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Technic Battles Redux

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Although I shall not be joining you, I would like to put forward a suggestion.

Now that we are mostly back at school, with the temporary exception of any uni students,

Andrew should start making a list of playing times and time zones so as to make sure company employees are on at mostly the same time during the week.

I wanted M-Tech to have an anti-EE stance, but the tagalongs on the West Coast of the US I never saw thought otherwise,

and built 50 HV-Solar Arrays in two bloody afternoons.

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way ahead of you brito me and buzz have a nuke per second factory line ive blown up some nether and some blob remains and other stuff because its fun btw no real building that were intact i didnt hit i only got scraps of building from blobs last assault i didnt touch anyone really else

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Ok, will reset whenever people say they're ready. Also, I'm closing apps, which is my way of dealing with griefers. (note: if you know someone personally that would like to join, let me know!)

Could a mod move this back to General Tekkit? Anyone who would like to continue playing should post here with their timezone.

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A reset is not a bad idea.

However, it won't solve anything if that's the only real thing you do...

The other things that I think need to change are:

1) At least some sort of attempt at a much Much MUCH better application process (or I guess closing apps entirely like you say, but that seems like it would kill the server from boredom soon enough).

2) Possibly an area of the server that is only open to people that the community trusts beyond the application. Like, for instance, the End could be protected by worldguard so anybody not on the second tier whitelist just gets teleported to global spawn when they try to go there, or killed or whatever a plugin allows you to do. Then there would be a sort of wild west of the overworld and nether (still governed by rules if people get caught though), and a much safer haven for trusted people to build prettier things and play nice together.

3) A good solid setup for rollbacks. NOT protection, which is utterly useless as several people have said. But just rollbacks. Because if and when we catch a griefer and ban them, then a rollback is a useful solution, because the threat is then gone and it won't immediately happen again.

they used ee for it? that is cheating. and what super condensey cheatu thing? a uu-matter factory that made more HV solar panels?

EE is not against server rules. Only EE glitches are against the rules, or "non-collector EMC gathering methods" (e.g. huge ridiculous laggy things like milk machines)

Reset would be nice. But we need ways to protect from griefers.

There is no such thing. The only way this can be done in tekkit is to essentially disable like 75% of the fun things in the modpack. The fact that this server is vanilla is the main reason it is so much fun compared to others. However, I do encourage any number of plugins andrew is willing to try BEHIND the scenes. Things like rollbacks, backups, logging, etc. that doesn't hinder gameplay but does help fix things or catch people breaking the rules.

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I'm just going to clarify, I said wireless redstone was unadvisable because I planned to have an electronic warfare suite on my airship. (Interestingly not using any jammers at all)

Blobture's battleship that they were building before they got griefed would have been screwed over by me anyway.

Oh by the way, I already build something like that in M-tech (and then moved it to my new base when the nukers missed it). I just never had a chance to us it, really.

It was a redpower computer that automatically scanned all frequencies or broadcasted to all frequencies in about 16 seconds each. And it had the capability as well to listen and pick up on any wireless signal broadcasted for more than 1 second (50% chance of one for half a second, etc.). At which point it could be instructed to "jam" that signal by broadcasting its own signal (continuously or randomly) at the same frequency.

Basically, it would have acted as a worldwide jammer by making it so whenever you turned any frequency on, it would STAY on even after you turned off your remote, for the 16 most recently used frequencies in the world. Making wireless redstone basically completely useless. But nobody ever really built anything that seemed interesting enough to mess with.

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EE is not against server rules. Only EE glitches are against the rules, or "non-collector EMC gathering methods" (e.g. huge ridiculous laggy things like milk machines)

I think if you company leader says it, that is what goes.

Things like rollbacks, backups, logging, etc. that doesn't hinder gameplay but does help fix things or catch people breaking the rules.

This is what I meant.

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I think if you company leader says it, that is what goes.

I was referring to the server in general. Although incidentally, the very first thing anybody said to me when I entered the server at M-tech was "oh hey, there's some dark matter in that flower over there. Feel free to grab some to get started," referring to the huge flower smack dab in the middle of the base...

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I was referring to the server in general. Although incidentally, the very first thing anybody said to me when I entered the server at M-tech was "oh hey, there's some dark matter in that flower over there. Feel free to grab some to get started," referring to the huge flower smack dab in the middle of the base...

Coincidentally, I constantly requested for that bloody flower to go...

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Oh sorry ill play again, and am in central US time

And if you're going to wipe the server, please wipe it ASAP now that it's been announced. There's very little or zero motivation to build anything on a server that has a known wipe date in the near future, so the clock is ticking, and people will begin to get bored and leave the server for good the longer it takes.

From personal admin-ery experience.

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