cafcforever Posted March 24, 2014 Posted March 24, 2014 Post your combos for tinkers construct from starting out to being established to help people out Quote
Loader Posted March 25, 2014 Posted March 25, 2014 I try to find cactus quickly early on as it's useful for a lot of tools - I'll list my preferences in order. Early game: Weapons (damage is important, durability is important, enchantability not important) Blade = Cactus > Flint Crossbar = Bone > Flint > Cactus Rod = Bone > Cactus > Wood Tools (speed important, repair material important, eurability important, enchantability not important) Head = Cactus > Stone Binding = Stone (if not used above for stonebound trait) > Bone > Flint > Cactus Rod = Bone > Cactus > Wood The goal of this stage of the game is to find iron and if possible, blue slime from underneath slime islands (if you can get up on top then that's even better). You'll need sand, clay and gravel for the next step, but you can choose if you want to make that step; The Tool Forge: Earlier access to the excavator, lumber axe and hammer for mining resources quickly, but you lose out on some efficiency by not having the smeltery up first. With B-Teams resources if you're not planning on going to the nether soon or haven't got any access to lava yet then this is a pretty good choice. The Smeltery: This will allow you to switch to making metal tools and increase the output of smelted ores by double. You'll need to do both before moving on, so the only choice is which way around you'd like to do it (if you go smeltery first then you're probably not going to upgrade to second-tier tools until you make metal ones). I find it worth it to start making moss stone at this point to put a moss ball on each of my tools (you need cobblestone and a bucket of water to do this). The mid game has a lot of its options removed (alumite, bronze) by easy access to steel in the B-Team. It's by far the best choice of its tier for most of these things, so unless you feel like it's a bit cheaty you should use it. Cook iron ingots in an ordinary furnace to make steel ingots which you'll melt down in the smeltery. Mid-Game Weapons (damage is important, enchantability is important, durability is important) Blade = Steel > Alumite Crossbar = Paper (if you feel you'll be likely to stay with this tool for a while) > Blue Slime > Steel > Green Slime > Alumite > Bronze > Iron Rod = Blue Slime > Green Slime > Steel > Alumite > Bronze > Iron Enchantment = 1x Moss Ball, Nether Quartz to max if struggling in nether Tools (speed important, enchantability important, durability important, repair material not important) Head = Steel > Alumite > Bronze > Iron (Bronze or Iron are debatable, probably not worth the upgrade effort unless you're never intending to visit the nether in which case put a diamond on it) Binding = Paper (if you feel you'll be likely to stay with this tool for a while) > Blue Slime > Steel > Green Slime > Alumite > Bronze > Iron Rod = Blue Slime > Green Slime > Steel > Alumite > Bronze > Iron Enchantment = 1x Moss Ball, Redstone to max The Mid-game introduces hammers, excavators and lumber axes if you haven't seen them yet. Generally you'll want to make a tool that needs plates with the same material you use for the head unless you're trying to save resources. If you haven't started making moss-balls to auto-repair your tools, now is the time to do that. The goal of this stage is to have the tools you need to mine cobalt and ardite in the nether, and weapons capable of fighting off the nasties you'll find there. The end-game focuses on the nether and two materials you'll make from what you find there, cobalt (for tools) and manyullyn (an alloy of cobalt and ardite for weapons). End-Game Weapons (enchantability is important, damage is important, durability is important) Blade = Manyullyn Crossbar = Paper Rod = Manyullyn > Blue Slime Enchantment = 1x Moss Ball, Nether Quartz to max if struggling in nether, Diamond + Gold block to allow more nether quartz. Tools (speed is important, enchantability is important, durability is important) Head = Cobalt (faster than manyullyn but won't mine manyullyn blocks, not an issue... unless you accidentally place one down) > Manyullyn Binding = Paper Rod = Manyullyn > Blue Slime Enchantment = 1x Moss Ball, Redstone to max, Diamond + Gold block to allow more redstone. There are a few exceptions to this (I like to make a cleaver that does just over 20 damage and add looting for the rest of the enchantments for example) but this covers most things except bows. That should have you sorted for most tools. Bows are a strange one - the bow damage value is irrelevant (it applies to you physically whacking things with the bow rather than using arrows), you only care about its draw speed, arrow speed and durability. Bows Rod = Blue Slime/Green Slime > Wood/Cactus String = Fiery Bowstring > Bowstring Enchantment = 1x Moss Ball, Redstone to max, Diamond + Gold block to allow more redstone (to max draw speed). Metals on bows allow a good arrow speed (on par with slime) but a very slow draw speed (twice as long as slime), even manyullyn isn't worth using for a bow. Arrows (Best Damage) Arrowhead = Manyullyn Rod = Paper Fletching = Feather Fletching Enchantment = Make a full stack of arrows first, then max nether quartz and Diamond + Gold Block to allow more. Arrows (Fast w/no enchantment) Arrowhead = Cactus Rod = Blue Slime/Green Slime Fletching = Feather Fletching Arrows (Cheap but fast - Loader's favorite) Arrowhead = Cactus Rod = Paper Fletching = Feather Fletching > Leaf Fletching (easy to farm the components and so cheap you've got no fear of losing them, very fast arrow makes easier aiming with little drop - still very enchantable for PvP in an emergency and you're familiar with the arrow drop because you probably regularly use them) gremlinclr, MineMan396 and dlepi24 3 Quote
DragonScythe Posted March 25, 2014 Posted March 25, 2014 (edited) Loader, some of your tools will still be lacking (you can get 30+ mining speed). My personal preference is to prioritize Durability LAST as well, except for cases such as full paper items in which it is easily fixed. End-game imo is Exo-Armor which requires more investment. Manyullyn is actually quite easy to get. I don't see Tinker's as a mod that's difficult, just fun to toy around with and very powerful if you know it. Edited March 25, 2014 by DragonScythe Quote
Loader Posted March 25, 2014 Posted March 25, 2014 I don't usually bother with the nether star addon, I use them for other stuff. Eventually I might, but I certainly don't think it's in any way worth its cost unless you're farming nether stars (if you're farming the end-game boss, that's not end-game, that's gotta be post end-game!). I wouldn't consider 25ish mining speed vs 30ish to be especially lacking, either, but each to their own. You should add an example if you have another opinion though - that's what this thread seems to be for after all. The Exo-Armour is still a bug so I didn't count it - if you look in your config file you'll see that it still shouldn't be craftable by default. What it'll be like later on once it's supposed to be available by default remains to be seen. Some people do find tinkers difficult, and just because you don't doesn't mean it's not for some people. Some people struggle with minecraft combat, so they'll often find manyullyn difficult to get. Some people for example find writing posts that don't just sound like bragging difficult. Quote
dlepi24 Posted March 25, 2014 Posted March 25, 2014 I don't usually bother with the nether star addon, I use them for other stuff. Eventually I might, but I certainly don't think it's in any way worth its cost unless you're farming nether stars (if you're farming the end-game boss, that's not end-game, that's gotta be post end-game!). I wouldn't consider 25ish mining speed vs 30ish to be especially lacking, either, but each to their own. You should add an example if you have another opinion though - that's what this thread seems to be for after all. The Exo-Armour is still a bug so I didn't count it - if you look in your config file you'll see that it still shouldn't be craftable by default. What it'll be like later on once it's supposed to be available by default remains to be seen. Some people do find tinkers difficult, and just because you don't doesn't mean it's not for some people. Some people struggle with minecraft combat, so they'll often find manyullyn difficult to get. Some people for example find writing posts that don't just sound like bragging difficult. Loader, what do you use your nether stars for? I guess i somewhat farm them using wither skeletons in an auto spawner, however that doesn't seem very post end game lol. That's just my opinion obviously seeing how i've mostly been messing with minefactory and thermal expansion. But just wondering what you use nether stars for? Quote
Loader Posted March 25, 2014 Posted March 25, 2014 Mostly Portaspawners and void brambles (to mess with rival witches!), I'm ok for beacons now (they're not very special in this modpack anyway) so next in the one off stuff is probably the ancient staff, the player interface (once I bother to get a proper sorting system set up) and the statue of the goddess. If you can easily spawn and kill the toughest mob in the game largely at will already, at what point would you consider yourself to be post-endgame? Quote
Chokkan Posted March 25, 2014 Posted March 25, 2014 at what point would you consider yourself to be post-endgame? When you have the dragon doing your laundry? It's interesting to see what people prioritize when using this mod. I don't really have a method and don't usually put much thought into tools and weapons. I definitely will from now on though. Quote
dlepi24 Posted March 25, 2014 Posted March 25, 2014 Mostly Portaspawners and void brambles (to mess with rival witches!), I'm ok for beacons now (they're not very special in this modpack anyway) so next in the one off stuff is probably the ancient staff, the player interface (once I bother to get a proper sorting system set up) and the statue of the goddess. If you can easily spawn and kill the toughest mob in the game largely at will already, at what point would you consider yourself to be post-endgame? Touche, lol Quote
DragonScythe Posted March 26, 2014 Posted March 26, 2014 (edited) When you have the dragon doing your laundry? It's interesting to see what people prioritize when using this mod. I don't really have a method and don't usually put much thought into tools and weapons. I definitely will from now on though. Tinker's Construct is really one of the easiest to start up and makes your initial game experience just that much easier. Personally, I only target specific things in a mod when I start playing. Advanced Genetics = Fly and resistance at the very least, other major ones are Swim in lava, no-fall, save inventory, speed, hearts, water breather, withers hit, and Ender health Artifice = easy start-up with the various enchantment adding items Biomes o' Plenty = I don't usually go for the Promised Land, but given the opportunity, I will unless I have exo-armor Galacticraft = I don't see it as an advantageous mod, but if you want to use the aluminum wires with TE for some cheap energy while it's still bugged, sure Minions = if I'm in singleplayer (as this is usually banned in multiplayer) this is a definite thing to aim for as it makes mining so much easier Minefactory = Out of the various utilities, my favorite is probably the Auto Spawner as it makes everything so much easier Thermal Expansion = usually Magmatic for some first energy, Steam if I want easy infinite energy, this isn't a mod you should aim for, it'll upgrade as you go along Tinker's Construct = my endgame set of tools are Cleaver, Pickaxes/Hammers (silk, fortune, smelt), Rapier, Battleaxe (for berserk), +200% damage Exo-Armor, and some other fun things like a gigantic knockback frying pan. Witchery = I don't go into it to use most of the items, I mostly strive to get the Horned Huntsman and Baba Yaga (wither heads, enchanted books, free brews, ingredients, pretty damn sweet) Otherwhere Infusion is definitely useful though. There are various other things I do, although I can't really check as the Multiplayer server I've been playing on the entire time has closed. You know you're post-endgame when you have a Baba Yaga, Horned Huntsman, and King Slime grinder running simultaneously. Edited March 26, 2014 by DragonScythe Quote
Boomstick2055 Posted March 26, 2014 Posted March 26, 2014 For tool durability if you are putting diamond and emerald on ALWAYS put diamond on first (+500 durability) then emerald (+50% durability) Quote
Boomstick2055 Posted March 26, 2014 Posted March 26, 2014 Oh and advanced genetics don't use save inventory gene if you're using sync( deletes inv.) Quote
Fwyrl Posted March 26, 2014 Posted March 26, 2014 Netherstars are actually pretty useful, as they add an extra modifyer. I generally can farm the wither before I even find a stronghold, so most, if not all of my tools use one. It gets better if you use Metallurgy 3, and integration. Quote
johne16 Posted March 26, 2014 Posted March 26, 2014 (edited) Best hammer in attack of the b team cobalt/ steel head (steel is just a bit slower then cobalt) 2 paper plates stone or (nether rack for a cool look) tough rod Make the hammer and bring it to 1 durabilty add redstone and with the gold block and diamond add the redstone flux potato And you have the fastest hammer in tinkers ever Edited March 26, 2014 by johne16 Quote
johne16 Posted March 26, 2014 Posted March 26, 2014 Best pickaxe cobalt/steel pickaxe head paper biding stone or nether rack tool rod add 4 levels of redstone make the tool to 1 durabilty and then add redstone flux Quote
DragonScythe Posted March 26, 2014 Posted March 26, 2014 (edited) Best hammer in attack of the b team cobalt/ steel head (steel is just a bit slower then cobalt) 2 paper plates stone or (nether rack for a cool look) tough rod Make the hammer and bring it to 1 durabilty add redstone and with the gold block and diamond add the redstone flux potato And you have the fastest hammer in tinkers ever Is this faster than 49 Mining Speed? I don't want to take the effort of chipping down a hammer. Edited March 26, 2014 by DragonScythe Quote
Loader Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 (edited) 49? What'd you do to get 49 without doing this? Don't you have problems with that on your server too? (mine starts to get confused and miss blocks once they go past 40 with the area effect tools) Last time I tried this trick was with ardite (stonebound 2) so it give about +5 mining speed per part when the durability is down. With the full tool and modifiers (including the nether star) it was around 45 speed, but it was impractical because at that speed it was impossible to keep charged - I even tested in singleplayer using the creative flux charger and that wasn't enough, so I ruled it out of being actually useful. Edit: Tried this suggestion with Ardite Head (for mining level, speed and stonebound 2), paper everything else (for maximum enchantments) and it only comes out with speed 34 so I don't think it's worth that level of effort. Interestingly this only offered a bonus of 2.5ish for the ardite, so it must have to do with the total durability vs. damage, not merely remaining life. That means an ardite head with manyullyn handle may provide more speed than all alumite depending on how the balance works. Edited March 27, 2014 by Loader Quote
HalestormXV Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 I am surprised honestly. I don't even think anyone used the Flux for their tools. For me I always throw on flux this way I don't have to worry about the ball of moss. But it is interesting to see that it is not as common as i thought it was. However for stonebound I can see why it maybe wouldn't be. Quote
Loader Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Don't get me wrong, none of my regular tools use flux - I've tested with it, but not found it really worth my time so far. The ball of moss is so easy to get now (cobble and bucket of water makes moss stone) that it pretty much goes on everything just so I don't have to worry about it. Quote
DragonScythe Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 I am surprised honestly. I don't even think anyone used the Flux for their tools. For me I always throw on flux this way I don't have to worry about the ball of moss. But it is interesting to see that it is not as common as i thought it was. However for stonebound I can see why it maybe wouldn't be. I use Flux for low durability items such as my full paper Knockback Frying Pan. Quote
Loader Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 (edited) Ooh, DS - use the battleaxe instead, it's got a lot more parts for paper modifiers Edit: That's an item I did think it was worth using a nether star on, so I guess you can see where my priorities lie. Edited March 27, 2014 by Loader dlepi24 1 Quote
DragonScythe Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Ooh, DS - use the battleaxe instead, it's got a lot more parts for paper modifiers Edit: That's an item I did think it was worth using a nether star on, so I guess you can see where my priorities lie. Frying Pan is double knockback. Quote
Loader Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 (edited) Frying pan multiplies by 1.7, Battleaxe is 1.5, the extra enchantment means the knockback is quite a bit more with the axe and it's useful to carry around for the beserk ability (I have to admit though, I miss the prang! sound). Edit: 50 durability on the axe rather than 9 on the pan means I just use moss for that, too, but I could see the flux being useful for the pan. Edited March 27, 2014 by Loader Quote
DragonScythe Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Frying pan multiplies by 1.7, Battleaxe is 1.5, the extra enchantment means the knockback is quite a bit more with the axe and it's useful to carry around for the beserk ability (I have to admit though, I miss the prang! sound). Edit: 50 durability on the axe rather than 9 on the pan means I just use moss for that, too, but I could see the flux being useful for the pan. 1.7? mDiyo said to me it was 2x Quote
Loader Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 (edited) I think it used to be, right now though; public boolean hitEntity (ItemStack stack, EntityLivingBase mob, EntityLivingBase player) { AbilityHelper.knockbackEntity(mob, 1.7f); mob.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(, 100, 0)); // 5 // seconds // of // stun return true; } Edit: No, went back as far as I could, looks like it's been 1.7x for a long time. Weird, I'd thought it was 2 as well before I looked. Edited March 27, 2014 by Loader Quote
DragonScythe Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 I think it used to be, right now though; public boolean hitEntity (ItemStack stack, EntityLivingBase mob, EntityLivingBase player) { AbilityHelper.knockbackEntity(mob, 1.7f); mob.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(, 100, 0)); // 5 // seconds // of // stun return true; } Edit: No, went back as far as I could, looks like it's been 1.7x for a long time. Weird, I'd thought it was 2 as well before I looked. Just talked to mDiyo, the 1.7x is 2.0x in practice as 2.0x would have yield a 2.5x modifier. Battleaxe, if it has a charge boost while sprinting, will do more knockback but Frying Pan is higher static knockback. Quote
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