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  "JakOBlades said:
First, I fixed the cottage. Second, I think the ramcache just needs to be cleared with a server reboot. Last,the Railway Station is almost up and running.

ya i join the sever than blow up the owners cottage Classic fail


The server seems to be working now, I am not quite sure what went wrong. It automatically resets at midnight if no one is on, and I just reset it a few minutes ago. It should be working now, sorry for the downtime.


Getting an internal exception java.net.sockettimeoutexception read timed out error.....Last time this happened was because I had no connection to the server. Dunno why there would be a bad connection. :S


My Username: Juliancecchetto

My Reason for Joining the Server: I love playing tekkit, and i love playing with others even more, but on the non whitelist server grefers and trolls ect... are in great numbers. i am looking for a friendly environment where everyone can get along and lag is banished to the forgotten lands of who gives a F*** where it goes its lag everyone hates u.

Am i an experienced tekkiter? Yes! i know much about tekkit and how things work from months of playing and frequent visits to the wiki, i have learned the ins and outs of most of the tekkit items involving simple magic and fairly complex power systems.

Will i follow the rules? Of Course! Why would i apply to an awesome little gig like this and just throw it away by not following rules!

Hope to see you soon on your server!



My Username: Juliancecchetto

My Reason for Joining the Server: I love playing tekkit, and i love playing with others even more, but on the non whitelist server grefers and trolls ect... are in great numbers. i am looking for a friendly environment where everyone can get along and lag is banished to the forgotten lands of who gives a F*** where it goes its lag everyone hates u.

Am i an experienced tekkiter? Yes! i know much about tekkit and how things work from months of playing and frequent visits to the wiki, i have learned the ins and outs of most of the tekkit items involving simple magic and fairly complex power systems.

Will i follow the rules? Of Course! Why would i apply to an awesome little gig like this and just throw it away by not following rules!

Hope to see you soon on your server!



Your Username: GameManiac4

Your reason for joining the server: I love playing Tekkit with friends, and have fun on a Tekkit server.

Are you experienced in Tekkit: I kinda know about Buildcraft, IC2, but I will know EE2, and Railcraft soon

Will you follow the rules: Never break any rules, at all.


|Your Username:| HaikodenTheNinja

|Your reason for joining the server:| I need a good Tekkit server

|Are you experienced in Tekkit:| Plenty with magic

|Will you follow the rules:| As best i can


|Application Form|

|Your Username:|joshua8909

|Your reason for joining the server:|i love meeting new people and making friends at that as well

|Are you experienced in Tekkit:|yes very much I know every recipe at heart kind of and great at ee2

|Will you follow the rules:|yes I will follow all of the rules


HaikodenTheNinja and joshua8909, you are both whitelisted. Welcome to the Sever. :)

Also, you can delcare war against someone and have all-out-conflict, but it must be by mutual consent (both people have to agree to have the war). If anyone violates this rule, they will be banned.


I am able to log on and most of the lag is from the rail station if blades can unclaimed that land I could destroy it. If you want me to do it there is just a deal we could make

  • 3 weeks later...

My Username: stefanodj

My Reason For Joining The Server: I chose this server because I thought it was a good server.

Am I Experienced in Tekkit: I'm a beginner, I play tekkit from a few days .

Will I Follow The Rules: Yes the only time i will break the rules is if the server Op/Admin arent being resonable

i look forward to playing on your server if you except my application!

  • 2 weeks later...

|Your Username:|pegasmon

|Your reason for joining the server:| i want play a more civilised server and want to make new friends

|Are you experienced in Tekkit:| not much but im slowly learning

|Will you follow the rules:|yes


My Username: star10877

Your reason for joining the server: I'm finding a tekkit server to join because most servers have griefing enabled.

Are you experienced in Tekkit: I've played tekkit for about a year and I know a lot about the modpack.

Will you follow the rules: Of Course Yes


|Application Form|

|Your Username:|BULLSEYE98

|Your reason for joining the server:|I just want a small server to build some cool stuff on

|Are you experienced in Tekkit:|About a year in sp, and I know about most stuff

|Will you follow the rules:|Of course, I've been seriously griefed several times and rally have a hatred for them, besides, I have a really painful conscience on these things


|Application Form|

|Your Username:|anagran

|Your reason for joining the server:| Just looking for a Tekkit Classic server to play on with others.

|Are you experienced in Tekkit:| Pretty extensive knowledge of modded minecraft.

|Will you follow the rules:| Sure thing.


Your Username:| awesomejerel

|Your reason for joining the server:| Im tired of playing alone and wanted to see if some people could help me become and even better player

|Are you experienced in Tekkit:| about half a year

|Will you follow the rules:| Yes


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