ninja85a Posted October 31, 2012 Posted October 31, 2012 IGN: thenews1999 Age: 13 Country/Timezone: uk Tekkit Experience: a fair amount Reason for joining: I want to play on a good equivalent exchange enabled tekkit server with a good community Have you read the rules: yes How long have you played tekkit: 5 months What you feel you can contribute: A lot of Tekkit know how and building skills Time you can contribute to the server: Weekends: 3-4 hours Weekdays: snone
Himself12794 Posted October 31, 2012 Posted October 31, 2012 IGN: Himself12794 Age: 17 Country/Timezone: US/EST Tekkit Experience: I've had a lot of experience with Industrial Craft, BuildCraft, and Redpower, fair amount of experience with EE. Reason for joining: I want to find a good server so I can join in on the fun everyone seems to have on servers. Have you read the rules: yes How long have you played tekkit: about 2 months What you feel you can contribute: Redpower Engineering, Logical distribution Time you can contribute to the server: Weekends: 2-5 hours Weekdays: 1-2 hours
soul2696 Posted November 1, 2012 Posted November 1, 2012 IGN: soul2696 Age: 16 Country/Timezone: US/EST Tekkit Experience: I have little tekkit experience but i would like to learn more about tekkit Reason for joining: i want to find a good server where i won't get griefed and with people that will help each other and not be rude Have you read the rules:yes How long have you played tekkit:about a month What you feel you can contribute:Building Skills Time you can contribute to the server:Weekends: 3-4 hours maybe more Weekdays: 2-5 maybe more
Saipowercontols Posted November 1, 2012 Posted November 1, 2012 · Hidden Hidden Sri Sai Ram Power Controls as a manufacturer of Power Transformers, Distribution Transformers, Furnace Transformers and Dry type Transformers has been part of Transformer Industry in India.
LaFesta1749 Posted November 1, 2012 Author Posted November 1, 2012 "MinerKeith said: IGN: MinerKeith Accepted! "SuperAlex said: Hey Idk why but every 2 minutes i log off and it says Internal exception: Connection reset I'm checking the error atm! "spiderjockie said: IGN: spiderjockie Accepted! "Candy107 said: IGN: Candy107 Accepted! "ninja85a said: IGN: thenews1999 Accepted! "Himself12794 said: IGN: Himself12794 Accepted! "soul2696 said: IGN: soul2696 Accepted!
jokera Posted November 1, 2012 Posted November 1, 2012 IGN:BlueTwist3r Age:14 Country/Timezone:Bulgaria Tekkit Experience:More than good Reason for joining:I want to play in your server its cool. Have you read the rules:Yep How long have you played tekkit:1 year What you feel you can contribute:Building Time you can contribute to the server: 2-3 hrs
Apputnins Posted November 1, 2012 Posted November 1, 2012 Member App:Imac IGN:solarempire Age:11 Country/Timezone:Latvia +2:00 Tekkit Experience:I am new to tekkit, but i watched yogscast Reason for joining:The deluxe servers are really confusing Have you read the rules:Sir yes sir! How long have you played tekkit:2 hours ( i think) What you feel you can contribute:Some ideas, a new look. Time you can contribute to the server:Idk I don't know...
Akoltry Posted November 1, 2012 Posted November 1, 2012 IGN: Akoltry Age: 15 Country/Timezone: UTC-05:00 ET (US/CANADA) Tekkit Experience: 1 1/2 years Reason for joining: I want a quiet, but reasonably active and friendly tekkit server. This seemed to fit perfectly. Have you read the rules: Yes. How long have you played tekkit: 1 1/2 years What you feel you can contribute: A great person who will always be on, plus a general wealth of tekkit knowledge and good builds. I'm pretty helpful to all. Time you can contribute to the server: Minimum probably 2-3 hours a day, probably at least 4 or 5.
stgram Posted November 3, 2012 Posted November 3, 2012 Member App: IGN: stgram Age: 16 Country/Timezone: Bulgaria / GMT+2 Tekkit Experience: Sort of, mostly in buildcraft/ic2. Reason for joining: I would like to play multiplayer tekkit. Have you read the rules: yes. How long have you played tekkit: More than a few months What you feel you can contribute: Everything, from digging to constructing complicated devices. Time you can contribute to the server: Cant say for sure, I dont always have free time.
EnragedSouls Posted November 4, 2012 Posted November 4, 2012 Okay i had at least 20 stacks of RM maybe more sitting in a auto feed system under my factory.... now its all gone either some one better tell me who the fk took it or some one better give it all back....... they were locked so no one should of been able to touch it but its all gone. Lafesta. do u know that random lag that happened that slowed all machines and condensers down? its back again D: idk what it was last time but can u fix it please and can u replace at least 10 stacks of the RM that went missing i think u took it cause u might of thought it was overflowing and causing lag but thats just my thought cause i had those chests locked so.... yea please fix the lag and thx
pjgames Posted November 4, 2012 Posted November 4, 2012 IGN: piizzzaaaaman Age: 16 Country/Timezone: London (UK) Tekkit Experience: 5 mounths Reason for joining: i love tekkit and wanted a small server to play on and i found yours looks exiting so can you let me join Have you read the rules: yes How long have you played tekkit: 5 mounths What you feel you can contribute: nolege Time you can contribute to the server: 2 hrs a day maybe more
Rangark Posted November 4, 2012 Posted November 4, 2012 IGN:elcentro1 Age:19 Country/Timezone: North America, Central Tekkit Experience: I am a knowledgeable Tekkit player and enjoy it very well. Reason for joining: It appears to be interesting since it has EE enabled and since it is whitelisted it can restrict access to most of those lazy griefers so that is a plus. Have you read the rules: Yes, and I will abide to the circumstances. How long have you played tekkit: I've been participating in Tekkit since the beginning of July 2012. What you feel you can contribute: Brutally honest, From my past experiences of playing Tekkit, I've grown accustom to going off on my own in order in avoiding being griefed, but hopefully this server can change such customs. Time you can contribute to the server: Usually once a day due to my circumstances with college courses and extracurricular activities. I thank you for taking your time in reading my application, and if I am allowed in I greatly appreciate it.
Monkeybomb414 Posted November 4, 2012 Posted November 4, 2012 Member App: IGN:Monkeybomb414 Age:15 Country/Timezone:USA Central Time Zonemyself. Reason for joining:Want to play with other people. Tekkit Experience:Watched the Yogscast play tekkit and play by myself. Have you read the rules:Yes How long have you played tekkit:For about a month. What you feel you can contribute: I can help other people who are just new to Tekkit and are on a Tekkit server. Time you can contribute to the server: 1 to 2 hours everyday, depends because of schooling and extra-curricular activities.
Emitt54321 Posted November 4, 2012 Posted November 4, 2012 - IGN: Emitt54321 - Age: 24 - Country / Timezone: USA Central - Reason for joining: I want to play on a server that doesn't have half of the game banned / restricted and will allow me to, therefore, build better / more efficient devices to help people out with. - Tekkit Experience: I've tested / built almost all that tekkit has to offer with the exception of computercraft, redpower frames and sensors - Have you read the rules: Yes. - How long have you played tekkit: over 3 months - What you feel you can contribute: the aformentioned over 3 months of experience of tried and tested devices and EU/T knowledge, along with the willingness to help newbies of tekkit. - Time you can contribute: at least 4-5 hours, depending on the day, I have a college class on tuesdays and thursdays.
Purzalot Posted November 5, 2012 Posted November 5, 2012 Member Application IGN Purzalot Age: adult Time zone: Pacific time zone /Country: USA I have been looking for a tekkit server, and wanting one where i don't get tons of kids asking me if I will join them (I am too nice to say no) Also the last 2 I tried the owners have been an issue. Yes I am a female and no I am not looking for companionship sexually. Tekkit experience: 2 month. Minecraft Xp: 1 year I have read the rules. I am a good conversationalist and a great builder, Tried Tekkit and am now hooked on machines. I can play a few hours daily.
Replica616 Posted November 5, 2012 Posted November 5, 2012 IGN: Replica616 Age: 14 Country/Timezone: England(GMT) Tekkit Experience: A fair bit, although I still have a lot to learn. Reason for joining: I'm looking for a new server to play on and this looks to be quite a good one. Have you read the rules: Yes. How long have you played tekkit: A few months. What you feel you can contribute: The same thing most people can; playing Tekkit and being friendly. Time you can contribute to the server: While I may not be on every day, it's likely to average to around an hour a day.
r3nt3r Posted November 6, 2012 Posted November 6, 2012 IGN: r3nt3r Age: 13 Country/Timezone: Bulgaria / GMT+2 Tekkit Experience: over 9000 Reason for joining: I would like to play multiplayer tekkit and help stgram. Have you read the rules: yes. How long have you played tekkit: 3-4 months What you feel you can contribute: Everything Time you can contribute to the server: I dont always have free times, because I'm making minecraft mod.
DT_Darkness Posted November 6, 2012 Posted November 6, 2012 IGN: DT_Darkness Age:13 Country/Timezone: Thailand, Bangkok Tekkit Experience: 1 year Reason for joining:a group of my friends are joining so i ant to join with them Have you read the rules: yes How long have you played tekkit: 1 year What you feel you can contribute: a bigger community and lots of other stuff Time you can contribute to the server: 2 times a week and maybe 4 if i don't have lots of homework
ParabolPaulo Posted November 8, 2012 Posted November 8, 2012 Festa, whats happened to the server, its become too laggy at the moment to actually play on - not sure whether this is down to the amount of users or just a bad chunk. Also My friend and I have both had our chests emptied - I have lost 3 stacks of dark matter and a stack of red - not sure what my friend has. The only thing he could tell me was that he had a chest in his house that was made by Candy107 and had items being pumped into it from his own chests. Now I know it doesn't sound like a lot but its more the principle that this server is supposed to be a peaceful and friendly one. Oh and the spawn looks like its been nuked...Not sure what happened there. Can you please reply asap. Thank you.
Jake Malrow Posted November 8, 2012 Posted November 8, 2012 Member App: IGN: skateboarder345 Age: 14 Country/Timezone:England, Dublin Tekkit Experience: 1 year Reason for joining: I really want to join a good Tekkit and yours looks really good with grief protection and fair rules Have you read the rules: Yes How long have you played tekkit: 1 Year What you feel you can contribute: Experience In Tekkit and contributing to big builds and helping out Time you can contribute to the server: Couple of hours a day
NerdyNinja Posted November 9, 2012 Posted November 9, 2012 IGN: xTheNerdyNinja Age: 13 Country/Timezone: U.S.A / Central Time Tekkit Experience: About 1 month of playing and another 2 months of watching it on YouTube. Reason for joining: I want to be able to learn about tekkit and also have fun playing it. Have you read the rules?: Yes How long have you played Tekkit: 1 Month What can you contribute: I know a lot from the videos I watched, so I could make some pretty cool factories. Time you can contribute to the server: Usually about 1 hour a day.
Christoffer Eliasson Posted November 9, 2012 Posted November 9, 2012 IGN: TheIssueMan Age: 15 (soon 16) Country/Timezone: Sweden Tekkit Experience: I know much about IC, EE, BC, and a bit about RC, RP2 and CC Reason for joining: I want to play on a serious server, wich is noot that big. Have you read the rules: Of course. How long have you played tekkit: I started playing Tekkit in may 2012, but before that, I played a lot of Technic What you feel you can contribute: Building nice factory's or something like that. Time you can contribute to the server: As much as possible! :)
FallenScorpio Posted November 9, 2012 Posted November 9, 2012 IGN : FallenScorpio Age: 16 Country/Timezone: U.S Tekkit Excperiance: Ive been playing tekkit hardcore for about 4 months now. I know alot about every mod there is. Reason for joining: Its so hard to find a server thats not a terrible one that bans every item and it seems like this server actually trusts the players. Have you read the rules: ya How long have you been playing tekkit: 4 months What do you feel yo can contribute: I wanna show people ways to prevent lag and i could build an intergalactic airplane with RP2 frame motors. Time youd contribute to the server: at least 4 hours a day
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