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Early game use a chest with buildcraft pipes. A wooden pipe powered by a red stone engine.

That could cause item spilling though depending on how much power the pulverizer has and how fast the redstone engine's working.


An ugly solution to this problem we used early game was to create a loop of BC transport pipes that lead from your source chest, to your intended destinations and then back to the chest. That way the items would turn around and go another direction instead of popping out when the pulverizer is full. I wouldn't suggest doing this for very large setups as this will cause increasing lag the more items that are moving around in the pipes. But at first it's not enough to hurt much anything. Just plan to upgrade later.


Early game use a chest with buildcraft pipes. A wooden pipe powered by a red stone engine.

That's what i was doing but if you read my post i ONLY want them to go into the pulvirizer when it has room so no items spill


You can put in a loop that pulls from a chest and use an insertion pipe, This will force all items into the connected inventory only when there is room. Then just pump them back into the origionation chest.

Chest > wooden transport w/ redstone engine> insertion pipe to pulverizer > insertion pipe to origional chest then add an overflow chest after it. No items will spill and the pulverizer will always be full. This was my setup before AE.


So... why not use vanilla hoppers, again? Do you guys really have to provide solutions involving AE and buildcraft?

They provided a whole range of possibilities, including hoppers. Buildcraft is hardly late game only so it's perfectly viable for what he's asking. Without AE though hoppers are probably the easiest way to do it for sure.


It's not the first thing I think of in terms of solutions because up until the release of 1.1.8 Tekkit didn't have vanilla hoppers. They where added in MC 1.5.x and the previous recommended version of Tekkit ran with 1.4.x. *shrug*


I keep a vertical line of pulverizers and powered smelted with iron transport pipes running out the sides and bottoms with me cables for input so I don't ever have to worry about loading or unloading em.


Use gates. Put a hopper on the machine and BC pipe from hopper to the storage chest. put gate on the pipe closesed to hopper and a autaric gate (autaric gate has a build in pump) on the pipe closesed to the chest. Config the gate at the hopper to send a red pipewire signal when the hopper is empty, the empty chest symbol in gate gui. Put red pipewire on the pipes between the gates and config the autarchic gate to start pump when getting a red pipwire signal.

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