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[1.6.x/1.5.x] Redstone In Motion (Redpower Frames) (October 8)


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1) When i try to move AE controller with power by template frames and if engine is placed next to the contoller i get such an exception:


at ic2.core.EnergyNet.addTileEntity(EnergyNet.java:213)

at ic2.core.EnergyNet$EventHandler.onEnergyTileLoad(EnergyNet.java:53)

at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler_31_EventHandler_onEnergyTileLoad_EnergyTileLoadEvent.invoke(.dynamic)

at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:39)

at net.minecraftforge.event.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:108)

at appeng.proxy.ProxyIC2.addToEnergyNet(ProxyIC2.java:49)

at appeng.common.base.AppEngTile.init(AppEngTile.java:399)

at appeng.me.basetiles.TilePoweredBase.init(TilePoweredBase.java:77)

at appeng.me.tile.TileController.init(TileController.java:212)

at appeng.sided.AEGenericTick.tickStart(AEGenericTick.java:62)

at cpw.mods.fml.common.SingleIntervalHandler.tickStart(SingleIntervalHandler.java:28)

at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.tickStart(FMLCommonHandler.java:122)

at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onPreWorldTick(FMLCommonHandler.java:295)

at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:638)

at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:573)

at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(IntegratedServer.java:171)

at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:470)

at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:573)

2) Make 2 block template frame. If you will move frame in any direction different from a line that goes from a visible template block to invisible this frame will destroy any block in a path.

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Another bug.

Rightlicking (or shift rightclicking) with wrench on completed template frame causes exception and after this world loading crushes with the same exception.


at ConnectedTextures.getConnectedTextureSingle(ConnectedTextures.java:211)

at ConnectedTextures.getConnectedTexture(ConnectedTextures.java:160)

at net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderBlocks.func_78613_a(RenderBlocks.java:7463)

at JAKJ.RedstoneInMotion.BlockRenderer.Render(BlockRenderer.java:34)

at JAKJ.RedstoneInMotion.BlockRenderer.Render(BlockRenderer.java:26)

at JAKJ.RedstoneInMotion.TemplateCarriagePatternRenderer.FillDisplayList(TemplateCarriagePatternRenderer.java:39)

at JAKJ.RedstoneInMotion.TemplateCarriageEntity.onDataPacket(TemplateCarriageEntity.java:145)

at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.NetClientHandler.func_72468_a(NetClientHandler.java:1292)

at net.minecraft.network.packet.Packet132TileEntityData.func_73279_a(SourceFile:51)

at net.minecraft.network.MemoryConnection.func_74428_b(MemoryConnection.java:89)

at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.NetClientHandler.func_72551_d(NetClientHandler.java:266)

at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient.func_72835_b(WorldClient.java:94)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71407_l(Minecraft.java:1862)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(Minecraft.java:835)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:760)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

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You could probably replace nuclear control with openperipheral I would think (or at least misc peripherals).

No need for that. Nuclear control is 1 of most important mods almost coremod :D. Its working perfectly fine just had to remove all NC stuff(working but causing what you saw in gif) from my project by removing and adding mod back.(map was ported from 1.4.7 to 1.5.2 so maybe something didn't get "ported" right). Ohh and i already have OpenPeripheral.

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@Maximal: is this using the hotfix version ( Also, some images would be nice, the descriptions are rather vague. Finally, could it be you have optifine?

If you crash, and anywhere in the crash report it says "ConnectedTextures", and you are using Optifine, first try to disable connected textures in your video options. If that makes it stop crashing, then there's no need to report it, because there's nothing I can do to fix it on my end.
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1) When i try to move AE controller with power by template frames and if engine is placed next to the contoller i get such an exception:


at ic2.core.EnergyNet.addTileEntity(EnergyNet.java:213)

2) Make 2 block template frame. If you will move frame in any direction different from a line that goes from a visible template block to invisible this frame will destroy any block in a path.

Post the full Forge error logs on pastebin. Stop just extracting one exception trying to help, because that exception doesn't even mention my code. And post pictures, because I can't tell what the fuck you're trying to do just from a vague textual description.

Another bug.

Rightlicking (or shift rightclicking) with wrench on completed template frame causes exception and after this world loading crushes with the same exception.


at ConnectedTextures.getConnectedTextureSingle(ConnectedTextures.java:211)

Turn off Connected Textures in Optifine.

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First of all, great mod, having lots of fun with it.

Now to the question - is there anyway of selecting the sides where the carriage can recieve a redstone signal? I think the question might be clearer with a pic:


If the lowest bottom torch is activated, the thing will move to the right. But if the second bottom one is the one activated, it will move down. Now imagine theres a block preventing it to move to the right. If the lowest torch is active before the second lowest one, it won't move to the right (it can't, there's an obstacle). But it won't move down either (because it can only handle one signal at a time). So the thing is, would it be possible to prevent the left side of the carriage from accepting signals, so that it can only move up and down (in this setup)?

Just trying to do an elevator, and figured this would be the easiest way, but apparently it isnt ;)

Thanks for the attention.

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First of all, great mod, having lots of fun with it.

Now to the question - is there anyway of selecting the sides where the carriage can recieve a redstone signal? I think the question might be clearer with a pic:


If the lowest bottom torch is activated, the thing will move to the right. But if the second bottom one is the one activated, it will move down. Now imagine theres a block preventing it to move to the right. If the lowest torch is active before the second lowest one, it won't move to the right (it can't, there's an obstacle). But it won't move down either (because it can only handle one signal at a time). So the thing is, would it be possible to prevent the left side of the carriage from accepting signals, so that it can only move up and down (in this setup)?

Just trying to do an elevator, and figured this would be the easiest way, but apparently it isnt ;)

Thanks for the attention.

If you're using immibus' redlogic, this is how I run an elevator. Works really well


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And here I was thinking "oh look, it's the Half-Life intro!"

Regarding (simple) elevators: I've found continuous mode to be really useful for this. I'm using redlogic, too because the "wiring" would be larger than the platform otherwise. With a lever on board of the carriage, and one line inverted you just have to flip the switch to change direction:




Would've used spoilers if I could, sorry...

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Hello, and my apologies if this isn't the right thread I'll talk to Logistics pipes if it is not.

I think I may have found a bug related to frames moving the remote orderer pipe in Logistics pipes, particularly that after the pipe is moved it looses its "link" with the remote orderer item so you cannot see what items are in the system until right-clicking on the pipe with the remote orderer to re-link it.

A picture of the setup would be https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/45914214/logistics.jpg the issue is with the ender chest area on the left, an ME interface with a provider pipe, going to the remote orderer pipe then to an ender chest.

This is using the latest recommended build of logistics pipes as of today (595 from http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes-Dev/) and the latest hotfix version from the forums here with the AE fixes (which work wonderfully, thank you, I was also having the conflicting controller issues after it was moved with the computercraft carriage engine).

The area is a large mobile self-contained structure with an AE setup for storage, theres an AE crafting computer behind me from that picture, one ender chest setup so that anything put in one ender pouch is pulled into the system, and the other where the remote order from logisitics pipes can see what is in the system and request something from anywhere and have it go to the other ender pouch.

Sorry for the ramble as well, but I believe the pertinent bits are the frames are structure frames, the engine moving them is a computercraft carriage engine, and the only block affected is the remote orderer pipe from logistics pipes which as mentioned looses it's link with the remote orderer item itself after the frames move.

Edit: Fixed the bit about chests/pouches so it makes sense.

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When I place wireless transmitters or receivers from wireless redstone CBE or multi blocks from forge multiparts on frames and move them they just disappear without dropping items, I am guessing it is a problem with CB's mods but I am not sure

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after the pipe is moved it looses its "link" with the remote orderer item so you cannot see what items are in the system until right-clicking on the pipe with the remote orderer to re-link it

The remote orderer item thingy must be storing absolute X/Y/Z coordinates of the pipe, which obviously won't be correct once the pipe is at different X/Y/Z coordinates. It's possible for me to adjust internal variables of blocks that are being moved to handle some things, but there's absolutely no way for me to try to iterate through every player's inventory searching for remote orderers in order to adjust them. Sorry to say it, but this is going to have to be marked "can't fix". The only way for it to be "fixed" would be for the Logistic Pipe developers to use a frequency system instead, like the TE tesseracts do, so that when the pipe finishes being moved and its validate() is called, it reconnects to the appropriate frequency. You can suggest that to the LP team, if you want, but they already have a very long to-do list.

When I place wireless transmitters or receivers from wireless redstone CBE or multi blocks from forge multiparts on frames and move them they just disappear without dropping items, I am guessing it is a problem with CB's mods but I am not sure

Anything with multiparts (including his new wireless stuff) is going to be broken by my code. I'll handle it eventually, but as of now I haven't even looked at the new multipart code in forge.

No, this is an elevator :)

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The remote orderer item thingy must be storing absolute X/Y/Z coordinates of the pipe, which obviously won't be correct once the pipe is at different X/Y/Z coordinates. It's possible for me to adjust internal variables of blocks that are being moved to handle some things, but there's absolutely no way for me to try to iterate through every player's inventory searching for remote orderers in order to adjust them. Sorry to say it, but this is going to have to be marked "can't fix". The only way for it to be "fixed" would be for the Logistic Pipe developers to use a frequency system instead, like the TE tesseracts do, so that when the pipe finishes being moved and its validate() is called, it reconnects to the appropriate frequency. You can suggest that to the LP team, if you want, but they already have a very long to-do list.

Thank you for for that, I may ask them about it later as I think it would be very handy to have them be able to be on frequencies like that, but that gave me an idea for a workaround that works well in the meantime.

In case anyone might be interested, the idea of frequencies made me think of the inventory connector logistics pipe which uses frequency cards, a ME interface with a provider pipe on it to a inventory connector pipe to the ender chest, then another chest somewhere else that doesn't move with another inventory connector on it with a matching frequency card, the remote order pipe on that to another ender chest.

Fair bit more materials/work to setup, but it works just as well and doesn't care if the inventory connector pipe moves.

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