMT +10 (im pretty sure)

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Ingame Name: Conjoining

Age: 15

Skype(If you have one, if not N/A this): ItsConjoining

Name(Can be messaged later if you prefer it stays private): Private

How long have you been playing BTT(Big Trio Tekkit)?: A Month or So !

What would you rate your Reputation on the server: Not really high. Im kinda quiet lol (:

*Scenario Testing*

A player is excessively swearing, and Spamming, you would?: 1st Offence: Mute for 5 minutes , 2nd Offence: Kick for 10 minutes , 3rd Offence: Ban

How would you handle a bug abuser?: Perma-Ban

Would you ban a player if he griefed your base/Raided you?: No , Id get him back ! (:

Timezone: Pacific

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Moderator Application

Name:Blake Hammersley

Skype Name: Blake.hammersley

Age:14 Despite my age i am mature

How long have you been on the server:3 1/2 months

Server reputation:7/10

****Further Testing****

An admin is banning people for no apparent reason, how do you respond:Well first off i would ask the admin why he is doing such a thing like that and if they still persist i would temp ban until a punishment is given.

A moderator is being abusive with powers, how do you respond:i would /jail them for a while then after they get out of jail and if they still persist i would again temp ban they until a admin gets online to give a punishment to him/her.

A player is excessively cussing, and spamming, you would: Mute for 10mins and if the problem still persists i would /jail and still persists i would temp ban

A player threatens to DDoS Another player, how do you react: BAN Straight away.

You get raided/griefed, response?: Well it is a PVP,grief server so it is Pretty self explanatory

Players are using racial slurs, what are you going to do: Well Racism is a ban so yeah.

Thanks for reading my moderator application any further questions ask me either on Skype or during the game.

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Moderator Application

Name:Blake Hammersley

Skype Name: Blake.hammersley

Age:14 Despite my age i am mature

How long have you been on the server:3 1/2 months

Server reputation:7/10

****Further Testing****

An admin is banning people for no apparent reason, how do you respond:Well first off i would ask the admin why he is doing such a thing like that and if they still persist i would temp ban until a punishment is given.

A moderator is being abusive with powers, how do you respond:i would /jail them for a while then after they get out of jail and if they still persist i would again temp ban they until a admin gets online to give a punishment to him/her.

A player is excessively cussing, and spamming, you would: Mute for 10mins and if the problem still persists i would /jail and still persists i would temp ban

A player threatens to DDoS Another player, how do you react: BAN Straight away.

You get raided/griefed, response?: Well it is a PVP,grief server so it is Pretty self explanatory

Players are using racial slurs, what are you going to do: Well Racism is a ban so yeah.

Thanks for reading my moderator application any further questions ask me either on Skype or during the game.

I really hope blake gets mod i loved him as moderator and want to see he get it again YEAH Blake!!!!

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Hey all you players who are applying for staff, Please put down the rank you are applying for, Because I c some people who have an admin format but don't say the rank they are applying for.

Here is the Moderator format.

Moderator Application:

Ingame Name:


Skype(If you have one, if not N/A this):

Name(Can be messaged later if you prefer it stays private):

How long have you been playing BTT(Big Trio Tekkit)?:

What would you rate your Reputation on the server:

*Scenario Testing*

A player is excessively swearing, and Spamming, you would?:

How would you handle a bug abuser?:

Would you ban a player if he griefed your base/Raided you?:


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Moderator Application


Skype Name: Vitaliy.chuprov


How long have you been on the server:3 months

Server reputation: idk 8-9

****Further Testing****

An admin is banning people for no apparent reason, how do you respond: i would ask him why. temp ban. Report to Another Admin

A moderator is being abusive with powers, how do you respond: i would Temp ban and talk to the admins about him and get proof

A player is excessively cussing, and spamming, you would: warn them. Mute them and if continue ban them

A player threatens to DDoS Another player, how do you react: warn/mute/kick

You get raided/griefed, response?: i wouldnt do anything. just deal with it like if i would be a normal member.

Players are using racial slurs, what are you going to do: it would be a instant ban

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Moderator Application


Skype Name: Vitaliy.chuprov


How long have you been on the server:3 months

Server reputation: idk 8-9

****Further Testing****

An admin is banning people for no apparent reason, how do you respond: i would ask him why. temp ban. Report to Another Admin

A moderator is being abusive with powers, how do you respond: i would Temp ban and talk to the admins about him and get proof

A player is excessively cussing, and spamming, you would: warn them. Mute them and if continue ban them

A player threatens to DDoS Another player, how do you react: warn/mute/kick

You get raided/griefed, response?: i wouldnt do anything. just deal with it like if i would be a normal member.

Players are using racial slurs, what are you going to do: it would be a instant ban

hey sam nice app lol did you see mine xD you will so get mod before me

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Moderator Application

Name:Blake Hammersley

Skype Name: Blake.hammersley

Age:14 Despite my age i am mature

How long have you been on the server:3 1/2 months

Server reputation:7/10

****Further Testing****

An admin is banning people for no apparent reason, how do you respond:Well first off i would ask the admin why he is doing such a thing like that and if they still persist i would temp ban until a punishment is given.

A moderator is being abusive with powers, how do you respond:i would /jail them for a while then after they get out of jail and if they still persist i would again temp ban they until a admin gets online to give a punishment to him/her.

A player is excessively cussing, and spamming, you would: Mute for 10mins and if the problem still persists i would /jail and still persists i would temp ban

A player threatens to DDoS Another player, how do you react: BAN Straight away.

You get raided/griefed, response?: Well it is a PVP,grief server so it is Pretty self explanatory

Players are using racial slurs, what are you going to do: Well Racism is a ban so yeah.

Thanks for reading my moderator application any further questions ask me either on Skype or during the game.

I would really love for Blake to be a moderator again I really liked it when he was and Blake was really good at it please consider making Blake a moderator again.

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Moderator Application

Name:Blake Hammersley

Skype Name: Blake.hammersley

Age:14 Despite my age i am mature

How long have you been on the server:3 1/2 months

Server reputation:7/10

****Further Testing****

An admin is banning people for no apparent reason, how do you respond:Well first off i would ask the admin why he is doing such a thing like that and if they still persist i would temp ban until a punishment is given.

A moderator is being abusive with powers, how do you respond:i would /jail them for a while then after they get out of jail and if they still persist i would again temp ban they until a admin gets online to give a punishment to him/her.

A player is excessively cussing, and spamming, you would: Mute for 10mins and if the problem still persists i would /jail and still persists i would temp ban

A player threatens to DDoS Another player, how do you react: BAN Straight away.

You get raided/griefed, response?: Well it is a PVP,grief server so it is Pretty self explanatory

Players are using racial slurs, what are you going to do: Well Racism is a ban so yeah.

Thanks for reading my moderator application any further questions ask me either on Skype or during the game.

blake deserves to me mod i have seen him be a mod, he is awsome :D

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Admin Application:

Ingame name: Lucas60


Skype(If you have one, if not N/A this): Lucas.frahm1

Name(Can be messaged later if you prefer it stays private): Lucas Frahm

How long have you been playing BTT(Big Trio Tekkit)?: Probably a month and a week

How would you rate your reputation on the server:8/10

*Scenario Testing*

Someone claims another player has Banned items, how do you react?: I would check hes inventory and remove the items take a picture before i remove them and then i would take him to jail

Someone claims another player has a Modded/Hacked client, how do you react?: I would check out the player and check if he actually have an Modded/Hacked client if he have i would ban him and till the Owners if he doesnt i would ban the guy who claimed the other guy whas hacking

How would you handle a power abusing Moderator?:i would probably demote him/her

Would you ban a player if he griefed your base/Raided you?: No, i would not cuz its a Grief/Raiding server

Timezone: Middle Europe +1 (Denmark)

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Samuilsnest will never be mod!!!!!!!!!! lol hehehehe

EDIT: I have been late to realize that their is a plugin inplace of voting for our staff, however I still feel basarasV is still a great moderator. To those other people, good luck in the voting.

The following people will be Re-appointed donator moderator position:


<-=Sneaky Admin Snow=->

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Samuilsnest will never be mod!!!!!!!!!! lol hehehehe

I will be Appointing a few people the moderator position as we've lost quite a few of our trusty moderators. I hope file approves of this :D

The following people will be Re-appointed donator moderator position:

BasarasV(already did so) and Jeters_Belly if he wants the position, he was an excellent mod before.

The following people will be appointed a new moderator position, reading this, you've been warned, one sign of abuse or any of the sort, I will demote you. ( Don't do anything stupid )

tayleana and if PwnstarLMFAO decides to apply I will consider ( depending on the app of course )

I hope the following people will come out as great staff members in the near future if they haven't already. :D

The server decided to crash as I started typing this, I or another staff member will be appointing these positions when said person gets online.

<-=Sneaky Admin Snow=->

Hmm congrats Tay :3 and thanks Snow. Didnt want Mod anyways -.- (not anymore.)

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Moderator Application

Ingame Name: PwnstarLMFAO

Skype Name: edwardisbored

Age: 17

How long have you been on the server: 5 weeks (ish).

Server reputation: 9/10

Timezone: Pacific

****Further Testing****

An admin is banning people for no apparent reason, how do you respond: Get evidence (i.e. Pictures, videos, logs, etc.) and report to admin/ upper staff.

A moderator is being abusive with powers, how do you respond: Respond with a warning and collect evidence. I would report the incident either way (backed with strong hard evidence.)

A player is excessively cussing, and spamming, you would: Give them a warning first. If problem still persists I would mute for 5 minutes. Taking the severity of the problem into account, if the problem were to persist after 5 minute mute, I'd ban/jailtime/permamute depending on the severity.

You get raided/griefed, response?: Part of the server. :) Pretty over it haha. <3 And no I wouldnt be mad. <3

Players are using racial slurs, what are you going to do: From what I've seen from Final, racism is intolerable as it reflects poorly on the server and as a result is an instaban.


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Why are there condensers at spawn, horrible idea. Just me or server down?

So many staff apps, wondering of permissions or map reset? *confused*

Everyone has to reapply for any staff position. The only positions kept were all owners, 3 admins, and 1 moderator. A few have been accepted so far. And yes, the map reset. The condensers at spawn is a temporary thing. Wasn't my idea though.

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