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[1.1.1]✪ToastyNetworks✪[Survival][GriefPrevention][Close to zero banned items!][Patched Items]✪play.toastynetworks.net


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This server is a great tekkit legends server! Considering how small it is, the community is great, you start off with a good amount of items, the voting crates give a good amount of items, and its not that laggy. It has a good amount of players for the modpack size, so the server is overall a good server. I love it, considering the amount of time i've been here.

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This server has welcomed me in with open arms. Their server is exactly what they say they are. They have the greatest and friendliest staff I've seen so far. Their community as a whole is really enjoyable I have played for 1 day and I can already call this server my main one. It usually takes me a while to find a good server but this one just blew my mind on how good it was. Honestly Shoutout to the ToastyNetworks Staff.



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