tekkit4tekkit Posted May 1, 2013 Posted May 1, 2013 im 10 east cost south carolina i play voltz a lot im not a noob at it i like how it says friendly server so i thought i should try to join it yes i do
koolman913 Posted May 1, 2013 Posted May 1, 2013 In Game Name-koolman913 age-16 time zone-central(canada) I dont know much about Voltz because single player isnt fun and my friends dont own voltz servers I love the idea of being able to advance through tiers of stages until ive built the biggest and best base. I personally love to group up with others cuz i think thats what these servers are about I also understand the difference between PvP and grief because my Tekkit server got griefed once and it wasnt fun I hope u will greatly consider me into joining your Voltz community
Freakless_Oaxs Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 -14 -Central Timezone; United States of America -I'm quite experinced with Voltz from my own perspective -I like this because of your idea because, you are trying to change how Voltz is played. Making it more about tactics than how many Nukes some one has -I'm willing to group up with others but usally work best alone -I my self think I understand the basic concept but I do have a few questions --> If I were to group would there still be the occasional player that just betrays you and takes all your stuff? <-- Ign:Freakless_Oaxs
Calen11709 Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 - IGN: Calen11709 - 17 - Mountain Time; United States - I like to think I am moderately experienced in voltz, if I don't know something, I can easily figure it out quickly. With normal minecraft I am very advanced and know how to do almost everything if not everything. - This is a very smart idea because I've been on servers where if you find someone else's base, then you just bomb the hell out of it. This is different and more tactical, I like it. - I would be willing to group up with a small group of people. No more than 4 because if I have a large group, then the PVP would be very limited. If not a small group then I'll be alone. - I understand the concept of stupid grief and fun PVP. And I also understand where you are coming from, I completely agree with you and support it. - I am also looking for a server to livestream on and I think this would be perfect.
Freakless_Oaxs Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 @Calen Yo' if we both get white-listed want to team up?
frostblooded Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 -IGN: frostblooded -16 -GMT-5 EST USA, Washington DC -I have played Voltz since the day it came out and am very knowledgeable. I was one of the first people on the first Voltz server when it was created.And just like Changomax1 I have played minecraft since it came out or as he used " Since the Yogscast uploaded how to survive the first night." -Well I started watching the yogscast videos and it really made me want to join a community like that so I hope you will accept me, I could be a valuable friendly member. -I can group with others in alliances, but the way I play is exactly like ridgedog, I you have seen the Yogscast vids. I also am a long term member of the voxelbox so my style is rather like ridgedog in ways. -I very much understand, that is why I am trying to join this server so I don't have to worry about my stuff being blown up unless it is for a good reason.
AlexBrunt Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 - IGN: _ALEXBRO_ - Age: 15 - GMT+8 Australia, Perth - Due to a lot of experimentation and yogscast videos, I like to think that I am experienced with Voltz. - I wish to join this server because I like the idea of pitting players against each other, through a race/war to advance their technology. - I can group with others or be alone, but I prefer to work with others. - I understand the barrier between a good PVP war and just going around the server throwing down red matter and anti-matter explosives. For anyone that wants to Skype with me while on this server to team up, my Skype name is: alex.brunt31. :)
enrara Posted May 3, 2013 Posted May 3, 2013 -13 -Pacific Time -moderate(not that good though) -i love a good volts war -100% group -yes completely (also in that sense we should ban some weps like red and anti matter)
NiaTeppelin Posted May 3, 2013 Posted May 3, 2013 Age:21 Timezone: GMT-5 USA Experience: long time MC player, first time voltz I'm looking for a server where I won't get screwed right off the bat by people with more resources and experience Love to group up, especially with people assigned to different tasks yeah, completely anhiliating someone is no fun
shadowclone Posted May 4, 2013 Posted May 4, 2013 age 22 -timezone and country of residence: central, U.S -experience with minecraft/voltz (just so i know, im not a genius myself) played voltz since release -what attracts you to my idea/server: I like the idea of teams and alliances -are you willing to group up with others or me or are you a lone wolf: im everything lone wolf when need to be and a team player -do you think that you understand my views about the difference between stupid grief and just fun pvp? yes grief is harassing players
Hothead3003 Posted May 4, 2013 Posted May 4, 2013 Age: 15 Time Zone: Central Know almost everything about Minecraft and most about voltz I would just like to help I am more of a loner but can work with others And of course I understand, I hate griefers
Minecraftpowerz Posted May 4, 2013 Posted May 4, 2013 Age: 13 Time Zone: Eastern Us/Canada Know a heck of alot about Tekkit/Vanila And a bit about volts (some icbm stuff.) I am attracted to the sole idea of whitelist... I dont want to get assaulted by retarded greifers and camped. I'm a groupie, with my friends. Thats the reason im here... For the anti greifers and i dont want to get camped. IGN(S): Minecraftpowerz/Kobe1569 (there both mine, please.)
YOGFAN Posted May 4, 2013 Posted May 4, 2013 age 11 live in hk knows some about voltz and tekkit i also hate grievers and like building (and blowing up stuff in very faraway places so i don't disturb anyone) im new at voltz, ill team up yes i am a mature person and i know not to blow random people up
Flynnstar Posted May 5, 2013 Posted May 5, 2013 - Age 14 - UTC/GMT +8 Hours - Ten or so hours of game play worth of knowledge. - The server sounds fairly interesting. I like the idea of a PvP based server with basic griefing laws. - Grouping up with people sounds fun. - I get what you mean by stupid and PvP griefing
smm443 Posted May 5, 2013 Posted May 5, 2013 IGN: smm443 -age : 15 -timezone and country of residence : est usa. -experience with minecraft/voltz : im an alpha minecraft player and a good volts player. -what attracts you to my idea/server : the fact i could possibly get off the ground before being nuked. -are you willing to group up with others or me or are you a lone wolf : ill lone wolf till i get up in tech then team up with someone. -do you think that you understand my views about the difference between stupid grief and just fun pvp? : it's a good idea i agree. Btw i has skype and a mic
Axelstar7a Posted May 5, 2013 Posted May 5, 2013 "marijn198 said: hello thread viewers, ive been getting into voltz lately and i have experience with minecraft servers (vanilla and mods/modpacks) and im very excited about my idea to have a server where people team up to make their own bases/hideouts and make alliances with other people or just bomb the crap out of someone/group which you dont like. this doent mean all out grief is allowed, that means no excessive use of huge explosions, that wouldnt make it a lot of fun and just ruin the fun of others. if you are interested please reply with the following info: -age -timezone and country of residence -experience with minecraft/voltz (just so i know, im not a genius myself) -what attracts you to my idea/server -are you willing to group up with others or me or are you a lone wolf -do you think that you understand my views about the difference between stupid grief and just fun pvp? Im 11 Swedish time but I talk fluent English (no weird accents) Im fairly new to voltz but I know already most things (I watched youtube for like 3 hours every day) I like the idea of making alliances and raging wars (SOUNDS AWESOME!) I tottaly wanna team up with other players and build hidden bases Im absurlutely certain that I understand its not fun to kill noobs when there building a base and that red matter bombs blow up entire servers slowly! I really want to join so please let me join!!!!! I promise to play fairly (My minecraft name: Axelstar7a so you can whitelist me and my Skype: Axel elowson message me the ip PLEASE LET ME JOIN!!! :)
LittleBigKid2000 Posted May 5, 2013 Posted May 5, 2013 -12 but doesn't act like a 5-year-old - EST, USA - I have been playing Minecraft since Beta 1.2. I have some experience with Voltz. I know how to work a missile launcher. - I want to join a small Voltz server - Yes, I am willing to group up with other people - Yes
Chandler Absher Posted May 5, 2013 Posted May 5, 2013 Age 15 Timezone eastern A whole lot I been playing for I while I am good with the missiles and wiring I like new servers and helping people Anyone or myself IDK which Yes I do Username Chandler125207
El_Chriso2016 Posted May 6, 2013 Posted May 6, 2013 -age - 17 -timezone and country of residence - Australia. GMT + 10 (i think) -experience with minecraft/voltz (just so i know, im not a genius myself) - I know my way around fairly well. I could comfortably defend myself by myself. -what attracts you to my idea/server - The whole idea of warring, not just mindless griefing and blowing stuff up. -are you willing to group up with others or me or are you a lone wolf - I don't mind either way. I know a bit about voltz so my experience might be helpful. -do you think that you understand my views about the difference between stupid grief and just fun pvp? - I understand and share quite a number of those views.
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