j_q_a Posted October 20, 2012 Posted October 20, 2012 File can u see if my new moderator application fits the job i can also help find hackers with and alert that there is one or by pure luck if your not on.
iwantmyfile5 Posted October 20, 2012 Author Posted October 20, 2012 Ill decide on it soon jqa and i'm currently putting the map back on and I'm testing plugins for lag.
j_q_a Posted October 20, 2012 Posted October 20, 2012 "iwantmyfile5 said: Ill decide on it soon jqa and i'm currently putting the map back on and I'm testing plugins for lag. Ok well if u need any help let me know I don't mind at all being your in game servant. Its true though, I would die to keep your server running for eternity. I'm serious about that.
pokemon_freak Posted October 21, 2012 Posted October 21, 2012 file u need to go into my player file and get rid of item 166:0 I can't get on the server unless you do that.... The reason I cna't get on your server is because I tride to spawn that because somone lost some stuff rom the crash and I didn't know that that was an entitie instead of a block. SO I spawned it and I was looking online on how to get rid of the java report and it said look into the player files. It turned out that item 166:0 was one of those black orbs you get when u right click a rm tool or dm tool... Anyways I hope to be on the server soon, and thanks for reading this file:)!
pokemon_freak Posted October 21, 2012 Posted October 21, 2012 "frostblooded said: Sry guys i quit becuase OF FAGGGOTS LIKE MIKEBRINE OR SOME SHIT NEED TO SAY HTEY WANT TO TRADE WITH PEOPLE THEN THEY KILL THEM!!!!!!! FK U MIKE! sorry deadly ill miss u and file u too. OTHER ADMIN THT WAS ONLINE MUTED ME CUZ I WAS SAYIN TO GIVE MY STuFF BACK! like wtf i said he wanted to trade then he kills me and the admin does NOTHING! that is dumb and if tht is how you run a server this is not a server i want to be part of with people like this.Hey I muted you because I said stop using caps and u didn't stop, u were excesivly using CAPS. And somone killing you instead of trading is legit. "j_q_a said: My second try (and hopefully the last): Moderator Application: IGN:j_q_a Why do you want to be a moderator?: I love the Big Trio Tekkit and it has been my go-to server since I started playing tekkit. I love the server so much I would die to keep it running for eternity. I find the staff friendly and am friendly myself, so I think I would fit right in. Also, I want to help the staff by removing players from play if they disobey the rules in any way and mute anyone for 10 seconds if the ask "Is <Item> banned?" or "What items are banned here?". What is you experience as a moderator?: There is one Tekkit server that I am Head-Admin on and I run my own server. I frequently do /help and read the pages. What Timezone are you in?: Eastern Standard Time Zone. I am available Monday-Wednsday at 4:30-6:00 Pm. Thursdays I have yoga and Fridays I stay up late at Panera or Chick-Fil-A. I normally wake up at about 2-2:30 am on Saturdays and am available the whole of Saturday. Rarely on Sundays. I hope I become a moderator as this server is very fun and has nice staff. Sorry to say this but, I do not think that you should be Moderator since you caps rage kinda offten... And I don't c why u would mute somone right here "I want to help the staff by removing players from play if they disobey the rules in any way and mute anyone for 10 seconds if the ask "Is <Item> banned?" or "What items are banned here?"." They are aloud to ask if items are banned and what they are.
cleo641 Posted October 21, 2012 Posted October 21, 2012 Spawn is griefed a bit. Also, my factory is too. There is lava near it and redstone is gone. Many filters are messed up too. There is a griefing issue going on.
j_q_a Posted October 21, 2012 Posted October 21, 2012 "cleo641 said: Spawn is griefed a bit. Also, my factory is too. There is lava near it and redstone is gone. Many filters are messed up too. There is a griefing issue going on. and its on the non greif world I bet.
j_q_a Posted October 21, 2012 Posted October 21, 2012 "pokemon_freak said: Hey I muted you because I said stop using caps and u didn't stop, u were excesivly using CAPS. And somone killing you instead of trading is legit. Sorry to say this but, I do not think that you should be Moderator since you caps rage kinda offten... And I don't c why u would mute somone right here "I want to help the staff by removing players from play if they disobey the rules in any way and mute anyone for 10 seconds if the ask "Is <Item> banned?" or "What items are banned here?"." They are aloud to ask if items are banned and what they are. Well what if they keep asking and end up spamming "Is <Item> banned?" or they might even ask " Why can't I make <Banned Item>?" which obviously means its banned. And as for caps rage, I only do that when something is going on that I don't like and no matter what I say, they won't listen. That gets me annoyed and makes me start capping and the capping is to indicate that I am shouting so they can hear me.
pokemon_freak Posted October 21, 2012 Posted October 21, 2012 It doesn't matter if you are annoyed or not, as a Moderator you should not caps rage.
j_q_a Posted October 21, 2012 Posted October 21, 2012 "pokemon_freak said: It doesn't matter if you are annoyed or not, as a Moderator you should not caps rage. Fine I will try to stop caps raging. Such a short argument lol :P
SnowGolem1 Posted October 21, 2012 Posted October 21, 2012 I find it quite amusing how people tend to ignore my couple of warnings and then when i punish them,oh no how unfair blah blah rage some more and spam me then when unmuted act as if i'm the bad guy, like come on people, you get griefed, insult someone, caps, swear and spam, what the hell do you expect, pat on the back?
SnowGolem1 Posted October 21, 2012 Posted October 21, 2012 Admin Application: SnowGolem1 Why do you want to be an admin? I feel i'd fit the place very well, with my experience as most ranks, Knowledge of most server commands and Acts of fair gameplay, i'd vowe not to abuse any Administrative powers,From GM to TP, i'd play as a Survival Admin should. How would you administrate the server? I'd make sure the hackers get whats coming, clean up the spawn if its griefed, reset entities ( if i even can?) and help out everyone from File to the new guys :3 What is your experience as an admin? Mostly on Bukkit survival servers for a good 2 years, Fixing bugs, dealing with hackers and all that jazz. What Timezone are you in? GMT +10 Australia ( Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne.) How long have you played on The Big Trio Tekkit? I'd say i've played for roughly a month, maybe two, i really enjoy playing this server and would like to improve it in any way i can.
j_q_a Posted October 21, 2012 Posted October 21, 2012 "SnowGolem1 said: Admin Application: SnowGolem1 Why do you want to be an admin? I feel i'd fit the place very well, with my experience as most ranks, Knowledge of most server commands and Acts of fair gameplay, i'd vowe not to abuse any Administrative powers,From GM to TP, i'd play as a Survival Admin should. How would you administrate the server? I'd make sure the hackers get whats coming, clean up the spawn if its griefed, reset entities ( if i even can?) and help out everyone from File to the new guys :3 What is your experience as an admin? Mostly on Bukkit survival servers for a good 2 years, Fixing bugs, dealing with hackers and all that jazz. What Timezone are you in? GMT +10 Australia ( Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne.) How long have you played on The Big Trio Tekkit? I'd say i've played for roughly a month, maybe two, i really enjoy playing this server and would like to improve it in any way i can. I hope you get the job Snow :D
cleo641 Posted October 21, 2012 Posted October 21, 2012 "j_q_a said: and its on the non greif world I bet. Actually, it was in the main world. I teleport to the spawn every so often to see if it's griefed or not. Then, I report.
j_q_a Posted October 21, 2012 Posted October 21, 2012 "cleo641 said: Actually, it was in the main world. I teleport to the spawn every so often to see if it's griefed or not. Then, I report. I meant the factory lol
Robert Love Posted October 21, 2012 Posted October 21, 2012 "iwantmyfile5 said: The Big Trio Tekkit! Server IP: A 24/7 Raiding/PvP Tekkit Server Please Note: If you try to enter this information into Minecraft, you may get so random server we don't know about. This is for Mumble Only. Mumble Server Information: IP: Port: 63556 Password: thebigtriotekkit List of common punishments: 1. Using a hacked client-> Ban 2. Saying "Owner" "Admins" or "Moderator" to get a staff member's attention-> 5min Mute 3. Using factions to bypass a mute -> 1st Offence: Kick, Extension of Mute 2nd Offence: Ban 4. Racism-> Ban 5. Raging over griefing-> 5 Min Mute Player Made Videos! A raid by killshootz More to come! So what makes us so different than every other tekkit server out there? The first reason is factions. Players can set up their own anti-grief areas with factions. (Does not block explosions) Factions also allow players to band together and have wars with other factions. The second reason is our policy on EE. We only ban the items in EE that will allow you to duplicate items through glitches. (This does not means transmutation of items. Duping and transmutation are highly different.) Thirdly, our admins do not spawn ANY items unless they are part of a reward for donations. Our admins do not abuse their powers and play completely legitimately, unlike many other servers. Need a fourth reason? Our admins are fairly knowlegable with Tekkit. (Face it, Tekkit is a huge mod, no one knows everything about it) Feel free to ask the admins for help with Tekkit. This is an open server, no whitelist application needed. Spawn pictures: Note, the map changed, once the spawn is completed I will update these pictures, for now, bask in the glory of the old spawn. Server Information: Tekkit Version: 3.1.2 RAM: 3GB Current player slots: 25 (Will grow with donations) Plugins: 1. Disablecraft 2. PermissionsEX (PEX) 3. Essentials 4. SWatchdog 5. World Edit 6. World Guard 7. Reservations 8. iChat 9. Factions 10. Multiverse 11. BorderGuard 12. Spectate (Yeah you're not going to cheat now.) Rules: 1. No griefing in the non grief world 2. No spamming 3. No excessive swearing 4. No using any destructive item near the spawn. This includes, but is not limited to, the Mercurial Eye, Ring of Ignition, and Zero Ring. 5. No abusing glitches 6. No nuking near the spawn 7. No spawn killing 8. No following players from the spawn to kill them 9. No building right outside spawn 10. If you attack another player when you just joined, you lose the right of free passage from the spawn 11. No advertising servers 12. No racism 13. Don't use explosives right outside the spawn Banned Items: 1. Void Ring (Dupe Glitch) 2. Black Hole Band (Dupe Glitch) 2. Alchemical Tome (Can bypass the crafting recipes of banned items) 3. DM Furnace (Dupe Glitch) 4. RM Furnace (Dupe Glitch) 5. Transmutation Tablet (Dupe Glitch) 6. Nuke (Too OP) 7. World Anchor (Lag issues) 8. TFBP- Flatification (Can flatten bases) 9. TFBP- Desertification (Can turn bases to desert) 10. Anchor Cart (Lag issues) 11. Wireless Tracker (Console spam when tracking players) 12. Tunnel Bore (Kind of useless, Lag issues) 13. Triangulator (Console spam when tracking players) 14. Volcanite Amulet (Spawn was griefed far too many times with this) 15. Evertide Amulet (Spawn was griefed far too many times with this) Restricted Items to Donators Only: 1. Teleport Tether 2. Dimensional Anchor (Temporary) This is a raiding/pvp server. Be prepared to fight with people and know how to protect from raiders. We will be adding a non-grief map to the public in the next day or two. This allows us to expand our appeal to the non-griefing playerbase. Looking to donate? Use the /buy command in game to donate. Then follow the directions to donate. The rewards are as follows: Note: These are rewarding you for supporting the server as the donations go towards upgrading and paying the server bills. Repeat donators will receive other items as well as the items listed here. You will not be receiving the teleport tethers for now, they will be replaced with dimensional anchors instead, until teleport tethers can have their EMC value removed. $10 Donation: - VIP Slot for 2 Months - Swiftwolf Rending Gale - Nuclear Reactor - 64 Mobius Fuel - 4 Personal Safes - Uncharged Nanosuit Armor and Nano Saber - 4 Teleport Tethers - 10 Interdiction Torches - 18 Mk. 3 Energy Collectors - 6 Mk. 3 Anti-Matter Relays - 1 Energy Condenser - 5 MFSU's - 256 Reinforced Stone $20 Donation: - VIP Slot for 4 Months - Swiftwolf Rending Gale - Nuclear Reactor - 64 Mobius Fuel - 8 Personal Safes - Uncharged Nanosuit Armor and Nano Saber - 8 Teleport Tethers - 20 Interdiction Torches - 18 Mk. 3 Energy Collectors - 6 Mk. 3 Anti-Matter Relays - 1 Energy Condenser - 5 MFSU's - 1024 Reinforced Stone $30 Donation: - Permanent VIP Slot - Swiftwolf Rending Gale - Nuclear Reactor - 64 Mobius Fuel - 12 Personal Safes - 12 Teleport Tethers - 30 Interdiction Torches - 64 UU-Matter - 5 Mass Fabricators - Fully charged Quantum Suit - Red Morningstar - Red Katar - 18 Mk. 3 Energy Collectors - 6 Mk. 3 Anti-Matter Relays - 1 Energy Condenser - 5 MFSU's - 4096 Reinforced Stone Moderator Application: IGN: Why do you want to be a moderator? How would you moderate the server? What is your experience as a moderator? What Timezone are you in? Admin Application: Why do you want to be an admin? How would you administrate the server? What is your experience as an admin? What Timezone are you in? How long have you played on The Big Trio Tekkit? Server moderators will be voted on by the server. This allows the people of the server to choose moderators they respect and trust. This does not apply if the admins make a unanimous decision. The donation rewards are being worked on.
Robert Love Posted October 21, 2012 Posted October 21, 2012 I would like to apply for a mod. I have plans to buy a server of my own, with me, and two other friends of mine who already have their own servers. I would just like a head start and to see what controlling players and helping them with their actions would be like. I'm very good with tekkit, and I have a small amount of experience with managing servers. Just a very small sliver, but I would like to learn and possibly even have my own server (Just me as the owner) I have been playing tekkit since about a year ago, and I've been playing minecraft since the alpha stage.
happykillmore831 Posted October 21, 2012 Posted October 21, 2012 "Mr_Manateee said: Is the server down or is it just me? yes the server is down for me too
j_q_a Posted October 21, 2012 Posted October 21, 2012 I've been playing tekkit for almost 2 months. Epik
SnowGolem1 Posted October 22, 2012 Posted October 22, 2012 Robert Love, Why the hell did you repost the 1st page? seriously.. I just don't see the point in re-posting the 1st page, you didn't even reply anything to it...
iwantmyfile5 Posted October 22, 2012 Author Posted October 22, 2012 "Robert Love said: I would like to apply for a mod. I have plans to buy a server of my own, with me, and two other friends of mine who already have their own servers. I would just like a head start and to see what controlling players and helping them with their actions would be like. I'm very good with tekkit, and I have a small amount of experience with managing servers. Just a very small sliver, but I would like to learn and possibly even have my own server (Just me as the owner) I have been playing tekkit since about a year ago, and I've been playing minecraft since the alpha stage. First off, You've failed to follow the application format for moderator. Second, You either failed to post your in game name, or I've never seen you on the server before. Third, why did you have to quote my post and not post anything with it? That just made a second OP that will probably be outdated soon.
j_q_a Posted October 23, 2012 Posted October 23, 2012 I'll be on tomorrow if work doesn't overwhelm me.
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