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Error when trying to install modpack

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Hello! I've been working with modpacks for quite some time now, and everything has gone well until today, when I tried to update my modpack yet again (I've done that multiple times before). I pasted the new modpack URL into my modpack settings, saved and went into the Technic Launcher where I tried to install the update for my pack - it didn't work. It just gave me this error after a few seconds!


Modpack URL: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/1xvcwtvwss1e2h4/YaoPackExtreme1.2.3.zip?dl=1  

Error log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kq87ng6gnee24p3/techniclauncher_2016-07-21.log?dl=0

I've never encountered something like this before, and I've tried to fix it by changing some things in the download URL, such as replacing 'www' with 'dl' and 'dropbox' with 'dropboxusercontent', and reinstalling the entire pack! I don't know which other host to use, since I have always been using Dropbox for hosting modpack files. I even tried to upload the file to another Dropbox account! The recommended Copy.com site is no longer available, so I am really lost right now. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

EDIT: It seems like there's something wrong with my modpack?! Maybe it isn't the host...



Edited by HenrikoMagnifico
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21 hours ago, E4RU said:

Ah hello! I will be looking at your problem now. I am not able to open your dropbox link please use dropbox instead of dropboxusercontent also try this kinda link i usually use: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yourlink?raw=1 the raw=1 will force the download.

Thanks! I managed to solve it myself by uploading the file again to Dropbox (I think it got semi-corrupted a little bit?). It works now at least :)


My Modpack is very unstable now though, and crashes frequently for no apparent reason, could you help with that too?

Edited by HenrikoMagnifico
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