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[1.6.x/1.5.x] Redstone In Motion (Redpower Frames) (October 8)

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I dont know how difficult this would be but would you consider hooking into the BC API and allowing Buildcraft wrenches to act as screwdrivers? my omnitool is starting to become useless

edit: Nevermind I am stupid:P


  "jakj said:
There's no way to interact with a moving carriage and there never will be. If you absolutely need to stop one mid-transit, you'll have to give it a delay. To make an elevator with no delay and multiple floors, you need to create a system (probably using pistons as stops) to cause it to wait on each floor for you to say "go up again".

Using computers or turtles with wireless modems it would be a fairly simple matter to have the computer (assuming using the computercraft controller) on the elevator always listen for specific rednet messages, then have a computer "call button" (or could even just be a regular button that sends a signal to a hidden computer that when it receives that signal sends the call message).

Assuming the elevator shaft was constructed properly without obstructions, the computer on the elevator could remember the last floor it was called too so which one it is on and what height that floor is at, and when it receives a call signal to a different floor, can make a comparison between that height and the height of the floor it was asked to go to, and move exactly how many places up or down needed to get there.

I coded a similar setup for one of the other people I play with who had a bedrock level lava operation, a ground castle and a sky fortress (granted wireless range on modems for the communication involved is rather short unless using modified config values or having sky-level wireless computer with message relay software, which I wrote a long while ago and was using for this instance).

Of course that isn't interactive in terms of getting it to stop in-transit and may have nothing to do with what you said, I apologize for the ramble.


  "Shade25 said:
Of course that isn't interactive in terms of getting it to stop in-transit and may have nothing to do with what you said, I apologize for the ramble.

What I meant is that (for example) you will never be able to do things to in-transit carriages like flip levers, press buttons, open chests, add/destroy blocks, process redstone signals, or anything else similar. What some people want is carriages as fully-controllable airships, which is a completely different paradigm, requiring everything to be an actual moving entity (like a cow or an item frame is an entity) versus a tile entity (like a chest or a furnace is a tile entity).


  "MehdiSaffar said:
Hello people!

I've put up a spotlight for this mod. I hope you like it !

Awesome to see spotlights being put out. I'm watching it now.


Folks, now seeking feedback for changing a couple names to reduce confusion, since I've had a few messages about it and I happen to agree.

The platform carriage (the blue one that pulls everything anywhere in the world that is touching it all in one lump) and the support carriage (the green one where the carriages' open sides have to all be facing the same direction and it moves anything in that direction and no other) seem to be confusing people, because "platform" sounds like what the support carriage does, i.e., a platform is a flat thing that holds stuff, and "support" sounds like what the platform carriage does, i.e., supports an object like pillars support a building.

I want to swap these names, so platform carriage becomes support carriage and support carriage becomes platform carriage. Pro: More intuitive. Con: Confusing to people who are used to the names now.

Options: 1) Don't change it, because it hurts more than it helps. 2) Change it, but only for the eventual 1.6 release. 3) Change it the next time I do an update for the 1.5 release.



If you change it, you should put a small note in the tooltip when hovering above the carriages like you can say : "Was called Platform/Support in the previous release" otherwise people will get confused.


  "Lethosos said:
Might as well make the change. I hate abiguity, and the sooner it's clearer, the better.

I get the feeling that it's been bothering quite a few people, but only two so far in the entire history of the mod have bothered to mention it. I've found some random message boards too, where people complain about bugs and how they don't want to use the mod until X and Y are resolved, and yet they haven't even said anything.

Seems that only a tiny percentage of the users of a mod ever post about it. :P I suppose that shouldn't actually surprise me, though.

  "MehdiSaffar said:
If you change it, you should put a small note in the tooltip when hovering above the carriages like you can say : "Was called Platform/Support in the previous release" otherwise people will get confused.

Good idea.


  "jakj said:
I get the feeling that it's been bothering quite a few people, but only two so far in the entire history of the mod have bothered to mention it. I've found some random message boards too, where people complain about bugs and how they don't want to use the mod until X and Y are resolved, and yet they haven't even said anything.

Seems that only a tiny percentage of the users of a mod ever post about it. :P I suppose that shouldn't actually surprise me, though.

Ah, I didn't notice the disrepancy myself, they're both specialty frames that don't get used that often.

  "MehdiSaffar said:
If you change it, you should put a small note in the tooltip when hovering above the carriages like you can say : "Was called Platform/Support in the previous release" otherwise people will get confused.

If this is implemented, I suggest keeping it for every 1.5 updates and remove it for the 1.6 release.


Is there currently any good way to get back to a moving frame machine? Of course portals don't work and I've also tried TF2 teleporters mod but their frequency gets reset when moved.


I forget what it was called,, but someone found a block that can cause item activation like old redpower deployers so you can remotely trigger a portal gun to fire.


  "MehdiSaffar said:
Is there a way to make retractable arms inside of moving carriage ? for a quarry for example ...

You could either use a mod that has a block that lets you break and place other blocks on the fly, or you could use multiple motors (possibly with computer control) to push them into some sort of storage channel in a wall or the ground.


  "jakj said:
I forget what it was called,, but someone found a block that can cause item activation like old redpower deployers so you can remotely trigger a portal gun to fire.

Thaumic Tinkerer's Tool Dynamism tablet.

  "jakj said:
You could either use a mod that has a block that lets you break and place other blocks on the fly, or you could use multiple motors (possibly with computer control) to push them into some sort of storage channel in a wall or the ground.

mDiyo's Drawbridges sound like the right tool for the job.


This is basically what I want to do :


I'm pretty sure this is easy to code. All you need is make an active side for the motor. This will also solve the problem when a single motor is connected to 2 carriages or more and when given a redstone signal won't move since it doesn't know which one to push. IMHO if implemented, it will allow for big projects!!


  "MehdiSaffar said:
This is basically what I want to do :

I'm pretty sure this is easy to code. All you need is make an active side for the motor. This will also solve the problem when a single motor is connected to 2 carriages or more and when given a redstone signal won't move since it doesn't know which one to push. IMHO if implemented, it will allow for big projects!!

So.........basically, being able to deactivate the sides of motors/engines just like you can deactivate the sides of the carriage blocks?



MedhiSaffar has a good point. The old RP2 frames had two crucial features for creating autonomous multipart constructs: they could work on only one side at a time (thus avoiding pulling unnecessary frames), and they acted as frames themselves as far as moving them is concerned. I.e. they transferred the "movement force" if you know what I mean. The problem I see is that this was clearly designed for frames/frame carriages, and I dunno how to make it even work (if at all possible) with any other type of carriage. Such a feature would probably be limited to frame carriages, I guess.


We just came up with a solution for the first thing you said, but what does it mean to transfer the movement force? Are you talking about nested carriages again?


Perhaps? At least as far as RP2 frame motors went, they acted just like yet another frame when they were moved by a frame structure, i.e. they counted as one and the same with the whole structure, and thus dragged other frames (connected to their active side) when moved. This allowed for the creation of complex multi-directional movements, such as quarries and 3D printers.


  "Viktor_Berg said:
Perhaps? At least as far as RP2 frame motors went, they acted just like yet another frame when they were moved by a frame structure, i.e. they counted as one and the same with the whole structure, and thus dragged other frames (connected to their active side) when moved. This allowed for the creation of complex multi-directional movements, such as quarries and 3D printers.

Oh, I see. Yeah, that's not going to work with the way I do things internally, but since I have many more types of frames available, creative engineering can counteract that limitation. Nested carriages can be implemented to a limited extent by staggered activation.


been reading this thread since page 1 and have really liked the way this mod is turning out. was building something and encountered a BIG BUG!

when you use a turtle (from ComputerCraft) to try and break any carriage the carriage is not returned to you.

i consider this to be a big bug as you are not able to create collapsible structures. ( trying to make a fast elevator that has the computer stay in one spot and the elevator structure grow when needed ) i can provide a video if needed.

PS it would also be helpful to have a config option to have a list of blocks to not get picked up and ignored like the Carriage motors are even if they are next to a sticky side of a carriage.


  "Paintpauller said:
been reading this thread since page 1 and have really liked the way this mod is turning out. was building something and encountered a BIG BUG!

when you use a turtle (from ComputerCraft) to try and break any carriage the carriage is not returned to you.

i consider this to be a big bug as you are not able to create collapsible structures. ( trying to make a fast elevator that has the computer stay in one spot and the elevator structure grow when needed ) i can provide a video if needed.

Not a bug in my mod: Whatever you are using to break the block is not calling the "removeBlockByPlayer" function, which is what I use to generate the drops. My mod uses far too much information for the 16 values of metadata to suffice, so I have to generate drops based on data in the tile entity, and by the time the normal base Minecraft "generate drops for the block that just got destroyed" function is called, the tile entity has already been removed and I cannot access it.

You should file a report with the other mod saying they need to better simulate the process of a player breaking the block.

  "Paintpauller said:
PS it would also be helpful to have a config option to have a list of blocks to not get picked up and ignored like the Carriage motors are even if they are next to a sticky side of a carriage.

That's on the to-do list for the future.


We have made some cool builds using RiM so we'll probably upload a video where we show them. I'll post it here whenever it's finished :))

But I really wish the moveable arm feature to be implemented.

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