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wasn't there 12 disciples...

There was a typing error when Gnod ordered some disciples on Ebay for his son, and he missed a 1.


I'm going to pull a Judas.

Didn't Judas betray Jesus because he was pissy about staying up all night taking it up the ass? And then when Jesus rose from the dead he doubted him like a doubting Thomas? Oh wait! I just answered my own question with "WRONG! IT WAS THOMAS!" Sorry about that. Or am I? (wrong that is)


He's bringing draft. :(

Crap. I really hope it's Yungeling, that's tolerable. The mass-produced stuff is always rice-based, and that creates a tasteless brew with a higher alcohol content. :confused:


But I wanted to play dishonoured on my phone thru the tekkit launcher but you don't have permission so I use ftb now but if you would add let me know if this would be nice KTHX


you with your new-fangled technology. i want technic luncher* on my gameboy pocket!**

*purposefull misspelling **i actually own one

what? no man....i want to on my DS...the DS totally has more then enough processing power...maybe even a minigame were you kill creepers


what? no man....i want to on my DS...the DS totally has more then enough processing power...maybe even a minigame were you kill creepers

on a serious note, i don't see much reason for a well-made port/rewrite of minecraft pocket wouldn't be possible on the ds/ds lite/dsi/3ds (choose one, most likely 3ds)


on a serious note, i don't see much reason for a well-made port/rewrite of minecraft pocket wouldn't be possible on the ds/ds lite/dsi/3ds (choose one, most likely 3ds)

pokect edition yes....but i was talking about the PC version

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