pixelpolly Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 (edited) Hi everyone! I have started an Attack of the B-team whitelisted server and am looking for members to join. So what sort of players am I looking for? I am looking first hand for people who are 30 and above and hopefully you are a regular videomaker on the youtubes. So who am i then? Well i am 40 years old and a father of 2 girls, I have been playing minecraft for about 3 years and manage to get about 2-3 hours of gameplay per day because my job alows for it. I have my moments when I record videos but would hopefully get momentum by being surrounded by others on the server that record videos. You should be polite and well manored, a sense of humour really helps too. I am looking to create an interesting community with different characters and skills. I have not really decided yet on how many people I would be prepared to have on the server but why don´t you shoot over the following info and we will see what happens? If you end up joining I will walk you through the rules of the server. They are pretty self explanatory so don´t worry about it. IGN: Age: Why do you want to join: Strengths in Minecraft: How many years have you been playing MC: How much will you be playing: Microphone: Will you be posting vids to Youtube: Youtube channel: Looking forward to hearing from you! //PixelPolly Edited April 6, 2014 by pixelpolly alongerby and Vegeta_RES 2
HairutheNinja Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 any particular reason or need to be over 30 ? or potential for leniency ? Age: 24 Why do you want to join: Bored of playing alone Strengths in Minecraft: Most of the game I would say How many years have you been playing MC: 3 or 4 years I think How much will you be playing: between 1 and 5 hours a day roughly depending on work Microphone:Razer Charcharias Will you be posting vids to Youtube: Potentially if I feel as though I could make content someone would want to watch Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/linkeruriah/videos (though if I uploaded minecraft videos I would use my g-mail linked account, this is just the one that I presently have videos on)
Vegeta_RES Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 IGN: Vegeta_RES Age: 32 Why do you want to join: I've been looking for a community of mature players for a while Strengths in Minecraft: Quick learner, I'm not a builder of very large things, but I feel like I'm a good builder, so themed buildings etc, not just square blocks How many years have you been playing MC:1 and a half years How much will you be playing: at least 2 hours a day Microphone: Yes Will you be posting vids to Youtube: Yes, but nothing yet, I'm looking for a nice small community to make vids with. I really enjoy AotBT and want that to be my first lot of videos, but I want to be a part of a server. I've done some things on other open servers and singleplayer. I'm making a trailer/promo vid of sorts at the moment, to go on my channel. Youtube channel: MaoriAvatar Channel
Alexito Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 (edited) IGN: Alexanderito Age: 25 Why do you want to join: To enjoy this awesome mod pack with a community, singleplayer is fun, but multi is even better (if not too large amount of people! And you're from sweden so we share the same or close timezone:) Strengths in Minecraft: Building, Engineering, and i like to combine mods and think of something awesome How many years have you been playing MC: 3+ How much will you be playing: I have alot of free time, so i guess alot, maybe sometimes miss 1 or 2 days, but i can sometimes play 12+h a day Microphone: es Will you be posting vids to Youtube: No /Yes, have always wanted to start making youtube gameplays or (let's plays) just looking for people to maybe do a group channel/thing idlk Youtube channel : - My main objective is to have fun with other players!! Edited March 27, 2014 by Alexito
Lataruz Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 IGN: Lataruz Age: 24 Why do you want to join: usually ends up on a server that grows big really fast, want to play on a smaller server with a good community on Strengths in Minecraft: Building, and perhaps some of the mods in the pack, done alot of Thaumcraft and Ars magica How many years have you been playing MC: about 3 years How much will you be playing: 1-2 hour most days, some days more Microphone: yes Will you be posting vids to Youtube: Might start to if I feel i can make them entertaining enough Youtube channel: yes, but nothing uploaded yet
Anaua Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 IGN: Anaua Age: 27 Why do you want to join: Looking for a group of awesome people to play with. Strengths in Minecraft: I'm an excellent Builder, especially of large structures How many years have you been playing MC: about 2 1/2 years or so How much will you be playing: few hours a day after work during the work week and possibly more on weekends Microphone: several Will you be posting vids to Youtube: assuming the video isn't too long and fraps decides to cooperate sure. Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/rouleflame/videos Look forward to hearing from you
1i1strnj Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 IGN: 1i1strnj age:13 Why do you want to join:Im looking for some people to play with Strengths in Minecraft:I can figure things out pretty quickly. How many years have you been playing MC: about 2 or 3 years. How much will you be playing: at least 1 hour a day,quite a lot more on weekends. Why you be posting vids to youtube: no
Chip342 Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 IGN:Chip342 Age 15 Why do you want to join:I love playing with others and I want to start recording again.:-) Strengths in minecraft:Building good looking structures and exploring/mining How long have you been playing MC:2 1/2 years How much will you be playing: 2 hrs week days 4-5 weekends Microphone:Yes Will you be posting to YouTube:Yes YouTube channel:TheGamingConductor Couldn't get link I'm on mobile right now sorry. Attack of the B-team is a great modpack hope I am able to play it with some other great individuals.
neon9000 Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 IGN: Age: 15 Why do you want to join: Because I love whilisted servers Strengths in Minecraft: Building/Explorting How many years have you been playing MC: 2 years How much will you be playing: Alot Microphone: Yes Will you be posting vids to Youtube: no Youtube channel: Not Posting
thedarkjedi Posted March 28, 2014 Posted March 28, 2014 IGN: darkjedibrad Age: old lol 42 Why do you want to join: looking to play on a server to lonely playing single player Strengths in Minecraft: a little of this a little of that How many years have you been playing MC: 2 How much will you be playing: about 2 to 3 hours a day or so Microphone: yep Will you be posting vids to Youtube: not yet Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/jedi1701a
pixelpolly Posted March 28, 2014 Author Posted March 28, 2014 Hej there guys! Thanks for your interest. I will keep this post up for another couple of days before making any decisions. One thing that I would like to encourage is if there are any female players that would like to join the server as well you would be more than welcome. I think we would all benefit if we had a mix of genders on the server. Over and out for now and I will get in touch with you guys soon and thank you again for your interest!! //pixelpolly Chip342 and Vegeta_RES 2
Vegeta_RES Posted March 28, 2014 Posted March 28, 2014 Totally agree polly my last hexxit server I use to play on had a good gender mix, it made for some interesting RP storylines, we did an SAO theme one time. Anyway, xfingers I make the server
TheCantStopMe Posted March 28, 2014 Posted March 28, 2014 (edited) IGN: TheCantStopMe Age: 15 Why do you want to join: I like and love whitelisted servers and like that the griefing of the server is little to none. Strengths in Minecraft: Vanilla - good at potions and creative buildings Mods - Good at almost everyone How many years have you been playing MC: 1 year How much will you be playing: 2-5 hours, depending on baseball practices and games Microphone: Yes I do have on Will you be posting vids to Youtube: Depends if other people will. And I see others will so I will start off with recording. Youtube channel: TheCantStopMe Skype (If needed to contact me about server): TheCantStopMe Edited March 28, 2014 by TheCantStopMe
Bakoj Posted March 29, 2014 Posted March 29, 2014 IGN: Bakoj Age:30 Why do you want to join: I am looking for a whitelist server that doesn't go down all the time and has a small group a people I can get to know and enjoy playing minecraft with. Strengths in Minecraft: Building, played FTB a long time got really deep into bees How many years have you been playing MC: about 4 How much will you be playing: 1-3 hours, depending on work and family Microphone: no Will you be posting vids to Youtube: no Youtube channel: N/A
KimmothyP93 Posted March 29, 2014 Posted March 29, 2014 IGN: xButterflyBonesx Age: 20 Why do you want to join: It would be nice and interesting to play on a server where the people are a little older. For me, being around older people helps me grow as a person. Strengths in Minecraft: General survival, building small and potion making How many years have you been playing MC: about 2 years How much will you be playing: a couple hours a day Microphone: laptop mic Will you be posting vids to Youtube: no Youtube channel: N/A
Dudeguybrah Posted March 29, 2014 Posted March 29, 2014 IGN: Dudeguybrah Age: 23 Why do you want to join: Im looking for a community of adult players who are more mature. Strengths in Minecraft: I'm a Builder. Not so good at surviving but I can definitely build things. How many years have you been playing MC: Roughly two years. How much will you be playing: Daily or semi-daily depending on how work goes. Microphone: Laptop mic but getting a new one isn't a problem Will you be posting vids to Youtube: Eventually Youtube channel: N/A ... .. .. . Yet.. .. ... ..
DJ_Locks Posted March 29, 2014 Posted March 29, 2014 I'm applying for myself (DJ_Locks) and my younger sister (babyblue1717 aka BB). IGN: DJ_Locks and babyblue1717 Age: We are 27 and 21 respectively. I'm much more mature than 27 though, and BB... Well, I can keep BB in line, lol. JK, she'll kill me if she sees that I wrote that! Why do you want to join: We've been playing AOBT on another server for about a month now. But the server's future has become uncertain and lag has become a serious issue so we're looking for a new place to build stuff and have fun. Strengths in Minecraft: I'm pretty proficient with the project red item system, and can help other people get set up. BB loves doing builds and especially loves microblocks... We didn't see her for a few days after she realized she could do mini-pixel art! How many years have you been playing MC: About 6 months each. How much will you be playing: I usually put in 1-2 hours after work during the week, BB does more during the week, and we both play quite a bit on the weekend. Microphone: Yes and yes. Will you be posting vids to Youtube: That's the plan, eventually. I'm a bit of a noob at the video making, but it's coming along. Youtube channel: Not yet, BUT SOON! If you need anything else hit me up on Skype.. nathan.shaw66 That's about it really, hope to see everyone on the server!
dundyna Posted March 30, 2014 Posted March 30, 2014 IGN: dundyna Age: 25 Im female Why do you want to join: i've been wanting to try out this modpack for some time now, but its boring to play alone. been looking for a small mature server where i can hang out with people around my age. i know your searching for people above 30, but i've read the other applications and see that lots of people from 20 and up ar applying, so i thought its worth a try after all i find that the age gap deminishes as you get older. Strengths in Minecraft: do i have any? i would say that im a person who instead of burying myself into one or two mods, jumps from one to another, never standing still. I know the basic in minecraft, and i have more knowlegde about some of the mods. And i plan to keep learning as i play and have fun. I havent counted how many years i've played, but i know i first tried mc. at my brothers account when it was just starting up. and that i got my own account sometime around 2011-2012, since then i guess i've been a little on and of over the years, more off than on until last summe,r when i got on a server and started playing first ftb unleashed and then direwolf when the new version got out. as the new year started the server closed down and since then i've sort of been searching for the perfect server to join. How much will you be playing: hard to say, im a student, so it will vary, but average i would say probably a few hours 2-3 days a week or so. Microphone: yes Will you be posting vids to Youtube: I seriously doubt it, i only use youtube to look at others video. Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/dundyna
snakqc Posted March 30, 2014 Posted March 30, 2014 (edited) Hello , Im Louis , a 23 years old boy from Quebec , Canada IGN: Ibennz92 Age: 23 (i know you are looking for 30 years old + ) Why do you want to join: I started watching Mindcrack video like 2 years ago always wanted to be on a good community server , and i just started to play minecraft again , thanks to this awesome modpack. I like to interact with people and do role-play. Strengths in Minecraft: I'm a good technician , most of time i figure a way to use item/block in my advantage . I always tought of long-term thing . How many years have you been playing MC: hmmm. good question , Il say at least 2 years . How much will you be playing: I usualy play around 3-6 hour a day , depending on what i'm doing. Microphone: Yes i have one with Skype/teamspeak/ventrillo ( but Im a french-Canadian , i got an accent) Will you be posting vids to Youtube: Maybe i can do a Weekly recap of what happen on the server . Youtube channel: I dont own one thank alot for taking your time to read this , i'm hopping to join your server Edited March 31, 2014 by snakqc
bigjaws3 Posted March 30, 2014 Posted March 30, 2014 IGN: Mastersphinxster Age: 30 Why do you want to join: Lookin for a place to have fun with out griefers and little kids messing things up, looking for agood community i used to be on a really good ftb server for 2 years then the owner shut it down after he stopped youtube. so just really looking for a good server to start again Strengths in Minecraft: Building How many years have you been playing MC: 4+ years How much will you be playing: Most of the day everyday Microphone: logitech Will you be posting vids to Youtube: would like to i do have a youtube channel would like to do a colab with ppl would be the best for me i think Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/bigjaws83
TrueDelta Posted March 30, 2014 Posted March 30, 2014 IGN: TrueDelta Age: 14 Why do you want to join: It get very annoying when you get very far on a modded server, then the next time you log on theres signs all around your base saying "GET REKT" So I would Like to join for a Mature community and so my creations can stay safe Strengths in Minecraft: Building, Redstone (Somewhat) And Creativity How many years have you been playing MC: 3 years How much will you be playing: Atleast 2 hours a day, I still have a Vanilla Microphone: Turtle beach P11 Will you be posting vids to Youtube: Yes Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/betacrew231
Drake_lance Posted March 31, 2014 Posted March 31, 2014 IGN: Drake_lance Age:28 Why do you want to join: I'm looking for a nice server with a few nice and mature people in it with who I can built a nice community. An other reason for me to join a server like this is that I find it boring to play alone all the time. Strengths in Minecraft: I'm very creative! And I love to built things. How many years have you been playing MC: about 4 or 5 mounts How much will you be playing: 1 to 5 hours a day. 5 to 7 days a week. Microphone: My microphone is built in my laptop. But if needed I can buy a better one. Will you be posting vids to Youtube: Maybe in the future. at the moment i just want to enjoy playing at a server (hopefully this one). Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ0b5vBboFVtzdemLw94ItA
FjolvartheLucky Posted March 31, 2014 Posted March 31, 2014 (edited) Edit Edited July 31, 2014 by FjolvartheLucky
thedarkjedi Posted March 31, 2014 Posted March 31, 2014 Edit: By the way, do I have to download the mod pack client side or is it server side? client side
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