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I was derping around with the carriages and the motors a bit, not understanding how it worked, and managed to crash the game :D

Something is up with the TileEntityRenderer.

2013-06-09 14:56:39 [iNFO] [sTDERR] net.minecraft.util.ReportedException: Rendering Tile Entity

2013-06-09 14:56:39 [iNFO] [sTDERR]    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntityRenderer.func_76949_a(SourceFile:114)

2013-06-09 14:56:39 [iNFO] [sTDERR]    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntityRenderer.func_76950_a(SourceFile:99)



    at JAKJ.RedstoneInMotion.MotiveSpectreRenderer.Render(MotiveSpectreRenderer.java:12)

    at JAKJ.RedstoneInMotion.TileEntityRendererBase.func_76894_a(TileEntityRendererBase.java:16)

    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntityRenderer.func_76949_a(SourceFile:107)

    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntityRenderer.func_76950_a(SourceFile:99)

    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderGlobal.func_72713_a(RenderGlobal.java:520)

    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_78471_a(EntityRenderer.java:1150)

    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_78480_b(EntityRenderer.java:991)

    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(Minecraft.java:870)

    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:759)

    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

what I did:

I made a box of the structure carriage around a structure, just like the picture shows. I closed all sides appropriately, attached a energized- frame engine and then applied a redstone signal.

When I logged back in, it had moved it, so the only problem seems to be the rendering of the moving parts.




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It looks like it began trying to render the moving carriage before the server had sent the information needed to do so. I'll add a check for that, so if the communication with the server is delayed, it'll just not draw anything until it catches up.


Imma start testing this today (hopefully). I am wondering: how will the carriages behave considering protection plugins? I am not one for using such stuff, but you know many people are.

Situations that would need to be adressed:

* For plugins that protect whole chunks - what happens when the whole, or part of the carriage moves into or through a chunk protected by another player?

* For plugins that protect blocks individually - what happens when the carriage bumps into or tries to drag along a protected block?

Would it be possible to solve such an issue globally, or would each plugin have to be handled individually?


Considering the way I weave in and out of the mid-level chunk code, I expect anything running protection to collapse completely, some things being moved and some things not. Honestly, I don't see any way this mod could ever be compatible with any protection plugin, considering I have ripped out portions of Minecraft's internals and rewritten them myself, and this mod would have to have its own protection code added.

In theory, it wouldn't be difficult, because my code already pre-loops through all blocks before doing anything and does a validity check. In the class CarriagePackage, several functions can easily be modified to do checks against a protection plugin by block X,Y,Z value, and the class CarriageBlocks can be modified to pass in the EntityPlayer object to the CarriagePackage to issue checks against the player's name. Probably would have to add one check in the actual carriage classes to make sure the empty space it finds to move to isn't protected. If you're already intimately familiar with the protection plugin in question, it'd probably be an hour or two of work to add support to the mod.

I'm probably going to do no such thing, since server-play on Minecraft is vomitous and I don't do it, but seeing as it's open-source, someone else certainly could. The same goes for bukkit support: I've never even looked at bukkit code.



It's nice that it's open source, but the source code would be easier to use if it wasn't divided into folders, or if the folders matched the package declarations. To use the source I have to move everything from the source folders to the default folder.


It's nice that it's open source, but the source code would be easier to use if it wasn't divided into folders, or if the folders matched the package declarations. To use the source I have to move everything from the source folders to the default folder.

Eh? You must be using some sort of build system like Eclipse. I just use MCP, and all you have to do is drop the 'src' folder in with the rest (my path is forge/mcp/src/minecraft/JAKJ/src) and it works just fine.

Having all source files in the same directory is massively confusing to me, and making subpackages for a project as small as a Minecraft mod just bloats the imports and makes it more irritating to code.


I made some textures: http://imgur.com/PahuclE


Mind saying what direction you want all the textures to go in so that I can create more textures? For example, what sort of material would the motors use? Will you make them animated? I also don't really know what effect the upgrades will have on the texture, mind posting example pics for that?

You made 16x textures? They look quite nice. I suppose I could have them in the mod as an option, if people don't want to use the full-resolution texures. For the engines, I hadn't decided: They could be anything from full 3d models to simple textured blocks with the upgrades drawn on like decals. The drives will need to be symmetrical, though, around the N/S/E/W faces, because they can't be rotated (since they don't have a facing anyway). The drive textures just need to have enough variation between them to be distinguishable by the colourblind, which can be done with patterns or decals or anything really.


I haven't actually paid any attention to this thread but I was wondering if you have considered asking Forge people to add hooks there for moving complex tile entities around in the world? I'm sure lots of mods would like adding ways to move blocks around and having a decent framework for it would allow to actually do that without having each of those mods re-implement moving special blocks from every single other mod.

Of course that would assume that those other mod authors actually implement that interface in their tileentities but I'm sure it'll catch on eventually.


I haven't found the forge guys to be too receptive in the past. It might just be that they don't have time to pay attention to anyone who isn't popular. If lots of people start using my mod, maybe they would.


Yeah, the popularity contest problem sure does seem to be a problem with it. Though I guess if you'd have a proper code ready to be merged they might give you a chance.

Perhaps try working with some other devs? I'm sure iChun wouldn't mind being able to move any block with gravity gun. I think Mystcraft also had plans to add moving entire areas of blocks around at some point.


I think you'll find that the only people willing to work with me on anything are people on this website. But it doesn't matter: It's open source. iChun or xCompwiz or CPW or whoeverthefuck can just take the code and stick it in their own projects without saying word one to me at any time. (If their pride allows them to, of course.)


Sure they could do that but they are probably scared to do it anyway considering how awfully protective majority of devs are about code of themselves and others. It's depressing :\


Sure they could do that but they are probably scared to do it anyway considering how awfully protective majority of devs are about code of themselves and others. It's depressing :\

Yeah, well, when my mods actually release in beta, I'll have huge disclaimers up that say that taking and using the code, making spotlights, posting about the mods on other forums, or whatever, is all fine via the WTFPL. If that isn't enough to get them over it, then they are damaged beyond repair.


The first beta release is here! Please move all discussion to this thread:


I decided to simplify the mod: Tiers are now gone. The screwdriver is now required to maniuplate carriages and drives; Sneak-activating with an empty hand will no longer work. CC peripheral support not yet implemented.

I removed the tiers because I feel that the mod should be focused more on what you can do with the frames than any sort of balancing factor of making using frames more difficult. I want to see interesting and complex structures unhindered by difficult materials or energy management.


I removed the tiers because I feel that the mod should be focused more on what you can do with the frames than any sort of balancing factor of making using frames more difficult. I want to see interesting and complex structures unhindered by difficult materials or energy management.

Thank you! A thousand times, thank you! I've missed hearing this kind of spirit among modders!


I was thinking about the player movement thing. Could you just lock the Y position and then just move the player 1 block in the direction of motion? Maybe use some of the flight code from any of the mods that include flight eg gravisuit.


I was thinking about the player movement thing. Could you just lock the Y position and then just move the player 1 block in the direction of motion? Maybe use some of the flight code from any of the mods that include flight eg gravisuit.

1) You should move discussion to the actual release thread so it's easier to track.

2) That's basically what I'm going to do (except for all three axes of motion, since the carriages can move in all six directions), and hopefully it doesn't introduce any sync issues.

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