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Let's Test B-Team 1.0.10a!


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I've discovered something that i don't know if it is glitch or not(and i don't know if this is the right place to post this). when i'm using the flux modifier on a tinker's tool, and using a flux capacitor. my tools -will not- work while they are recharging. they must be fully charged or not charging to work. my hammer and excavator (with the flux upgrade) are noticibly effected by this. don't know if this is a glitch and needs to be fixed but i thought it should be addressed.

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Coral - that's interesting and I don't think it should be doing that - I didn't notice that happening for me (using the hammer or excavator should've been obvious).


Can you provide some more info on how you've made the tools so I can try to replicate it?

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That is indeed an interesting issue Coral. When giving what you've done on the tool include down to the tiniest amount of detail: what are the individual parts made from? What order did you do the modifiers and how far each time (if applicable)? Did you ever let the tool become "broken", used it prior, etc, before getting the flux modifier?

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I've been using Ardite and paper tools. I've actually gone and made different tool and they always do this. while charging, the tools act as if you are just click once and letting go. while holding down it just repeatedly does this untill fully charged. it happens every time i make any tool (most noticably a hammer or excavator) with a flux upgrade. i've used tools that are almost broken(stonebound) and added flux, tools completely new. anything i can think of and they still do this glitch. the first tools i noticed this with are my ardite excavator head and paper plate paper tough tool bind and paper tough tool rod. same with my hammer. I don't know if this is just happening to me but it happen's -every time- i make a tool with flux upgrade.

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Coral, maybe try re-downloading the pack.

Coral, see my latest post, it's a bug with MC cheat prevention and RF charging.


Can anyone give me an estimation from old tekkit to updating a custom pack with 150+ mods, how likely am I to corrupt my world if I update?


if it's just a blocks-cause-me-to-crash error, I can deal, I have MCEdit. I'm talking chunk corruption, stone-ladders-on-Archemides-deleating-all-trees-within-5-chunks corrupted (has happened to me. Trust me, dont put special render blocks on archemedies ships. Just don't).


Edit: On a side note: just tested this. Microblocks just get deleted, and carpenters blocks do still crash it (though it doesn't appear to corrupt the world anymore? Maybe?).


Edit 2: Does not seem to corrupt my world when I update. Yay!

Edited by Fwyrl
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Hi is there any way that a config file for the bibliowoods addon can be provided for those that want to manually add bibliowoods to their personal single player worlds? I know its not even in the pack yet, but rumour has it that it will be in the future.

I would like to add it to my single player world but I want to make sure that the ids match when it is officially added to the pack.

The ids have probably not even been selected for the pack yet, but I got to give it a shot. I apologize in advance if I have broken some taboo of asking for support for a mod thats not even in the official pack.

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I've been using Ardite and paper tools. I've actually gone and made different tool and they always do this. while charging, the tools act as if you are just click once and letting go. while holding down it just repeatedly does this untill fully charged. it happens every time i make any tool (most noticably a hammer or excavator) with a flux upgrade. i've used tools that are almost broken(stonebound) and added flux, tools completely new. anything i can think of and they still do this glitch. the first tools i noticed this with are my ardite excavator head and paper plate paper tough tool bind and paper tough tool rod. same with my hammer. I don't know if this is just happening to me but it happen's -every time- i make a tool with flux upgrade.

I also experience this with the scythe from tinkers contstruct. Im no programmer but I suspect its due to the game updating the tool's RF charge.

Dont quote me on this but I think its happening because as the tool is being recharged its charge state is constantly being updated and thus making the tool unusable to break blocks since I believe minecraft must make the calculation of reducing the RF power used at a fixed RF charge state.

the sycthe with the flux modifier attachdd CANNOT break leaf blocks while charging, but CAN break torches etc. My theory is that since the torch does not take time to break, minecraft can calculate that power was used to break it. But when trying to break a leaf block, it takes too much time within the split second between RF charge levels for minecraft use as the initial charge level to reduce RF from.

Hope this has any merit, and long story short unfortunately you cant use that are being charged to break blocks. This is all speculation as I have no clue how to read code, nor have I even opened up any code from minecraft or tinkers construct.

Of course this is just rantings of a guy who has too much time to think about these things...... lol

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It's definitely not just running out of power?  When I try it it seems to work but a full charge on an all ardite w/flux hammer uses up all the power in seconds.


If you're sure it's not, I'll take a look in the tinkers code, see if I can see anything.

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I have a strange frame drop when I have my Tinkers Construct bow in hand.  The bow consist of Ardite and flame string with max redstone. 



Note: frame rate drops even further when drawing the bow back.

This is something I've seen on a friend's computer, though I haven't experienced myself. He had 100+ fps, held a bow, it went to 20, then he drew it, and they dropped to the low teens. after destroying the bow (it was a TC shortbow), his FPS want back to 100+. This was a while ago, and on a different modpack, though, so I doubt there's anything the modpack makers can do (It's probably something with the mod).


Edit 5: Removed unnecessary text. The super-excessive lag was caused by a mother spider super-cell somewhere under the house. (I live in the tropics). If your sever is having frames issues, warn everyone, then set it to peaceful for like 10 seconds, and you're probably good to go. They can get really laggy once the baby spider count exceeds a few thousand. (Not kidding, I once wore through two diamond swords while fighting my way through a horde of them along with another player, who wore through several weapons of his own. These things are not to be taken lightly ;) )

Edited by Fwyrl
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Anyone else having issues with the nether and the moon having over world mobs glitching in and  chunks resetting?

Only problem with mobs I've had is them hovering in the air, but that was in 1.0.9c. Not tested it on the new version.

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This is a video i made showing what keeps happening. No matter what i do it keeps happening. 

 I know what's happening. Turn off the charging, before you mine. The tool in hand "changes" when it's durability (or RF) change, and b/c MC wanted to make sure that if you switch tools, the block damage doesn't carry, the block damage is being reset. Nothing to do with the mod. Just turn off the auto-charging, and it should work fine. If you want to not have down time, I would make two tools and charge one while the other is in use, and vice-versa.

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 I know what's happening. Turn off the charging, before you mine. The tool in hand "changes" when it's durability (or RF) change, and b/c MC wanted to make sure that if you switch tools, the block damage doesn't carry, the block damage is being reset. Nothing to do with the mod. Just turn off the auto-charging, and it should work fine. If you want to not have down time, I would make two tools and charge one while the other is in use, and vice-versa.

yea that's the problem. and the two tools thing wouldn't work, it only charges the tool in your hand so you can't charge one while the other is in use.

Edited by CoralEmpire
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This is something I've seen on a friend's computer, though I haven't experienced myself. He had 100+ fps, held a bow, it went to 20, then he drew it, and they dropped to the low teens. after destroying the bow (it was a TC shortbow), his FPS want back to 100+. This was a while ago, and on a different modpack, though, so I doubt there's anything the modpack makers can do (It's probably something with the mod).


Edit 5: Removed unnecessary text. The super-excessive lag was caused by a mother spider super-cell somewhere under the house. (I live in the tropics). If your sever is having frames issues, warn everyone, then set it to peaceful for like 10 seconds, and you're probably good to go. They can get really laggy once the baby spider count exceeds a few thousand. (Not kidding, I once wore through two diamond swords while fighting my way through a horde of them along with another player, who wore through several weapons of his own. These things are not to be taken lightly ;) )

The sad thing is I'm playing single player and it occurred in the over world   :shepicide:

I'll check over at the moders page and see if there is a fix and post here if something can be done.

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According to the original post, there is no indication that the fossils mod updated. It may just be severely bad luck. How many would you say you normally encountered per chunk basis? (Approx. value is fine) and how many are you encountering now per chunk basis? (Again, approx is fine)

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I do not mean to sound like a noob on this topic, but how do we back up our save games? I am old school where we took our games to floppy disk for back-up. The last time I tried this the mod-pack didn't recognize the save imported from a usb.  So please do tell how you recommend us old- school to back up our saves?

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You can back-up your save in a various manner of ways.


The first being just to back-up the entire .technic folder. The issue with this is that it back-ups every single file associated with every single modpack you ever played as well as additional files that are not important to the saves themselves. This is really only useful if you are messing with technic related files that could cause damage to saves, modpacks, etc.


The second being to back-up the modpacks folder. This would get rid of some useless files for world save back-ups but it would copy every single modpacks information and may contain unnecessary information if your only intent is to back-up world saves for testing purposes. This method is great though if you want to move the modpack saves and settings from computer to computer as you can just place this back into the technic folder and be back up and running with little issue.


The third being to actually back-up the "saves" folder in the individual modpack folder. This is great for saving all worlds for that particular modpack and can be useful when testing fixes, etc. This would cover all saves you ever have though in the modpack folder and can be fairly large in the event you have a lot of worlds or a few worlds with thousands of chunks found. Similarly to the second option, this is best for transferring worlds from one computer to another if you want to keep worlds synchronized between computers you play on (ie: at home on dekstop and in class on laptop [shame on you but i did it too])


fourth being back-up of the individual world save. This only keeps the information to the one world and that world only. This is usually the option most people want when testing, or are afraid of something happening or just would like to keep a back-up in the event something DOES go horribly wrong.



For the first option, you would have to know where you installed the technic launcher to. This is usually a default of "C:Users<USERNAME>AppDataRoaming.technic" on windows vista and later. This location can be found however via the use of the launcher. Run the launcher and click the cog icon in the top right. You should see a text field with the location of the technic installation on that screen. You can easily navigate there by clicking on "Logs" and going up a folder where you would see all of the technic related files.


The second option would be the "modpack" folder located in the base technic folder. This can be found by following the above instructions to locate the technic installation.


third and fourth option are similarly found. You can use the launcher to find them by clicking on the cog icon under the desired modpack logo and then clicking on "Open Folder" - the third option just copies the "saves" folder found there. The fourth going into the saves folder then copying the world folder with the respective world name you wish to back-up.


Copying them anywhere convenient for you outside of the technic folders is a great way to back them up and to prevent accidental backup deletion in the event you have an issue and someone wants you to delete the entire technic folder. To restore any of the back-up methods you would simply just copy back the folder into the respective location that you copied it from.

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The sad thing is I'm playing single player and it occurred in the over world   :shepicide:

I'll check over at the moders page and see if there is a fix and post here if something can be done.

The lag that I was refering to was my own. My world would only stay loaded for about 15 seconds, then crash. Protip: dont let mother spiders build up.


I have no idea why you lag from the bows, I dont. I was just noting that I know it happens to others, to let the mod-maker know that this is not just one person.

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