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What is your favorite thing to do on Saturday?


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One of my friends in college had a copy of the necronomicon (paperback), so I looked though it. The drawings of circles and symbols made me giggle.

A lot.


I don't think that's normal...

Speaking of circles and symbols...

Your avatar there, it kinda...

Never mind.

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Rock Climbing's my favourite thing, even though I nearly died doing it once, my god that was a bad day.

But yeah I try to go every Saturday but considering the wall I go on is an hours drive away I can't go everyday. So if I can't go I'll probably play tennis or football (European Football) with my friends. I don't like staying in all day but then I live in England so some days I have to stay in, god damn English weather!

The rest of the day I do the thing Industrial Miner mentioned, write my book and play on my favourite game of that week.

World Domination is for Sundays.

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This is a bit of a weird conversation but dude you don't know what your missing

But I'm not going to participate in this conversation anymore I don't like where it's going D:

It's not like I haven't done that, and that I haven't had any 'experiences' - my girlfriend's going to have our first son in October. It's just... I fail to see the point of it.

Anyways, that aside, cross country season has officially been going on for weeks now, but my favorite thing to do on Saturdays now is to get first place on my team. :D

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What I do on saturdays is either

a) sleep in until 1 pm, get up, eat lunch, and then play minecraft/tekkit until dinner, eat dinner, then go to bed


2) get up at 7 am, eat breakfast, play minecraft/tekkit until lunch, eat a ham sandwhich for lunch, play more minecraft/tekkit until dinner, eat dinner, then go to bed

althoug once I fell alseep friday night and woke up Sunday morning, sleeing through all of saturday.

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It's not like I haven't done that, and that I haven't had any 'experiences' - my girlfriend's going to have our first son in October. It's just... I fail to see the point of it.

Anyways, that aside, cross country season has officially been going on for weeks now, but my favorite thing to do on Saturdays now is to get first place on my team. :D

Well, if you have the possibility to have sex (F- euphemisms!) with a woman, the point of masturbating is indeed, more or less absent. But when you're single, well... You gotta find alternatives. And congratulations for your son, a new life is a great thing.

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Well, if you have the possibility to have sex (F- euphemisms!) with a woman, the point of masturbating is indeed, more or less absent. But when you're single, well... You gotta find alternatives. And congratulations for your son, a new life is a great thing.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. Thanks! (Putting it mildly, but I doubt a freakout on the internet would impress anyone)

As for sex, while I could normally (At this point, I'm best off helping Roxanne Ritchi Sam stay comfortable and happy), well, I guess that's a fair point. But... I don't even have a rebuttal that makes any sense at all. I'll be back if I find one, but I'm just going to get back to browsing the boards and unwinding.

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How does Jabba the Hutt faps? There's your answer. (Hint : May include Jedi-sisters princess slaves)

But if you read the books in the Expanded Universe, you'd know that Hutts are asexual creatures that reproduce without partners (a hutt parent is both mother and father to its huttlet). Therefore, hutts don't fap, as they have no sex organs.

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But if you read the books in the Expanded Universe, you'd know that Hutts are asexual creatures that reproduce without partners (a hutt parent is both mother and father to its huttlet). Therefore, hutts don't fap, as they have no sex organs.

But... Then why the hell would Jabba have sex slaves? I mean... Well, yeah? Uh. Hmm. A difficult question, this is.

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But... Then why the hell would Jabba have sex slaves? I mean... Well, yeah? Uh. Hmm. A difficult question, this is.

It is never stated that they are sex slaves. They are dancers. Plus, what evil crimelord doesn't have scantly clad sexy women as slaves? And really, a hutt having sex with a human? That's worse than japenese tentacle porn.

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It is never stated that they are sex slaves. They are dancers. Plus, what evil crimelord doesn't have scantly clad sexy women as slaves? And really, a hutt having sex with a human? That's worse than japenese tentacle porn.

This thread is going a very awkward direction... Sex seems to be tonight's theme whenever I visit a thread.

Anyways, he should just become a straight-up supervillain. No sex obligations, plus he can find some sort of outfit that actually flatters him and makes him look scary.

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