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How do I delete my forum account?

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  • 1 year later...

For me its says Your email address has not been verified yet. Please check your email and click the link to verify your account. Resend Verification Email so i did that but when i cheked my e-mail it wasent there i tried severel times but no this makes me angry becouse i cant play modpacks so that makes my user useless 


HALP thanks

Edited by eirikkul
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1) Don't hijack somebody else's topic. It is not very nice.

2) This topic is over a year old and unrelated to what you want.

3) You don't need an account on the Platform (which I assume you are talking about, because you're posting on here just fine) to just download and play modpacks.

4) I ate 4. It was delicious. It tasted of duck.

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