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This isn't really a bug, but more a question of trying to give our server a stress relief! Since lately the server is having huge lag spikes, even with 12 people online. when the server should be able to take above 40.

And it is hard to talk or know how many members have some sort of machine running with chunkloaders, since our player base is from all imaginable times zones!

So I thought if there was a easy way to shut down the chunkloaders, to see if it made a difference.

I think they are a part of the additional pipes mod, but I am not sure. And the config for that doesn't seem to have any changeable values.


I notice in my log on bootup it displays "forced chunks loaded". Some of them are my spawns for different worlds but not all. Maybe the rest are from chunnkloaders. I have 10 forced chunks loaded, but I stressed responsible use of them to my players.


You can stress it from now and till doomsday, and players will always find their machines the best ever created and in dire need of chunkloaders!

I have no count on how many chunkloaders we have in our world, but I have the feeling the will make a major difference on the server lag issues if we disable them.


take a look at your server console/logs when it starts up. one of the last things it does is list the number of force loaded chunks. that should give you an idea if this is the problem or not.


take a look at your server console/logs when it starts up. one of the last things it does is list the number of force loaded chunks. that should give you an idea if this is the problem or not.

well, I don't make it a habit to restart a active server. There is pretty much people on it 24/7....


no matter what you do, you're gonna end up taking the server down for at least a short time to apply whatever fix. I don't know how long it takes to boot your server, but I hope it's not more than a minute or two. if people can't handle having to log off for a couple minutes so a lag issue can be investigated and maybe sorted out, then I don't know what to tell you.

your other option is to take the map file into MCedit and remove all chunk loader blocks. this will also require server downtime though.

so far all you know is that there's lag and you THINK it's too many force loaded chunks. you are not even 100% on that as it stands. you will never solve this issue if you can't do what is needed to narrow in on the problem. I will tell you though, if you're stance is that the server cannot be restarted at any time for any reason, then you will have a high up time, super laggy server for the foreseeable future.


so how to remove already placed chunk loader blocks? or how to make that chunk loader blocks will not load chunks? I disabled chunkloader in Tekkit/buildcraft/config/AdditionalPipes.cfg but it seems that this will not disable already placed blocks so ...


sounds like you've got your work cut out for you. this should help

edit: as an aside, you should really stop using linux if you are complaining about how hard it is to get things to work with it. linux is great for many things, but being the primary OS for users unwilling to bust out a text editor or read some howtos when they want to get things done is not one of them. additionally, if simple directory structures and file locations confound you then you should probably not go anywhere near a tool like MCedit. ever.


This is a may-as-well-still-be-beta game that's been reverse-engineered and decompiled to be modded by a bajillion different people with those mods assembled into a pack driven by a launcher that actually is labelled as still in beta.

If your users have such short attention spans that they can't stand to have the damn thing rebooted, especially if they are informed that it will actually improve their playing experience in the long run, do you -really- want users like that? (Hint: No.)


Sorry I didn't mean it like that, I just meant, if I don't have a clear reason to restart the server I rather not. But now I had, since someone told me were I could find the config for additional pipes.

It turns out we have 126 chunks loaded!

2012-03-21 09:57:16 [iNFO] [AdditionalPipes] Loaded 126 Forced Chunks

Could this be causing some of my issues? :P


sounds like you've got your work cut out for you. this should help

edit: as an aside, you should really stop using linux if you are complaining about how hard it is to get things to work with it. linux is great for many things, but being the primary OS for users unwilling to bust out a text editor or read some howtos when they want to get things done is not one of them. additionally, if simple directory structures and file locations confound you then you should probably not go anywhere near a tool like MCedit. ever.

I am doing most of the stuff by writing shell scripts etc. so :D it's not hard for me I like doing that :)


It turns out we have 126 chunks loaded!

2012-03-21 09:57:16 [iNFO] [AdditionalPipes] Loaded 126 Forced Chunks

Could this be causing some of my issues? :P

I don't think so.

From the Minecraft Wiki:

In multiplayer mode, a grid with a default radius of 10 (for a total of 21x21 or 441 chunks) is loaded around each player and sent to the player by default

At least my Tekkit server came with a view distance of 10 set in the server.properties by default. So a single player amounts for 441 loaded chunks. A second player, that is twice the view distance away from the first player would double the loaded chunks to 882. 126 chunks seem insignificant then.

There are some other things, that could cause lag.

Do you have large industrialcraft solar arrays on your server?

You could also try to turn off the sound of your industrialcraft machines. (Open the IC2.cfg file located in %appdata%\Roaming\.techniclauncher\tekkit\config\ and change soundsEnabled=true to soundsEnabled=false)

I've also experienced redpower2 timers set to a very low frequency causing lag as well as buildcraft redstone engines running in the red state pumping liquid with a wooden waterproof pipe.


Yeah, we have loads of solar panels! Could it be that? :S

But disabling the sounds in the launcher won't effect the server having issues will it?...

No, the soundlag is clientside. So if your players are walking into a "wall of lag" when they walk away from running machines then turning off the ic2 sounds could help.

For the solar panels you could try to use the Compact Solars, they are already part of Tekkit. With them you can pack up to 512 solar panels into a single block.


Yeah, we have loads of solar panels! Could it be that? :S


Depending on how your IC2 equipment is wired, it could be the solar panels or other tech. If you're splitting a ton of cables, causes greater CPU usage. If someone set up a power loop, even more server overhead for calculations (I've heard most will crash servers eventually). Also, a ton of solar panels will over time bring servers to a crawl if you get enough of them.


Depending on how your IC2 equipment is wired, it could be the solar panels or other tech. If you're splitting a ton of cables, causes greater CPU usage. If someone set up a power loop, even more server overhead for calculations (I've heard most will crash servers eventually). Also, a ton of solar panels will over time bring servers to a crawl if you get enough of them.

What is a so called power loop? :S I honestly don't play so much Tekkit to understand all the terms :P


What is a so called power loop? :S I honestly don't play so much Tekkit to understand all the terms :P

A power loop (as I understand it) is anytime you have an output from a storage unit eventually go back to an input on the same storage unit. If you hook up a bunch of MFSUs, for instance, in series, you should be fine. But if someone mis-routes a cable and it goes back to an MFSU that's providing power to that line, it'll just cycle power around in a loop thereby requiring a bunch of processor power to do all the calculations. My server is small and I handle most of the development for the power network so I haven't seen the problem firsthand, but I've read from others online that a power loop is a fast way to really stress a server because of crappy wiring.

If anyone knows more about it or if my premise is wrong, please let me know :D

  • 3 weeks later...

I had this original issue with my tekkit server and so i took out the advanced machine mod. after this everything began workign perfectly but everyone is complaining that their miners do no work. anyone know what could be causing this and/or how to fix it?


as most server default config allows 10 chunk distance to be viewed at any time by a player, 126 chunks really isn't a lot. Figure you can see 5 chunks wide in front of you and 10 chunks out. 50 chunks per average player (this is not including any chunks the player just traveled through and are behind their view). your 126 chunks loaded is just under an additional 3 players on the server just looking forward. If your server is experiencing lag due to these few extra chunks loaded, you may wanna think about an upgrade. If you were to do a info collect on any decent sized server, you could see thousands of chunks loaded at any particular time.

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