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[3.1.2] The Big Trio Tekkit [PvP] [30 Slots] [Open] [Factions] [EE Mostly Enabled] [No Lag]


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Make one for the server. =)

I will, going to do a LP series with file once the Empire is done. Anyways

@EVERYONE: Server is down, we are upgrading to Tekkit 3.1.3, and there has been a small error. Do not worry, there is no map reset *As far as I know* And no other reason to fret about this downtime. When it's updated, we will test to make sure everything is all set and safe for other players. I will keep you updated on here as I get info about it.

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I will be rage quitting the server for a little while, first the personal storage units (for me and 2 other users) disappear at my faction home, then Captain something kill me while I am AFK for 20 seconds even if i had infernal armor, abyss helm, and quantum boots and leggings fully charged...I don't mind replacing them but either someone is hacking or abusing some glitches out there...I know I will come back and replace them no prob but it pisses me off when cheaters get stuff they are not suppose to :P

See ya in a week or so...

Oh and Btw thx for upgrading to 3.1.3 now I don't have to continue downgrading to play here and upgrading again to play at my server.

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Server is back up. It's 3.1.2 still, since 3.1.3 has MANY Bugs, and errors. So we aren't upgrading just yet. sorry for the hassle, and thanks for your guy's patience!

Not just many bugs, one bug is so bad that it prevents startup with our map. The bug is with IC2 and Advanced machines, any advanced machine that is powered causes the server to crash and give a read timed out error. Until this is fixed, 3.1.3 cannot be used.

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The faction information is down or reset. a lot of mess has occurred as claimed has gone. I'd recommend a rollback but it really depends on you and what other information you have. I'll just say my bit and be done with it. My area was claimed and protected. but since factions cleared, may land has been claimed and raided. which would be fair except no one should be able to get in if it's claimed. That's the issue. The faction plugin either reset or failed.

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Moderator Application:

Ingame Name: j_q_a

Age: 12 (Birthday July 30)

Skype(If you have one, if not N/A this): Samuel.Mikell

Name: Samuel ( Like to be called Sam)

How long have you player BTT(Big Trio Tekkit)?: Since August 30th 2012

What would you rate your Reputation on the server: Well known to veteran server players in different ways some good some bad

*Scenario Testing*

A player is excessively swearing, and Spamming, you would?: Mute for 10-20 mins

How would you hand a bug abuser?: If Moderators have essentials.jail then I would try to keep him in jail until an admin or owner came on

Would you ban a player if he griefed your base/Raided you?: Not really unless they look like they had hacked in or something like that

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Moderator Application:

Ingame Name: j_q_a

Age: 12 (Birthday July 30)

Skype(If you have one, if not N/A this): Samuel.Mikell

Name: Samuel ( Like to be called Sam)

How long have you player BTT(Big Trio Tekkit)?: Since August 30th 2012

What would you rate your Reputation on the server: Well known to veteran server players in different ways some good some bad

*Scenario Testing*

A player is excessively swearing, and Spamming, you would?: Mute for 10-20 mins

How would you hand a bug abuser?: If Moderators have essentials.jail then I would try to keep him in jail until an admin or owner came on

Would you ban a player if he griefed your base/Raided you?: Not really unless they look like they had hacked in or something like that

You've sent the same thing about 4 times. Not going to get accepted/denied any faster by repeating it. But, I can almost certainly say that it will be denied.

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You've sent the same thing about 4 times. Not going to get accepted/denied any faster by repeating it. But, I can almost certainly say that it will be denied.

Im trying to keep it updated


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Admin Applications:



Congrats guys, sorry to everyone else who didn't meet our standards. You all have been denied if you're not on this list. Note this list was just for today, and we've changed the format for applications, so you MUST reapply if you still want to get the spot. We need 1 more Admin, and 6 more Moderators.

Good luck to all who apply.

@cleo If you select 3.1.2 and then say Yes to the update question, it will put you on 3.1.2

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Moderator Application:

Ingame Name: j_q_a

Age: 12

Skype(If you have one, if not N/A this): Samuel.Mikell

Name: Sam

How long have you been playing BTT(Big Trio Tekkit)?: Since end of August 2012

What would you rate your Reputation on the server: Some good Some bad

*Scenario Testing*

A player is excessively swearing, and Spamming, you would?: Mute 10-20 mins

How would you handle a bug abuser?: Try to keep them in jail (If Moderators are able to jail) until Admin or Owner gets on

Would you ban a player if he griefed your base/Raided you?: Not unless they looked liked they hacked in (EnderPearls is not hacking to my standards)

Timezone: EST Jacksonville FL.

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IGN: SamuilsNest

Why do you want to be a moderator? I want to be a Mod because i injoy being in your guy's server and i would like to help out the community as much as possible.

How would you moderate the server? I would Help out the people who have questions. If someone does something as in threatens the server i would take actions. if anyone gets into a argument i would stop it.

What is your experience as a moderator? I was a Mod once in a server with about 18 people.

What Timezone are you in? Pacific Time Zone

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Moderator application:

In-Game name: MinecraftPro67

Age: 13

Skype: NinjaBentsen

Name: Sean Bentsen (do not release this to public)

Time spent on big trio tekkit: i have spent at least 2 months

my reputation (i am liked by various players such as yellowfalcon, rage652, experiusmag, stuart 13 and so on) so i am not such a mean repeating griefer or so.

i would tell them to stop if they do not i will mute them if they continue to cause problems i will ban them because children( like myself go on the server)

Bug abuser:i would temp-ban them

i would not ban anyone who griefed my base i would simplay start again the rule states that you can grief and do pvp so tht is the reason why

Timezone: Sydney Time ,Australia: UTC+10 so i would be on definately on weekends but sometimes during school days

I would like to become Moderator because id like to help out begginers who are being killed the instant they leave spawn and i would help others find their places again if they lose it and more

i also find this is my favourite server i spend the most time on it :)

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Moderator Application:

Ingame Name: experiusmag

Age: 13

Skype(If you have one, if not N/A this): N/A

Name: Daniel Smith

How long have you been playing BTT(Big Trio Tekkit)?: 2 weeks

What would you rate your Reputation on the server: I am liked on the server by the people I have met on the server and have helped a few people. I am liked by people like yellow falcon, rage652 and others I can't remember.

*Scenario Testing*

A player is excessively swearing, and Spamming, you would?: tell them to stop and if they continued I would kick them for reason spamming and excessive swearing.

How would you handle a bug abuser?: I would take away any items they may have gained from exploiting this bug and eventually if they continued I would kick them and eventually ask you if I should ban them.

Would you ban a player if he griefed your base/Raided you?: No, the server says it is allowed to grief and raid so I would start again.

Timezone: GMT+ 11:00 so I would be at day and on weekends.

I would like to become moderator because I hate it when people on servers go against rules and ruin the fun for everyone.

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